ForumsWEPRMy Quest to talk about stuff: Donald Trump

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What?! - This thread will live and die... With you.

What is this, you may ask...

Well, I'll tell you, this is my quest against bordom. This quest will involve me and you, it will involve me researching a writing about topics in my opinion, and about you responding to those opinions.

I am writing this because I think enough people know what my views are, and with that they won't be all confused (as much at least).

Each week I will be selecting a new topic to talk about, yes this is a bit like the topic that lets you discuss a topic, but this is more about you discussing my opinions and creating your own. This is like my own dictatorship.

Okay... Lets get into the dirty stuff

I've got the idea after watching a episode of The Daily Show, at the very end of the Daily Show when they ran a clip of Trump talking about his assumption that he did everything. In the interview he said something about not seeing Obama's birth certificate, kindly, the interviewer pulls out a copy of the certificate, and Donald immediately pushes it away. Now... What this is telling me is that Donald Trump only wants some attention, he doesn't care about the actual certificate, just about what it is doing to his image.

After typing his name on Google, I came across many results, such as... Donald Trump booed... Trump drops F-Bomb, Trump called racist. And this is only the first 3 articles that popped up. In any of those articles I did not hear 1 positive thing. What this should say to Donald is that he's a joke, he should have never been in they frey, and should have stick to firing people.

I'll be doing my own little summary of the 3 articles I mentioned

Trump booed at White House Correspondants Dinner

This was not random people booing him, these were members of the media, people selected to write articles and vlogs about this person. The reason he has been booed so wildly is because of stupid, stupid comments like these.

calling America's leaders "stupid" and declaring the United States was "not a great country"

All in all, int the past month, in which he has declared that he wants to run, or is hinting at it. He has said some of the stupidest things that anybody has ever said outside if the internet. This will obviously be used against him if he runs, and I don't see how he can be so idiotic to say things like this!

Trump Drops F-Bomb in Las Vegas Speech

Now this is just stupid. How can you be so dumb that you drop the F-Bomb, sure people have said the F-Bomb before, but not while thinking of running for president or for the GOPs top spot! All in all, just about every GOP candidate has said something stupid this year.

In this crazy 30-minute speech, Trump said several profanities in his speech, singling out political leaders and foreign policies for the most part. Therefore, making the entire world absolutely hate him, even though it's clear the press hates him.

Whilst saying that all his things are made in China, he also said that he is going to tax China through he roof, at %25! Does he have any idea how much that will make his products cost?! There is already enough inequality in China, does he want to make it worse by making Chinese companies compensate for that? Or is he just trying to shove China off completely, the USA can not survive without China as a trading partner.

"There is a really good chance that I wonât win because of one of these blood-sucking politicians."

Right you are. And I hope you don't win because your absolutely crazy!

About (Late) Last Night: David Letterman Calls Donald Trump Racist

This one has a video so you can listen to that and read!

David Letterman is my second favorite TV personality, second to Jon Stewart.

This was actually when Dr. Phil was on the show, the talks happened like this.

Letterman asked Dr. Phil, point-blank, "Do you consider him to be a racist?"

"I do not," he replied.

"Well how can you say things like that if you're not a racist?"

"I don't think he always thinks everything through," Dr. Phil said in a bit of an understatement. "I think sometimes he's a little from the hip. I don't think he has a racist bone in this body."

Now I have some respect for Dr. Phil, but I think he's being a bit of a favoritism because he's friends with Donald. As you can see, Letterman called Trump racist, which is correct, which white man has been called into question so deeply much like Obama has? McCain is less american than Obama, as far as I know McCain was born on a US Virgin Island, where Obama was actually born on a US State.

Trump is so racist he called his grandma black 'cause she's liberal. (Not true, but he would.)

It was obviously awkward for Phil, being a friend of Trump, as he tried to laugh it off as change the subject.


What I think is that trump is a whack job who would ruin the country if he ever came close to being president. And that the USA is getting mentally stupid by the minute.

Watch the full episode for The Daily Show from April 28.

Look for a new topic to discuss in 1-3 weeks!
  • 70 Replies
2,399 posts

Fearmongering doesn't work well for me. I don't see why adding a thrid or fourth major party for some diversity and competetion is a bad thing. It could break the vicious cycle you call politics. Maybe even break the social stagnation you exist with.

I would like this idea... Except that it already exist in the USA. I don't know how you keep it clean in Canada, but here, we have lots of political corruption, giant companies making illegal donations, ACORN, and lots of other small or large things. With this corruption focused on two parties, it is impossible to focus in on the smaller ones.
1,482 posts

Fearmongering doesn't work well for me. I don't see why adding a thrid or fourth major party for some diversity and competetion is a bad thing. It could break the vicious cycle you call politics. Maybe even break the social stagnation you exist with.

But why should we when it works? Our country defines itself on foundations from things like it's constitution.
We've added a third party before, some even received electoral votes.
The idea is is that you lose more and more of a concentrated man as you go up the chain, in the end there will be only one president, he will not be 100% what you want him to be.

I just don't see it as stagnation. Those are as open as bounds get, you either go liberal and change, or go conservative and stay/go back. Everything in between with words like 'conservative' and 'independent' are mixed up in there. I don't see it as stagnation. I do get what you mean by fearmongering, it seems that in this day people on both parties are afraid the other side more than they are of not getting their policy, leading to a nasty buildup of partisanship based on voting for your party instead of your ideas, especially in congress with a lot of votes being all democratic v all republican.

I hope though, that with time, that cycle can break as people with different leanings come to head different parts of each party, in order to form a more collective governing body that isn't influenced by things like... Donald Trump [point for returning back to the subject at hand ]
3,437 posts

But why should we when it works?


I hope though, that with time, that cycle can break as people with different leanings come to head different parts of each party, in order to form a more collective governing body that isn't influenced by things like... Donald Trump

Contradicts this.

The problem is your idea of the system "working" is having two parties tear down whatever the other one builds up. How can you consider that a system that works?

I just don't see it as stagnation. Those are as open as bounds get, you either go liberal and change, or go conservative and stay/go back. Everything in between with words like 'conservative' and 'independent' are mixed up in there. I don't see it as stagnation. I do get what you mean by fearmongering, it seems that in this day people on both parties are afraid the other side more than they are of not getting their policy, leading to a nasty buildup of partisanship based on voting for your party instead of your ideas, especially in congress with a lot of votes being all democratic v all republican.

Would you like me to list things that America has yet to do to show that it has progressed humanely as a society?

And on what grounds does a bloody business man, who's gone bankrupt god knows how many times, run for president?
64 posts

President Trump = Robocop Future.

5,043 posts

[quote] First, I would like to point out that the Daily Show should not be mistaken for real news.

Neither should Fox News.[/quote]

That really has nothing to do with any of my points.

But in defense of David Letterman, Donald Trump has brought up the race issue in America by freaking out whether Obama was american or not, making him a type of racist, he did not question McCain even though it is said he was born outside the USA. All in all, it's because he's black.

I still don't really think that's enough to claim someone is racist though. I don't think it's because Obama is black, I think it's because his father was from Kenya, Obama has a very foreign last name, and it took a while for us to even see his birth certificate.

I do agree that the whole birth certificate thing was a bit dumb. I'm certain Obama had to present it before running for president. I know our government can be stupid at times, but I don't think they are that bad.

Mitt Romney: We have to hang Obabma by the Neck

Very racist....

For the statement to be racist, he must have stated that Obama should be hanged because he is black.

1. He didn't bring up Obama's race at all, let alone as a reason he should be hanged.

2. This is quote mining at it's absolute finest (or worst).

He wasn't being racist AT ALL.

"You remember during the Ronald Reagan/Jimmy Carter debates? That Ronald Reagan came up with this great thing about the 'misery index,' and that he hung that around Jimmy Carter's neck, and that had a lot to do with Jimmy Carter losing.

Well, we're going to have to hang the 'Obama Misery Index' around his neck. And, I'll tell you, the fact that you've got people in this country, really squeezed, with gasoline getting so expensive, with commodities getting so expensive, families are having a hard time making ends meet. So, we're going to have to talk about that, and housing foreclosures and bankruptcies and higher taxation. We're going to hang him â" so to speak, metaphorically â" with â" you have to be careful."

[quote] Romney is not a racist

Maybe not, but he didn't help his case.[/quote]

So... we aren't allowed to insult people who are black because it might be mistaken as racism? That's kind of ironic.
2,399 posts

That really has nothing to do with any of my points.

No, but I consider the Daily Show as a much, much better news source than Fox News.

I still don't really think that's enough to claim someone is racist though. I don't think it's because Obama is black, I think it's because his father was from Kenya, Obama has a very foreign last name, and it took a while for us to even see his birth certificate.

But why even question it if he has to be born inside the USA to run for president. See, racism, (old) people are scared by a minority with power.

2. This is quote mining at it's absolute finest (or worst).

That wasn't the actual quote, just an topic title. Look up Mitt Romney race comment'.

1. He didn't bring up Obama's race at all, let alone as a reason he should be hanged.

It doesn't mean it's not a sensitive subject.And obviously lynching have had more to do with racism than anything else. Your skewing the question into territory that should not be talked about. It was a metaphor that he misstated and people will take that as racist and stupid. What your saying is basically... "He's no racist because he didn't say he was', you can say our not racist and still be racist, you cannot deny everything.

He wasn't being racist AT ALL.

Your a joke. Maybe what he said wasn't meant to be racist, but ti sure came out that way. You cannot deny what has been obviously coined as racism by the media, now Mitt Romney can deny what he said was racist, but that will not change the media or peoples view of what he said.

You are so ignorant. I've seen this is many areas you've posted in. You must know your ignorant, and there is no way on earth that your a blissfully ignorant.
4,689 posts

No, but I consider the Daily Show as a much, much better news source than Fox News.

Because you have preconceptions that are reinforced by the daily show. Its the same with any news station. If it says what you are thinking you like it.
See, racism, (old) people are scared by a minority with power.

Age has nothing to do with racism. Young people make as many jokes as old people against races.
It doesn't mean it's not a sensitive subject.And obviously lynching have had more to do with racism than anything else. Your skewing the question into territory that should not be talked about. It was a metaphor that he misstated and people will take that as racist and stupid. What your saying is basically... "He's no racist because he didn't say he was', you can say our not racist and still be racist, you cannot deny everything.

You are skewing it into racism territory. Instead of hanging it is now lynching of Obama. Now its a misstated metaphor that show his racist roots. Now saying you aren't a racist shows just how much a racist you really are.
Your a joke. Maybe what he said wasn't meant to be racist, but ti sure came out that way. You cannot deny what has been obviously coined as racism by the media, now Mitt Romney can deny what he said was racist, but that will not change the media or peoples view of what he said.

You are so ignorant. I've seen this is many areas you've posted in. You must know your ignorant, and there is no way on earth that your a blissfully ignorant.

I think its the fact that anytime anybody says anything that from a certain point of view sounds a bit like race is involved the media runs with it. This then leads to everyone calling him a racist based on a biased report.
195 posts

But why even question it if he has to be born inside the USA to run for president. See, racism, (old) people are scared by a minority with power.

NoName brought up good points but I will also add that Michelle Obama mistakenly called Kenya Barack's home country in a speech. [url=] I'm sure that didn't help. People try to find racism in everything when there are many other possible reasons other than racism.

It doesn't mean it's not a sensitive subject.And obviously lynching have had more to do with racism than anything else. Your skewing the question into territory that should not be talked about. It was a metaphor that he misstated and people will take that as racist and stupid. What your saying is basically... "He's no racist because he didn't say he was', you can say our not racist and still be racist, you cannot deny everything.

Many different races have been hanged in the past. In the Salem witch trials, I believe the witches were hanged. Does this mean Romney believes Obama is a witch? Again, this is an example of trying to find racism. He may be racist but to assume he is because he said a man (who just happens to be black) should be hanged is reading too much into what he is saying.

You cannot deny what has been obviously coined as racism by the media

The media can be wrong.
2,399 posts

The media can be wrong.

The media is wrong often, but if thousands of sources are calling the comment racist...

Does this mean Romney believes Obama is a witch?

No... It could mean many different things. I don't think Romney meant to say it like he wanted to hang Obama, he was speaking to fast and not thinking. But i could be interpreted as racist because Obama is black and other than that has nothing going for or against that is as sensitive.
1,482 posts

Wolf I wasn't contradicting myself. Democracy fixes the contradiction. It will work, but not if we elect people who will form a political conglomerate that won't lead to anything resolving out. I mean, people criticize this nation continuously for its politics and status as an entity, but none of them know the challenges of dealing with what it is.

Most nations can define themselves on a basic background, upbringing, tradition, that pulls in unity and a lack of partisanship.
Most nations aren't dealing with 311,000,000 people -- all of which are living above the standards of other countries with the same population
And most nations don't have to bother as strongly on foreign agenda.

In a nation as diverse as this, specifics aren't going to work, broad generalizations to pull the country will.

So no matter what you say, the fact of the matter is is that Canadians have more successful parties not because they're politics are better, it is because they are different. They have more to talk about, and more to worry about in terms of specifics.

And also, you're just busting another American backbone. Anyone may run for president, I don't care if he's shot 200 people and got out of jail for being paris hilton's second cousin. Now as to whether his name will show up on a ballot is a different question, but he may announce his candidacy no matter who he is (as long as he is, of course, of legal age to do so).

Its the same with any news station. If it says what you are thinking you like it.

Crap. If a station told me what I was already thinking why on earth would I watch it. Media is intended to persuade and influence. I can't imagine all of the funnies John Stewart makes on the Daily Show -- he just gives news nicely. I can see the difference in MSNBC and CNN, yet I find both acceptable news sources -- not because I agree with MSNBC all the time, it just gives news and I may want to hear the facts it will let out in order for me to have enough knowledge to make my own decision.
4,689 posts

Media is intended to persuade and influence

And reinforce. Look at Fox and MSNBC.
2,399 posts

Look at Fox

Most educated people that aren't hermits know that Fox News is a joke and will skew any news story to make it sound as if "liberals are destroying gods gift to us!"
3,437 posts

Wolf I wasn't contradicting myself. Democracy fixes the contradiction. It will work, but not if we elect people who will form a political conglomerate that won't lead to anything resolving out. I mean, people criticize this nation continuously for its politics and status as an entity, but none of them know the challenges of dealing with what it is.

You're relying on the people to fix themselves. Most people are sheep. Sheep will simply follow the leader. This solves nothing. Saying that democracy will sort itself out because deomcracy will sort itself out isn't getting you anywhere.

And most nations don't have to bother as strongly on foreign agenda

Neither would America, but ever since the 40's Americans seem to feel a sense of entitlement to the entire world. America doesn't always need to stick its nose into every situation that crops up. Military might or not, it isn't needed. Sometimes it's just time to say, "No".

In a nation as diverse as this, specifics aren't going to work, broad generalizations to pull the country will.

Canada is also very diverse in culture. Not only in our population, but our provinces and territories. Every single province and territory has its own problems and differences it has certain demands that the federal government needs to keep in check as well. So, if the nation is that diverse a generalization will not do.

If America is that diverse generalizing the issues can cause problems over the long term. And it can be seen clearly today that that has happened.

They have more to talk about, and more to worry about in terms of specifics.

So America is a stagnated pool of the same old crap? How do you guys not have a lot to talk about? For Christ's sakes your country still gets all offended over the idea of same sex marriage. I'm not saying some Canadians aren't the same, but it's legal nationwide here.
5,043 posts

But why even question it if he has to be born inside the USA to run for president. See, racism, (old) people are scared by a minority with power.

Even if what you said is true, that doesn't make the statement racist.


(old) people are scared by a minority with power.

It's a bit hypocritical to discriminate against the old by saying old people are discriminatory.

That wasn't the actual quote, just an topic title. Look up Mitt Romney race comment'.

I quoted him from the video inside the article that you linked.

It doesn't mean it's not a sensitive subject.

What? Now we have to be more careful around blacks because we might offend them? We can talk about hanging white people, but we can't talk about hanging black people?

What your saying is basically... "He's no racist because he didn't say he was', you can say our not racist and still be racist, you cannot deny everything.

He wasn't being racist because his comment was not remotely racist.

Your a joke. Maybe what he said wasn't meant to be racist, but ti sure came out that way.

What he said wasn't racist. In fact, he said Obama's "misery index" should be hanged in the same way Reagan hanged Jimmy Carter's "misery index", which resulted in Jimmy Carter's losing (not dying).

1. He was talking about hanging the misery index around Obama's neck in the same way it was hung around Jimmy Carter's neck. He stated that the result was that Jimmy Carter lost to Reagan, which is the same result he wants with Obama, he wants Obama to lose.

2. Jimmy Carter was white. If he compared hanging Obama's misery index around his neck in the same way we used to hang black people, then it would be a racist comment.

I don't know how I can dissect what he said any further.

You cannot deny what has been obviously coined as racism by the media, now Mitt Romney can deny what he said was racist, but that will not change the media or peoples view of what he said.

Just because a majority of the people think the comment is racist does not mean it is racist. These people think the comment is racist because they are so afraid of racism that they mistake many things as racism that isn't. To be a racist, you need to discriminate against a single race. Too many people will call you racist if you merely insult someone of a certain race, even if the insult had nothing to do with their actual race.

Instead of hanging it is now lynching of Obama. Now its a misstated metaphor that show his racist roots.

CommanderDude brought up a good point. Let's not change the quote to something it isn't.

You are so ignorant. I've seen this is many areas you've posted in. You must know your ignorant, and there is no way on earth that your a blissfully ignorant.

Nope, I'm actually a racist, greedy, homophobic, white old man.
4,689 posts

Most educated people that aren't hermits know that Fox News is a joke and will skew any news story to make it sound as if "liberals are destroying gods gift to us!"

Talk to a conservative and they will tell you the same things about MSNBC. All news skews info to its own side.
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