That's very nice and I like how you smear it all over the forums but you have to have come to the realization that you don't have that right?
We are arguing about whether Universal Healthcare is good or not. Similarly, you don't have that either. But that's irrelevant, because we are debating whether it is ideal or not.
The manipulation of other humans or groups of humans is part of being human.
Companies only manipulate if it benefits them.
Also put away your elitist notions of being intellectually superior in these forums
Intellectual superiority has nothing to do with this - in saying that "I think I am right" is not the same thing as saying "I'm smarter than you." There's a big difference. And I don't see how this is anything BUT a personal attack.
Relying opaque words and sudo-logic will not help your argument if it itself is weak.
Again, a personal attack - you're not pointing to anything in the argument itself.
You use the same formulas in all your writing, it's like you have nothing new to add and just paste your opinions into your logical schemas hoping that it results in conscience and clear arguments.
Another personal attack.
(same paste schema again)
Why should I come up with new material if people haven't addressed old material yet?
Really would you like to list them out to me? No much of a point if you can't even back it up, or you chose not to because you see it failing against itself. So you just generalize it hoping that I wouldn't nitpick it.
There - they have extra money to produce or buy any of the above.
They have extra money to create any of the above.
OK - here are a few examples. And above all, these are things that taxpayers choose - not things that the government chooses with other peoples' money.
And I don't mind
nitpicking. I don't get upset when my arguments are attacked. But please refrain from personal attacks.
Risk taking doesn't always lead to positive results. So really it's neutral so there isn't much of a point to drive at.
All business ventures involve some risk. But, for instance, look at the Empire State Building in New York City.
Empire State BuildingHaving to employ thousands of workers for such a project means that you think that this venture will work - that it will turn a profit. But what if you only keep 50 cents of what you would have earned from profit and you lose 100 cents of what you have just paid your workers.
In this way, taxes discourage innovation and potentially very profitable ventures such as the building of the Empire State Building (or insert another costly business venture).
Also think about everyday businesses. How much more difficult it is to set up a business if you only get to keep 50 cents of every dollar you make and lose 100 cents of every dollar in costs! And this added cost means you have to charge twice as much for your products to turn a profit, and with this added cost, that means that consumers are worse off! And yet many would claim they are helping small businesses!
I don't think anyone in Canada minds having slightly higher taxes. When we get better services.
You only get to see what is seen - you never get to see the unmade goods; the unbuilt buildings; the uncreated jobs. It takes a huge psychological effort to imagine all of these things.
Seems to me a large jump to conclusions. That's like saying if you aren't payed more you won't do so well. But there have been studies that show that maxing out rewards doesn't lead to better performance.
The government isn't spending its own money - it gets its money from taxpayers, and it will continue to get money from taxpayers no matter what.
Businesses are spending their own money - they get their money from consumers, and they will only continue to get money from consumers if they remain competitive.
Thus, businesses are forced to appeal to consumers, whereas inefficient government programs can perpetuate themselves for decades.
So your assuming that health care will fail?
It's a conditional statement.
No the product or brainwashing and egocentrism has dulled your points and the structure is weakened by your elitism.
Personal attack.
Also nice job taking personal offense to points someone else raised.
Please tell me where this is, and if it indeed was taking offense to points someone else raised, I apologize. But I honestly don't know where this was.
Funny how you think that health care is a bad thing yet most of the world agrees it's not.
Funny thing how you atheists don't believe in god yet most of the world agrees there is a God...
A majority says nothing about the truth.
American is know for making poor overall choices. Ranging from your choice of nuclear material to use in nuclear reactor to your metric system.
Are you saying that Americans use too little nuclear power?
Attacking Americans in general doesn't really say anything about the argument either.
But it's fine if you can justify it to yourself and ignore all other points and problems you have with your own system.
Bitter irony.