In You're banned, spartandestroyer and MEGAMANXPERT are serfs. However, they call themselves surfs. So, I have created a game that pits the so-called surfs against the Anti-Surf Offense Network led by me. Here is the battle status:Surfs: spartandestroyer, MEGAMANXPERTAnti-Surf Offense Network: Patrick2011Statuses:Damaged: noneCritical: noneDead: nonePost what you want to do to your opponents in this thread. To join the surfs, say:"I am a surf."To join the Anti-Surf Offense Network, say something to the effect of:"Surfs are bad."Because I am also playing, anything as a creator will be in normal text, while anything I post as a player will be in italics.
Whoops typo i ment WE ARE:Anyways, A means we are NOT SURFS and B means we ARE SURFS!You just said we ARE SURFS!!!!!
i can still send "flag owneroftheaccountsname" to anyone who isnt a surf. and i can ignore non-surfs and non-admins.
Your typo wasn't given quickly enough, so I take back B and change it to A. You are NOT surfs.
Patrick2011 finally agreed that we are SURFS!!!
Do not block me from changing my answer. It was a misread, therefore, it was OK to change my answer. YOU ARE NOT SURFS!!!!!
are we...A-not not not not surfs?b-not not surfs?c-not not not not not not not not surfs?d-not not not not not not surfs?e-correct?
The typo doesn't even change the answer you still said we are SURFS!!!!
You know rules about specific users? Yeah, this count. And then there is a bit of spam, and so on...
Thread is locked!