People often complain about how their prayers always go unanswered, and I was just wondering what the AG community thought about this topic. I was also interested in where your opinions where on asking God for something.
Kasic what the heck did that have to do with what I say? My point was that when 314d1 said he could foreshadow, I pointed out that predicting a storm is different than writing that someone would perform miracles and die on a cross a couple thousand years before it actually happens.
My point was that you could not fabricate a religion nowadays because all the vague predictions and contradictions would instantly disqualify it. Where in the bible does it say that god will send down his son, he will be betrayed, and then be cruxified, specifically. Does it say how long he will live while on the cross? Does it say the name of the diciple that will betray him? Does it say who will doubt him? I remember no such predictions, only the mention of god sending down his son and that they should await him.
How do you explain the miracles that happen? A nun prayed and was cured from parkinson.
Given we have no further examination of what happened how can I? Sorry but personal testimony is not evidence, without further study into what occurred we can make any determination as to what the cause of her cure was.
Sources are sketchy at best on even the "miracle", but it seems she fell ill again and one doctor who examined her seems to think she wasn't suffering from parkison's at all. If this doctor is correct it would explain her being "cured".
He, HE?!, said he was her sister? And this place bought it?
Anyway again we can't make such a determinations and it's far more likely he was just some nut wanting to make your mom feel better. I would be more inclined to believe a combination of a placebo, luck, and/or misdiagnosis. There are plenty of people who have recovered from what at first seemed to be an unrecoverable condition and this is regardless of ones religion, lack there of or if they are prayed for or not.
I don't disregard these events but I have to weight them against other likely possibilities and against the evidence of how many times prayer does not work. Something which you guys seems to simply disregard, thus ending up bolstering and bias results.
Well, perhaps you should pick one up sometime and read it. You might find it interesting
I looked at them all, they are all BS. They involve mental gymnastics, assumptions, and many other things...
I pointed out that predicting a storm is different than writing that someone would perform miracles and die on a cross a couple thousand years before it actually happens.
Not when a guy doesn't really die on a cross or preform lyrical, and even if he did die on the cross that it seems to have been a self fulfilling prophecy. Something like "The misia is supposed to be killed on a cross. I am the misia. So I need to be killed on a cross. "
As for miracles being performed by God; there aren't buddhists or muslims flocking to miracles such as Our Lady of Fatima or incorruptable bodies, saying, 'that was our God!'
1. Kasic, does your teacher give you the answer to tests before you take them?
No, but my teachers give me the knowledge needed to answer the questions so I have no doubt that I am right when I am taking a test, hence why I pass them. If my teacher doesn't tell me something I need to know I ask and I am told how, but not during a test. God just throws a bunch of impossible to answer tests at you, omniscient that he is, knows whether you will pass or fail already, thus invalidating the need to have taken the test, and he has already either pre-accepted or pre-condemened you.
As for Kasic and the Wolf fellow; Kasic, ever heard of the ten commandments? Because some say that's God's law, and Wolf, life on earth is supposed to be a fulfilling experience for us, assuming you have friends and such.
As for miracles being performed by God; there aren't buddhists or muslims flocking to miracles such as Our Lady of Fatima or incorruptable bodies, saying, 'that was our God!'
Oh Nurvana, I did read over your link, and it's just a bunch of heavily, extremely, stretched passages. It's quite easy to do so after the fact, but before, you could say any number of things for all of those on that site. Yes, I have heard of the 10 commandments, but those nowhere nearly cover all that Christianity teaches. Ever read the bible? There's more than just those for the laws of it.
As for Kasic and the Wolf fellow; Kasic, ever heard of the ten commandments? Because some say that's God's law, and Wolf, life on earth is supposed to be a fulfilling experience for us, assuming you have friends and such.
there are actually 613, and three difference sets of these specific ten, and these ten differ depending on which denomination you subscribe to.
Gee Wolf scientifically explain christian miracles.
Scientifically we would have to look at a case by case basis. Though it's likely the same as any other miracle. Unlikely or otherwise misinterpreted events that are arbitrarily attributed to what ever god the individual believes in.
As for Easter, it was originally named after Eostre, the pagan god of fertility (Hence why the rabbit and egg are used to celebrate humping and birth). Usually, easter was celebrated by the age old pagan practices of feasting, festivities and orgies (As usual, Christians like to muck up a good orgy). It was also because it occurred during the spring equinox, a big event in pagan faith.
Just wonder what's your source on this? I've only been able to speculate on the orgy part.
[quote](As usual, Christians like to muck up a good orgy).
Going with MageGrayWolf, where did you hear this??? I'm a Catholic and I'm OUTRAGED by this!!![/quote]
You're outraged?
muck up vb (adverb) Informal 1. (tr) Brit and Austral to ruin or spoil; make a mess of 2. (intr) Austral to misbehave
Basically, they had orgies, and you "ruined it". I don't see why you're outraged.
And it originating from a pagan holiday is something I've heard several times as well, though I have no source to point to and am currently feeling a bit too lazy to look one up.