Is it just the moment now, or are the Generations below us loosing less and less morals and views of right or wrong, and are doing things that would never be thought of by us at that age, and never done at all by our parents?
I believe it is hard to tell how the generation below you will really be until the generations age is older. Too early to tell..
But comparing how other generations above them were, and how each thing made them turn out to be a certain way is better, then the lower generations are pretty much screw'd
I'm pretty sure there are yoyo effects and unpredictable turns; I doubt that one can analyze previous generations and foretell a continuous evolution in one or another direction.
I personally don't see what is worng with swearing since if I get really angry it really helps alleviate feelings but I agree that drugs, alcohol and smoking might be getting a bit out of hand. I don't think you can accuse generations below you of stuff when you are 15 but I'm like 12 so maybe your view changes a lot over 3 years, I don't know.