The best advice ussually is not asking to become one. I'll add some quotes from the Help page and from some of the Stickys.
If you would like to become a moderator, you first need to show that you are responsible on the site; show a good posting record over a long period of time (minimum 6 months) with excellent manners, patience, and spelling and grammar, and maturity in tough situations, and you may be granted these exclusive rights! We usually hand pick moderators, but if you feel you have what it take, contact us on the Contact page... we are really, really picky though!
If you believe you could be a mod, do not ask the other mods if you could be one, either show us through a good behaviour, or use the contact page to ask the staff. Please do not suggest other users either. If they are not mods yet, then they are either being considered already, we are not looking, or they have been rejected (for now).
We choose our moderators by selecting members of the community who are responsible, mature, and contribute in great ways to the site. We watch in our own eyes and suggest to each other who should become the next mod. If you say to us "hey, I want to be a mod!" you are hurting this process because we want to choose based on qualities of users we need... leadership, responsibility, maturity, respect, and dedication to make the site awesome. Saying "I should be mod!" makes us think twice... mod material comes from people who SHOW US they can be a mod, not ASK US.
So don't: Ask a mod to make you a moderator on the site. Ask an admin to make you a moderator on the site. Suggest a user to become a moderator on the site.
Well, that's pretty much it. If you need more info I suggest you to look into the Stickys and the Help page. One last advice, try to enjoy the games and the forums at AG and don't be desperate to become a Mod, I think that if you ask any of the Moderators they will tell you that it is a hard job and that it involves lots of responsability. As Gantic said: "It's not all gumdrops and rainbows".
In addition to what BlackSkullDragon gave you: I hear that before you become a Moderator you have to complete some kind of odd ritual ceremony. Hmm, I forgot which thread it was in, but Cenere explained it well. Read this thread for the seriousness of becoming a Moderator.
Keep in mind that having any sort of disciplinary action taken against you pretty much disqualifies you from becoming a moderator, too. So if you've had even a single temporary ban, you might not even be considered by the team (the entire moderator team has to unanimously agree to let you join, because they all have to trust you implicitly)
Ian, what happened to the inbox system in beta? I sent probably 1-2 messages to you, but I'm wondering if they were ever sent at all. Either that, or you're ignoring me. You wouldn't do that, would you? ;3
Well, once we slim down the moderator team leading up to the AG3 launch, we'll probably have a better process in place to let users apply to be moderators, but we'll be looking for users who have been registered members for a minimum of 12-18 months, have a minimum forum post count (without spamming), and as always, be accepted unanimously from all other remaining moderators... gotta work as a team, so they have to be able to get along, etc.
Because it was for fun. There was no discipline involved at all so it shouldn't be all that bad.
Yeah, that killed his chances of ever becoming a moderator. In fact, he told me he was going to try and become a moderator, which is the only reason I banned him. That way, I could leave an ugly mark on his record.
By the way, I'll get that mark taken off your record if you give me 20 dollars.
Well, once we slim down the moderator team leading up to the AG3 launch, we'll probably have a better process in place to let users apply to be moderators, but we'll be looking for users who have been registered members for a minimum of 12-18 months, have a minimum forum post count (without spamming), and as always, be accepted unanimously from all other remaining moderators... gotta work as a team, so they have to be able to get along, etc.
That's going to be insane. Imagine how many applications from people a day you would get. Unless you were to make it have some sort of filter system only letting users that have been here for a year or longer, have x amount of posts, etc. . apply.
I have been a user for a little over 6 months and I had my account banned for one day (because I did some minor spamming), so it looks like I don't have much of a chance of becoming one.
I don't think one tiny infraction will affect your chances as long you be an outstanding user in the future. I could understand with multiple, moderate infractions, but one standard infraction shouldn't matter a bit. You just have to counter it with lots of *insert ideas/links here*.