Recently in an assembly in my school about the Easter holidays we where given leaflets from this evangelical organization. It told us we should believe in the Christian God or we would fail to rule ourselves and die. Do you think this acceptable in schools? Should Religious schools be allowed? And how should religion be taught in schools?
where i live, there is a law against teaching religion in school, and you can get arrested for trying to tell a class about a religion. it is all part of this thing where sense we have freedom of religion, if you tried to teach it, that wouldn't be freedom of religion. it would force the kids to believe what the teacher says.
Teaching kids about religion doesn't mean saying "class this religion is the right one" it's saying "this is what Christians believe"
Religion is the parent's choice until the child is 18 years old, then they have full freedom in their religion, or anything else for that matter. Religion is a good thing to be taught in schools as to increase religious tolerance and reduce ignorance, but it shouldn't be crammed down your throat. Basically, its good if it's being taught, but schools shouldn't have a say in what religion you are.
Religion is the parent's choice until the child is 18 years old
Wow, I would hate if this was true. Religion is a choice and will always be a choice. Most of my family are atheists but Im Christian and Im 13.
Religion is a good thing to be taught in schools as to increase religious tolerance and reduce ignorance, but it shouldn't be crammed down your throat. Basically, its good if it's being taught, but schools shouldn't have a say in what religion you are.
I agree fully with this. Religion is nice to be taught in school but they shouldnt cross the line of forcing a religion unless if its necessary.
Yeah why not. You might want to pick up the Constitution sometime... it's a fascinating read.
Erm... While I'm not debating against the Constitution being an interesting read - the link given in the OP was for an Australian site so I'd imagine that the person who posted the thread is Australian and not American.
Not to mention that's an opinion question different people have different views.
Religion is the parent's choice until the child is 18 years old
Only if you happen to live on a Mormon ranch somewhere in Utah. Then you've been brainwashed into it. You can't force someone to accept a religion, they might be reading the scriptures and reciting the holy word but if in their minds they're cursing every word they utter it means nothing.
forcing a religion unless if its necessary.
How could it ever become necessary to force the acceptance of a religion?
Sure, Religious schools should exist. I don't like it, but it's their right. Now for public schools, I think that having optional unbiased religion classes is okay.
Religion is the parent's choice until the child is 18 years old,
Erm... While I'm not debating against the Constitution being an interesting read - the link given in the OP was for an Australian site so I'd imagine that the person who posted the thread is Australian and not American.
I highly doubt the Constitution's points are highly disputed in developed civilizations... besides China or something.
Only when it relates to history, no school I know of actually has a religious studies class. Although I could be wrong. Keep in mind that this statement only applies to public schools.
no school I know of actually has a religious studies class. Although I could be wrong. Keep in mind that this statement only applies to public schools.
No I don't live in the US, I'm Canadian. I haven't actually had religion class before, but of what I know, we cover the basics of religion, the different types of religion, why there is religion, who influenced religious views, how religion works, and then I think we teach some religions and it's history/ways.