ForumsWEPRGenerations below us.

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Is it just the moment now, or are the Generations below us loosing less and less morals and views of right or wrong, and are doing things that would never be thought of by us at that age, and never done at all by our parents?

  • 65 Replies
4,871 posts

Moral and ethical agreements. It's slowly secured itself a place since religion has lost its grip on many people however it has, in my opinion, been quite slow.

So you believe the two, religion and ethics, are exclusive?

Compare that to the slow growth of morality... it's not a pretty sight. :<

Ignoring biological sciences (stem cells, abortion, cloning, genetic modification etc.) humans are generally supportive of new technology as it doesn't require us to significantly alter our society, ideals, and what not. Morality on the other hand is a very prickly subject because we don't like to be told that we are wrong and our ancestors before us were as well.
4,871 posts

Given the start date that's debatable then. I tend to think of myself as part of Generation X.

Fair enough, I suppose I didn't realize you were over 30.

Either way our generations are fairly close, perhaps you fall during a period of generational overlap.
3,025 posts

[backhands Highfire upside his head] There's your enlightenment you whipper snapper! That's another thing this younger generation is far more violent then the past ones!

Ow. :<

So you believe the two, religion and ethics, are exclusive?

I don't see Religion mentioned that much in here.

Morality on the other hand is a very prickly subject because we don't like to be told that we are wrong and our ancestors before us were as well.

That's because without religion there appears to be no "salvation" for it. Forgiveness isn't top on my morality but it is required since the flaws in culture are huge and expecting a drastic change without forgiveness (or even with forgiveness) is nearly impossible.

But, self-awareness of possibly becoming wrong can be found in biological advancements as well, for instance, when you are arguing you can become irrational as your brain fires off the stimuli you receive when you are defending yourself from a threatening situation.

Did I get that right? Good enough, I guess

Fair enough, I suppose I didn't realize you were over 30.

Woah. lol

I'm surprised someone above the age of 30 is posting here, although it is quite nice in its own way.

- H
9,462 posts

Either way our generations are fairly close, perhaps you fall during a period of generational overlap.

If it's the generally accepted 1982 start date then no. If it started as early as 1976 then yes.
9,462 posts

I'm surprised someone above the age of 30 is posting here, although it is quite nice in its own way.

I tend to relate to teenagers.
3,025 posts

Aside from being 2 posts before reaching my next hundred of posts, I'd like to add that my parents are from before your time, MageGrayWolf. They're both around 45 years of age and you're, from what I can tell (2+3=6) 35.

Use this knowledge how you please.

- H

4,871 posts

I don't see Religion mentioned that much in here.

That doesn't really mean anything, although religion isn't exactly the poster boy for progressive morality and ethics I find that it occasionally has more to do with organized religion than with the religion's itself; men who use ethical stability to hold power.

That's because without religion there appears to be no "salvation" for it. Forgiveness isn't top on my morality but it is required since the flaws in culture are huge and expecting a drastic change without forgiveness (or even with forgiveness) is nearly impossible.

I'm not entirely sure I get what you're saying here. That the idea of forgiveness precludes ethics?

But, self-awareness of possibly becoming wrong can be found in biological advancements as well, for instance, when you are arguing you can become irrational as your brain fires off the stimuli you receive when you are defending yourself from a threatening situation.

How about biological sciences based upon reproduction? Messing with the "sanctity of life" I don't agree with that I'm simply reporting what I've seen.
3,025 posts

I tend to relate to teenagers.

As in? Are you regularly considered as mature as one because if so... I'm surprised people think that of you

men who use ethical stability to hold power.

It's not ethical then, it's just an illusion of it

I'm not entirely sure I get what you're saying here. That the idea of forgiveness precludes ethics?

That in a world where ethics was top notch in every single person forgiveness would be apparent in accidents and not some of the more brutal crimes.
Can I tell this for certain? No, the situation has never arisen and I can't speak for that situation until it has happened so really speaking we could disregard this argument.

How about biological sciences based upon reproduction? Messing with the "sanctity of life" I don't agree with that I'm simply reporting what I've seen.

Er.. Sorry I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.

- H
4,871 posts

It's not ethical then, it's just an illusion of it

Yeah, like I said organized religion, in general, has not historically promoted ethics.

No, the situation has never arisen and I can't speak for that situation until it has happened so really speaking we could disregard this argument.

That might be for the best, I'm still not 100% what you're talking about.

Er.. Sorry I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.

People tend to get pissy when people &quotlay god" when we do things biologically that don't naturally occur.
3,025 posts

People tend to get pissy when people &quotlay god" when we do things biologically that don't naturally occur.

Like what happened to Scientific advancement in the Dark Ages, religion got in the way. :<

But yeah, that is generally what happens and to be honest they usually hold a pacifist opinion when we question their authority - why not do the same because quite frankly these are ongoing debates which to some people have already been sorted and it is quite the shame they still persist. :<

That might be for the best, I'm still not 100% what you're talking about.

Good, that makes 2 of us. XD

Yeah, like I said organized religion, in general, has not historically promoted ethics

Despite their book being based on ethics? Let's be honest - you're wrong and I'm right if I follow the Bible, and that's how its been going for a while.

Are we both in agreement that the Bible is based on ethical situations? Because although I've not read it that's the gist I've gotten from it, correct?

- H
195 posts

Despite their book being based on ethics?

Agreed. Religion at it's core definitely promotes ethics. Even when extremist groups kill people it is because of their ethics. Ethics are "Moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior". These morals don't necessarily have to be good or bad.
9,462 posts

from what I can tell (2+3=6) 35.

Not that old.

As in? Are you regularly considered as mature as one because if so... I'm surprised people think that of you

Some of my family might, but they're idiots. I tend to look younger and I tend to find the "adult" conversations far more boring. Some also say I don't dress my age.
3,025 posts

Adult conversations GRR lol. It's enraging when they attempt to appear completely mature, in situations like these it will probably resolve in heated arguments - hence my open retardism, making sure people are aware that there are idiots on the internet and many things said should not be taken to heart.

Not that old.

You say 1976, correct?
34 Then? xD If you can't provide me with an exact date of birth (which ofc I don't expect you to) then it's fairly difficult to guess. xD

- H
4,871 posts

Despite their book being based on ethics?

Ethical progression.

Are we both in agreement that the Bible is based on ethical situations? Because although I've not read it that's the gist I've gotten from it, correct?

The bible is simply a work of historical fiction, there are ethical situations but I would not say the entire bible is based upon them although they do play major roles.
789 posts

Kids always get worse with the generation below us, but has it gotten to the point where they will... to put it simple ruin humanity. If everyone is lazy, fat, procrastinates, and never goes outside... How much would we get done? I believe a large part of how they are, is how they are raise. Their surroundings have a big impact, but it is also the surroundings a parent provides that sculpt their minds.

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