my fav is mew. i cant really say who are my 2nd and 3rd... i really like charmander, jigglypuff, buterfree and lucario but i like alot of pokemon. i had a problem with the saphire top 4
My Favorite Pokemon to have is a Charizard, but my most used pokemon is a Gyarados, simply for its move range.
Gyarados v. Lapras, that thing's hitting me with ice beam when all of a sudden, WHAM! thunderbolt! Magikarp is extremely hard to level up. It may eventually learn tackle at like 15 or something, but it does like no damage, and it has some of the largest XP requirements of any pokemon in the entire series. that all pays off when you get that gyarados at level 20... ah... such good times.
charizard all the way he can even beat blastoise if you gave him the right attacks 2nd is zapdos 3rd rayquaza or raikou (i like the electric legendaries a lot)
I know this one is old but I've always LOVED Beedrill. My second would be gastly (or however you spell it) I liked him because he was a ball of gas. My next would be Geodude because he was a rock type pokemon but could float for some reason
i failed with the raikou as you can tell and i posted the charizard cuz i knew you pplz would enjoy it. and an issue i have with the versions of the games are they are all the same pretty much just a new coating to the pokemon paint and thats it really
Ugh, the question rears it's head... I'm just going to ignore the "1st 2nd and 3rd favourite" part and state my favourites... I mean, I find it unfair to have to rate them... So... Beedrill, Treecko and Evos, Xatu, Wigglytuff, Lucario, Duskull and Evos, Snivy, Zubat, Gible and Evos and Sharpedo.
I like these, not because they are good in battle, but just 'cause, really. *cough*thoughmylv100beedrillkickslegendarybutt*cough*
definitely magicarp because when he hits 20, garados, OWNES gym leaders in ruby. Spinarak was cool, loved how gold had a night and day feature. god gold was beast. im ganna find my gameboy color and bring it to school and just play the sh*t out of pokemon gold
pikachu mostly because you see pikachu with ash in like every episode and he was ashes first pokemon so that was a instant like for me and my 2nd would be zigzagoon because when i was a kid and got ruby version i thought it was really cute but if i had to pic a number 3 idk ferligator (whatever you spell it) cause when i played crystal i would allways choose totodile when i started a new game
My 2 favorites are electabuzz (because he looks awesome and I like electric) and squirtle. I like squirtle because he was the first pokemon I ever got, when I got Pokemon Blue like 12 years ago, and I've picked a water pokemon starter for every game since. Yes, I have at least one game per generation.