In You're banned, spartandestroyer and MEGAMANXPERT are serfs. However, they call themselves surfs. So, I have created a game that pits the so-called surfs against the Anti-Surf Offense Network led by me. Here is the battle status:
i use S.U.R.F. (see above) to secretly devise a strategy with u.
OK,i summon a "zig",the rvr vambrace,the r99 last dancer,the "kagura" (hellsinker),the militant and gambler(progear),and alot of other player ships to engulf you all (EXCEPT SURFS) in the HELL OF A TRILLION BULLET HELLS OF CARNAGE! Destroyer,you know what to do next,COMBINE OUR ATTACKS!!!!
its time to kickass and chew bubble gum! and we are all out of gum so we have to kickass and kickass. and we are all out of kickass. (attack modifier +200 dmg per hit)
200 atk plus my bullet hell attack equals 200 more bullets,THE SCREEN IS COVERED WITH BULLETS NO REFUGE NO REFUGE I do a secret tech: a mysterious ship appears. WARNING: a huge battle ship EPIC SURFBOARD is approaching fast . Destroyer,power up the ship,IT IS OUR ULTIMATE WEAPON!