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Is it just the moment now, or are the Generations below us loosing less and less morals and views of right or wrong, and are doing things that would never be thought of by us at that age, and never done at all by our parents?

  • 65 Replies
1,606 posts

Except real life bares consequence? Parents would think "Holy crap, if that Gladiator meets our kid in Town Square and he tries stealing his prize harvest they're going to die." instead of "Go on boy! Shoot, shoot! Awwww good one kid!!!"

he only problem with bringing violent situations into virtual and thinking it won't do any harm is if a kid who gets exposed to that at early age thinks "oh yea that's life" especialy if thaty's the only experience they have of life
1,558 posts

I, personally, will not say my age (Check my profile to see it, I don't want to announce it), but I get mad very easily. I don't swear (often) and I am against censorship. I don't believe in it because people will discover the wonderful world of sin eventually. We shouldn't raise our kids to be naive about the world, that's why we have so many kids in trouble, whether it's their fault or not. Kids should be taught as soon as they understand it, or, in some cases, even before that.

3,025 posts

is if a kid who gets exposed to that at early age thinks "oh yea that's life" especialy if thaty's the only experience they have of life

I'm a freakin' geek and I'm better than that.

Then again, I don't think they were taught the same as me, either.

Oh, and to be fair I was going against virtual things - if it were real, there would be risk, and thus precautions, since its virtual, blind and dumb parents don't point it out despite the fact its the basis of their kids ethical understanding.

Everything has a big influence in one form or another.

I know people who are growing up in bad situations have nothing agianst stealing and smoking or drinking, they find it a way to cope with where they are.

In a way it's reasonable - "fight fire with fire", it's a bit like self-defense.

No, I'm not saying its justified but let's be honest - in their situation where they probably would haven't been taught as well or furthermore couldn't care because of their situation - do you really blame them?

- H
2,399 posts

CBA is a severe form of laziness. Often comparable to a psychological/medical condition

Hey man, I just learned what CBA Means... You sure about that?
"Can't Be Arsed. CBA is a severe form of laziness. Often comparable to a psychological/medical condition"

I'm probably more mature in front of anybody I'm trying to impress, but generally sarcastic with people I know. I'm good with people I don't know.

Bu tI really like the idea or the maturity level, maybe we just completely get rid of age groups. Not everyone who is 16 is qualified to drive, not every 18 year old can go to college. I've known kids who are much better at school and everyday things than many above generations. Maybe I.Q. should say whether or not you can do something...
1,606 posts

No, I'm not saying its justified but let's be honest - in their situation where they probably would haven't been taught as well or furthermore couldn't care because of their situation - do you really blame them?

No i don't blame em at all and that's what I was saying, it's not that their morales are worse from the generation to generation, it's just where you are.
3,025 posts

I'm good with people I don't know.

I'm the best with people I don't know. lol.

Especially if they don't know anyone I currently know, otherwise hell breaks lose.

Maybe I.Q. should say whether or not you can do something...

Not even that to be honest. It'd be difficult gaining a moral understanding because the answers would be there, you just have to say "I believe in this" and etc. It would be an insane amount of time going into whether someone is worthy of doing something based on their maturity, which is a dang shame.

I've known kids who are much better at school and everyday things than many above generations.

It's funny since my brother is a spoilt, lazy and arrogant ******bag my parents think the same of me. I consistently say whenever they're like "the pair of them" that if they need help I'll do it.

Not gonna work though, I have better moral understanding than my mother, apparently "Cause I said" is a viable reason for anything she wants me to do.

Yep. F M L

not every 18 year old can go to college.

I think someone willing to learn more than they have to is probably mature enough.
But hey, I'm in High School, I'm not even sure I would know that (I'm being serious btw).

Also, another medical condition in the "Laziness" category is the "Effort" one. My brother-in-law has it and it has changed him...
He's one of the worst cases of them all, he lacks discipline, he knows what he should do but... the Effort... It's just so far ahead of him...

- H
3,025 posts

Sorry for double post but hey.

No i don't blame em at all and that's what I was saying, it's not that their morales are worse from the generation to generation, it's just where you are.

Sorry, I wasn't directing the question at you XD

And yeah, it isn't always about where you are though. Sometimes being in a rough place is a good thing.
For instance, my mums a smoker and now because of her I DEPSISE smoking. My father did tell me it was bad, of course but hey - I got the idea myself, because I've never taken his word for granted unless it is some news and not actual ethical or scientific knowledge lol.

- H
9,462 posts

Is it just the moment now, or are the Generations below us loosing less and less morals and views of right or wrong, and are doing things that would never be thought of by us at that age, and never done at all by our parents?

"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?" -Plato, 4th century BC

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, they show disrespect to their elders. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and are tyrants over their teachers." -Socrates, 5th century BC

"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words. When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint." -Hesiod, 8th century BC

"The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress." -Peter the Hermit, 1274

Oh, how things have changed...
3,025 posts

You just shut me up dude.

Ugh. I hate you.

Okay, well the argument "Something needs to be done" has been standing for 1.6 thousand years then, correct?

- H

2,399 posts


Considering that almost all the great things we know of now today happened after the 13th century... There all wrong! Those immature things they did paved the path for great inventions!

3,025 posts


Haha Mage! You stand corrected!

I think.
Just give him a moment Krizaz, he's cooking something up.

- H

2,027 posts

Considering that almost all the great things we know of now today happened after the 13th century... There all wrong! Those immature things they did paved the path for great inventions!

Wasn't that his point? That people have always thought the young were reckless and immature, and today's no different?
2,399 posts

Wasn't that his point? That people have always thought the young were reckless and immature, and today's no different?

So your saying.... Old people suck. No wonder republican idiots always win, can't let them young intellectual gun slingers get to them.
2,027 posts

Old people suck. No wonder republican idiots always win, can't let them young intellectual gun slingers get to them.

So you're saying that you like to chew on cacti? Seriously, that's bad for you.

That was about as relevant to your quote as what you said was to mine. What I said was that adults have always thought kids misbehaved more than when they were kids, just like they do now.

I'll quote myself from a post on the first page:

I sort of think it's always been bad, it's just that people don't notice it until they get a bit mature themselves, thus think younger generations are getting worse.
3,025 posts

Wasn't that his point? That people have always thought the young were reckless and immature, and today's no different?

Ideas back then weren't entirely logical though, that's a bit of a backdrop.

Everything else I did not understand lol. So I'll just throw that out and let it develop a bit.

- H
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