Yep. Another insane Christian destroyed the artwork. This time it was "Piss Christ"
Depicting a cross in a glass of the painter's urine. If you are wondering what the "Another" was for, I am referring the the Loveland (I think that was the place) place which had it's artwork showing Jesus in a bad light, receiving a blowjob if I remember correctly. Though from what I hear, this one is still going to be shown. In it's destroyed state.
What do you think of this attack? Insane borderline terrorist attack? Insane normal attack? Or are any of you insane enough to state these attacks where good things?
It's amazing that they didn't do a thing about Touchdown Jesus when it was erected out of plastic. Good thing Zeus took care of that.
The only reasons why it was vandalized are because: it was not made by church officials; it was made with eccentric material, most commonly referred as demeaning and low. People should really learn to control their image. Lately, their uncontrollable rage just keeps lowering and lowering it.
Though in the Christians' defense, why urine? Why a cross in a jar of urine? What symbolism was the artist relaying by creating this?
Though in the Christians' defense, why urine? Why a cross in a jar of urine? What symbolism was the artist relaying by creating this?
From what I here, the artist likes the ambiguity. But one of the most perceived is, ironically, that Christians are urinating on the positive ideals of Jesus.
It's amazing that they didn't do a thing about Touchdown Jesus when it was erected out of plastic. Good thing Zeus took care of that.
Got to love Zeus. I think his buddy, Thor, helped, though.
From what I here, the artist likes the ambiguity. But one of the most perceived is, ironically, that Christians are urinating on the positive ideals of Jesus.
Very ironic. Though I suppose if there was something I believed wholly in, such as anti-outsourcing, and there was a political cartoonist that created a comic that unintentionally drew very negative vibes toward the principle, I would perceive it as intentional. I don't know if I would take action against that. I'm lawful to the point that I respect another's point of view.
Think about what? The Christian destroying it or the artist making it?
If it's the artist you are referring to, thanks, if it's the Christian, then gtfo because that's a stupid way to put something.
Not to mention freedom of speech is gone anyway - so yeah freedom of expression isn't going to show up anytime soon. Except for fanatical theists.
What symbolism was the artist relaying by creating this?
Perhaps Christ was treated as such as he was being nailed. I don't know, but it's creative and if it is that message then the Christian shouldn't be such an ignorant ******bag and be grateful if anything.
On that note.
Dude... Awesome.
<3 Age of Mythology by the way, I might make a map with Greek Villagers called Christians praying at a Temple which will be called a Church.
Yep, I am that sad.
Or, MageGrayWolf, you could buy the game and then post the video LOL
Religious art I hate and personally the humorous art MageGrayWolf shown us was fantastic.
You could call it freedom of expression but so is murder and arson.
Precisely why I went against it.
It isn't really freedom of speech anyway for the christian.
I know, but freedom of speech is much less harsh than freedom of expression (as your examples murder and arson have shown), so fanatical theists and etc get free reign on some things where I cannot say what I please outside of this house (I'm talking about what people would consider offensive on a serious manner. I wouldn't do it for abuse, but because I'd have a reason behind it).
Someone's gotta be taking the piss here - I mean, seriously? Why would Christians destroy or remove art because they didn't agree with i- What's that? The Vatican?
Of course it was intentional, I couldn't resist it, on a (rather sad and somewhat depressing) subject like this - there has to be humour to lighten things up.