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ForumsThe TavernThis world is currently....not good enough

96 14860
13,344 posts

Ever have one of those days where you don't want to do anything at all?

And when you start doing nothing, you don't want to be doing that either?

Yeah, today is one of those days for me. I don't really want to be here on AG, but I don't want to be anywhere else either. The only place I don't want to be is anywhere.

No, I'm not suicidal, just for the record. I'm just completely and utterly bored with absolutely everything.

Any ideas?

  • 96 Replies
4,104 posts

Could you be more specific to what you mean by that?

Breaking the 4th wall means the characters inside the video game realize their in a video game. It's related to the games story but bioshock's story had a twist that makes you feel like you were being played by the game. It's just so perfect.

I had a feeling it would be, and I've never enjoyed reading anyway.

I can guarantee you will enjoy this book. It's really chilling and it has the best ending imaginable. Plus It's not a book, It's a graphic novel or a comic book (I'm not sure which one)

You can also watch the movie Waking Life which is so philosophical that your mind will be blown after watching it. This movie is more or less impossible to explain so i won't even try.
13,344 posts

I really need to learn to refresh the page more often.

check this site out to see if anything intrests you

They all look so good! But I'm really in the mood for a burrito from a certain burrito place, and one of these days I'm going to go out and get one.

You're having something creative to do with all these excuses.

I'm sure now that I think about it, that's one of the reasons I made the thread. I didn't think about it when I made it, but I'm great at coming up with excuses for just about anything.

You're link.

That made me think about smiling.

This may sound completely insane, as well as making me sound like some AG-obsessed loser, but I think this depression outburst is a reaction to TTICA being locked. Really though, that was my favorite thread in any forum I had ever been to. I just can't seem to cope with that loss yet.
134 posts

They all look so good! But I'm really in the mood for a burrito from a certain burrito place, and one of these days I'm going to go out and get one.

Do it! Fulfill your dream, Ernie, fulfill it!!! Haha jk, well jk about the sarcastic/ urgent way I was sayiing it in my head. But do go get a burrito. What is the place called?
134 posts

[]Text displayed[/URL]
Lowercase it.

[url=]This was the only burrito[url/]
Lets see if it works...
134 posts

And.... I epically fail.... D:
Sorry Ernie, I tried my best.

4,104 posts

This was the only burrito[url/]

Nope you wrote [url/] at the end not and if you click on the box to add a link once it adds [url] if you click again it add [/url] so you don't need to type it.
13,344 posts

Breaking the 4th wall means the characters inside the video game realize their in a video game.

I don't know if I've ever played a game that broke the 4th wall.

What I want to know is, what do you do in this game?

I can guarantee you will enjoy this book.

Watchmen was probably the most depressing movie I've ever watched. You just told me that the graphic novel was more depressing. I don't see why I should read it.

What is the place called?

If I told you, you'd know where I live.
1,936 posts

This was the only burrito

There ya go.
If it still didn't work, then I'm sorry for double failing.

13,344 posts

2 habanero peppers, seeded and minced

Does the recipe work without these? I've eaten them before and I can't handle the intensity.
134 posts

Does the recipe work without these? I've eaten them before and I can't handle the intensity.

Im sure it does, there only there to add flavor/ spicyness(?) maybe subsitute in banana peppers instead.

If I told you, you'd know where I live.

One of a kind, eh? Well normally the small buisnesses that are one of a kind are totally the best. :P
13,344 posts

Im sure it does, there only there to add flavor/ spicyness(?) maybe subsitute in banana peppers instead.

For some reason, homemade burritos never taste as good as the ones you get at restaurants. It doesn't matter who makes them; if they aren't made in a Mexican-type restaurant, they just don't meet my standards.

One of a kind, eh?

Two of a kind, actually. Maybe more. But it's local, so I don't really feel comfortable giving out much information about it.

All I can say is, they make a burrito that I've never been able to find anywhere else, and now I'm addicted to them.
4,104 posts

I completely failed with links in my post demonstrating links

I don't know if I've ever played a game that broke the 4th wall.

If any character in a TV show or a game says something about the person watching or playing, thats breaking the fourth wall (the wall separating what's in your computer monitor and what's outside of it)

What I want to know is, what do you do in this game?

It's an (only offline) first person shooter with a lot of unique gameplay. It's pretty hard to describe without giving away parts of the story. I don't know if I've ever played a game that broke the 4th wall.[/quote]

If any character in a TV show or a game says something about the person watching or playing, thats breaking the fourth wall (the wall separating what's in your computer monitor and what's outside of it)

What I want to know is, what do you do in this game?

It's an (only offline) first person shooter with a lot of unique gameplay. It's pretty hard to describe without telling parts of the story. [url=] You can watch the trailer here.
The game also has probably the best atmosphere i have ever seen in a game.
13,344 posts

It's an (only offline) first person shooter

Ah....that's what I wanted to find out.

I really don't like FPS games. It's not that the games themselves are bad; I just don't really like shooting. I don't mind it in the GTA series because it's more of a driving game, but I don't care much for the FPS style.

If any character in a TV show or a game says something about the person watching or playing, thats breaking the fourth wall

Yeah, I just don't think I've ever played any games like that before.
4,104 posts

Yeah, I just don't think I've ever played any games like that before.

It's usually just a line someone says, not an entire game.

It's not the generic FPS either. There is shooting combined with plasmids (Which are abilities like freezing an enemy, telekinesis, making enemy's attack each other) that are used in combination with guns. If you don't play the game the only thing i can say is your loss.
2,420 posts

Ernie, I have read somewhere in Men's Health that one doesn't trully find themself until they are 30. You're nearing that age and maybe you just are confused about what you want to do with your life.

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