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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
3,766 posts

Ok.....ummm and you want us to help you how exactly?

You cannot help me anymore. I was just responding to Ace.
5,952 posts

pangtongshu, you think I read? >.> I hate reading, I just clicked the forum.

Then leave. If your not going to participate in the discussion then go to another forum. Spam is bad.
what is a merit on armor games profile and how do u get one/them?

Ok, I get that your new, but this is the relationship advice thread. Not the newcomers forum. Just for that, I wont tell you. The people over at the newcomers would be more than happy.

Argh, people keep interrupting our riveting conversation of.... nothing...
767 posts

No, but not thinking. I obviously know the area code where she lives, because I lived there. I know that part is correct. Also, I know her home phone, just not cell.

You cannot help me anymore. I was just responding to Ace.

Have you tried calling each number?
As in say this was her phone number she gave you:
ABC-DEF-GHIJK (It is pretty obvious that "K" is the missing one, but still...)

But you know "ABC" is correct.
So you then try ABC-EFG-HIJK
Then onto the next one or so.

If she wrote down dashes then problem solved.

But ace has the whole "stalkers guide to women" going on.... no offense ace, of course.

None taken. Dal, if you want to download all of her facebook album pictures, lemme know!
I am acting creepy again sorry.

Then leave.

Pickpocket. Wat r u doin?
then go to another forum.

Ok, I get that your new, but this is the relationship advice thread. Not the newcomers forum. Just for that, I wont tell you. The people over at the newcomers would be more than happy.

5,952 posts


NO! This is really the most entertaining thread out their right now, and I will not let it be ruined!
Sorry, I was stressed. You see I have two tests tomorrow and im cramming now..... which is why im on AG. And things like this tend to annoy me. I feel sorry for the vets when I was new, geezus.
None taken. Dal, if you want to download all of her facebook album pictures, lemme know!
I am acting creepy again sorry.

Only facebook? C`mon bro. You gimmie a nice camera, the house location and a day and I`ll get all the photos you want. And pretzels. Lots of pretzels.
You just got one-uped
Have you tried calling each number?
As in say this was her phone number she gave you:
ABC-DEF-GHIJK (It is pretty obvious that "K" is the missing one, but still...)

Geez, ask her sister! RAAAAAGE!!!
*cough* Sorry, I`m better now.
3,766 posts

Have you tried calling each number?

How much time do you think I have? That would take forever.
Dal, if you want to download all of her facebook album pictures, lemme know!

You only know her first name. How would you find her page?

Also if I wanted, I could do it myself. Hitting 'save image as' isn't that hard.
C`mon bro. You gimmie a nice camera, the house location and a day and I`ll get all the photos you want. And pretzels. Lots of pretzels.

Pretzels! Sold. Though, for one I don't have a nice camera. Two, same thing as I told Ace. And even if I told you, most likely you would have to fly to another state. I would not pay for the plane ticket.
767 posts

You only know her first name. How would you find her page?

There are two things I could do. I can scroll through all of the people with her first name and which I rather do not.
You provide her FB email.
You provide her last name.
Or you can provide her page link.
You can provide the tiny thumbnail of her FB picture.
(I will eventually add her).
I am not asking for it, but you know? These are all hypothetical reasons not to be taken seriously.
Also if I wanted, I could do it myself. Hitting 'save image as' isn't that hard.

No! That is old fashioned! Windows 98 fashioned. Even though Facebook is newer I believe. There are these nice FF add-ons that let you download all the pictures in an album. Good part is they don't have to be your pictures.

How much time do you think I have? That would take forever.

If we go by my theory it wouldn't. Considering you know the area code which leaves 8 different numbers to try I believe.
3,766 posts

I can scroll through all of the people with her first name and which I rather do not.

And guess who it is? You wouldn't know if you had the correct person?
I am not asking for it, but you know? These are all hypothetical reasons not to be taken seriously.

Haha, I know. But she would not add you. And she would get really mad at me.
5,952 posts

So daleks, we have given you time. Did you get it yet?

3,766 posts

Did you get it yet?

No, sadly not. It isn't a huge deal. When she is back online she will notice that she messed up. So, all I can do is wait.

Anyhow, does no one else have any problems right now?
5,952 posts

Anyhow, does no one else have any problems right now?

In the effort to keep this alive I will share. Its not a problem, more like an inconvenience.

I have been getting mixed signals from multiple girls. So, simply, what are signs that someone likes you?

I asked my friend this question and he said, "Well, if they dance like a stripper for you they probably like you." -_-
1,627 posts

I asked my friend this question and he said, "Well, if they dance like a stripper for you they probably like you." -_-

Well it's true...

So, simply, what are signs that someone likes you?

They might blush when you start talking to them, they might look bashful and divert their eye contact, they might start to breath shorter breaths, and they might start licking/biting their lips.

Hope it helps.
9,808 posts

I have been getting mixed signals from multiple girls. So, simply, what are signs that someone likes you?

From's almost impossible to tell sometimes. You just have to go with your gut feeling and try to find out (like asking out)

I know a girl that I go to school with...the past few months we have been texting/talking and she gave SOOOO many "signs" that would indicate she had feelings for me (to back up my thoughts I asked my best friend, who is a girl, what her thoughts were and she said that the other girl had, without a doubt, feelings for me). Well, a few days ago I decided to ask her out and was (sadly) rejected, getting a text from her about 30 minutes later saying "Sorry I only see you as a friend"

Just a lil anecdote to show how girls can be tricky when it comes to their "signs" that they like you..
3,139 posts

I love how guys try analyse girls like yous have us all figured out.
Are we easy or hard to read? Yous all claim us to be difficult game playing little minxes. We're not all like that.

How do you know if a girl likes you? Same way you find out if a guy likes you, you ask or they tell. All this "She makes a point of talking to me" etc, is bull. Sometimes we just want to talk to you, doesn't mean me want to jump your bones. Ask her, for dig around asking her friends or your friends to find out. Simples.

5,952 posts

Yous all claim us to be difficult game playing little minxes. We're not all like that.

Well it's true...

look bashful and divert their eye contact,

That I see a lot, but if thats true then anyone who looks away while im looking at them is deeply in love with me.
From's almost impossible to tell sometimes. You just have to go with your gut feeling and try to find out

Mhh. Ok.
Well... That conversation didnt last long....
8,253 posts

I have been getting mixed signals from multiple girls. So, simply, what are signs that someone likes you?

In my experience, if you think you're getting mixed signals, you're likely overthinking things and there's actually nothing going on. Happens to us guys all the time Usually if a girl really likes you and doesn't hide it, you'll know it yourself.

But as Jefferysinspiration said, the only thing that really works is asking. If you don't want to, stay friendly, keep open to everything, and don't get your hopes up.
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