ForumsWEPRReligion in schools

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77 posts

Recently in an assembly in my school about the Easter holidays we where given leaflets from this evangelical organization. It told us we should believe in the Christian God or we would fail to rule ourselves and die. Do you think this acceptable in schools? Should Religious schools be allowed? And how should religion be taught in schools?

  • 64 Replies
1,627 posts

Oh yeah, something annoying about my public school...
At the holidays the show choir sings so many darned Christmas songs, but not one real Hannukah song. They always sing about the dreidel going round and round, eating the latkes around the table, etc. I mean, how hard is it to learn a translation of Ma O'Tzur, or Hannukah O' Hannukah?

9 posts

Religion in schools? No, I don't think schools should be teaching kids religion or trying to persuade people to respect their gods. It's up to the people of what religion they are, not the school. I think they should be teaching kids about religion, but not in a persuasive way. For example, my school is currently studying the Aztecs, and we are learning about their religion and what they did.
But is it that big of a deal in the first place?

71 posts

I went to a catholic school from 4 to 12 grade. I think that it makes a difference on what school you go to. In my high school I had one religion teacher tell us to think of the bible as a myth story, a love story. And then I had another that called himself a kamikaze theologian. He really taught us to think about religion and that all thing need dissent. I think he influenced me the most, in taking a good look at religion and deciding if you really fallow what they teach. From what I can tell most of us who when to my catholic school ended up not really practicing. I know I decided not to fallow any religions as they're beliefs are drastically different from my own. So I say if they are teaching you to think critically about religion and make up your own mind about it its fine. If they are just trying to indoctrinate you then itâs not.

554 posts

My dad went to a catholic boarding school where he had 2 hours of mass on Sunday and 30 minutes on Wednesday and had to say his prayers before meals and bed and almost everyone at the school is not a catholic now because it completely put them off.

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