All I know is that money should not be involved in having healthcare.
[quote]Then how will healthcare be provided?
Tax is money.
It doesn't matter if it's a free market or national health care, money will be involved.
Republicans are more interested in money than people having healthcare.
Not necessarily true by any means what-so-ever. Don't get me wrong, there are republicans, as well as democrats, who are only interested in money, but this statement is pretty worthless in itself.
I would be considered republican, and I would rather people be able to afford health care for themselves than force everyone to pay for an inflated health care program. Remember, the American health care system did not represent the free market. There are many politicians who screwed health care up so that it became more expensive. Rather than finding alternate ways of paying for health care (through taxes), I believe we should allow hospitals to compete wherever possible and force them to lower prices.
Of course, if you have an emergency, you probably won't have much of a choice as to where you go, but anything less than that is an opportunity to sit down and do some research and compare hospitals to fix problems.
The point is, health care will cost money. Money will always be involved. Hey, I want poor people to be healthy too. I think it would be great if everyone could get healthcare for free, but it isn't free. It comes out of the pockets of everyone, the rich AND the working class. Don't get me wrong though, I still believe there are ways to help the poor who have illnesses. For one, we can fix our insurance companies so that they can compete with each other more. We can also find ways to push drugs into the market sooner and cheaper.
We can also get rid of medicare, which means taxes will go down and people will have more money to pay for medical treatments. There will also be less government driving away competition, meaning more businesses that will be cheaper and more effective.
We all want to help the poor, but we should help the poor by letting them have more money. We shouldn't keep giving them money so that by the time they finally make enough to pay taxes, we take their money away making them poor again. Why work when the government can pay for you?
So no, I'm not a heartless git. I believe in allowing people to help each other without using force, and allowing companies to compete with each other which will drive businesses to under cut each other's prices which allows them to have more business than their competitors, making prices ever more cheaper for the customer.
The government forces you to pay for their services, anyone who undercuts them can not "steal" their business away, because people will always be paying the government. The government will have no incentive to lower their prices (taxes) to compete with other companies.
So please, let's stop with the "what about the poor?" We should let those who want to take care of the poor take care of the poor and offer the poor more health care options that can be customized to fit their individual needs (making costs cheaper).