What?! - This thread will live and die... With you.
What is this, you may ask...
Well, I'll tell you, this is my quest against bordom. This quest will involve me and you, it will involve me researching a writing about topics in my opinion, and about you responding to those opinions.
I am writing this because I think enough people know what my views are, and with that they won't be all confused (as much at least).
Each week I will be selecting a new topic to talk about, yes this is a bit like the topic that lets you discuss a topic, but this is more about you discussing my opinions and creating your own. This is like my own dictatorship.
Okay... Lets get into the dirty stuff
I've got the idea after watching a episode of The Daily Show, at the very end of the Daily Show when they ran a clip of Trump talking about his assumption that he did everything. In the interview he said something about not seeing Obama's birth certificate, kindly, the interviewer pulls out a copy of the certificate, and Donald immediately pushes it away. Now... What this is telling me is that Donald Trump only wants some attention, he doesn't care about the actual certificate, just about what it is doing to his image.
After typing his name on Google, I came across many results, such as... Donald Trump booed... Trump drops F-Bomb, Trump called racist. And this is only the first 3 articles that popped up. In any of those articles I did not hear 1 positive thing. What this should say to Donald is that he's a joke, he should have never been in they frey, and should have stick to firing people.
I'll be doing my own little summary of the 3 articles I mentioned
This was not random people booing him, these were members of the media, people selected to write articles and vlogs about this person. The reason he has been booed so wildly is because of stupid, stupid comments like these.
calling America's leaders "stupid" and declaring the United States was "not a great country"
All in all, int the past month, in which he has declared that he wants to run, or is hinting at it. He has said some of the stupidest things that anybody has ever said outside if the internet. This will obviously be used against him if he runs, and I don't see how he can be so idiotic to say things like this!
Now this is just stupid. How can you be so dumb that you drop the F-Bomb, sure people have said the F-Bomb before, but not while thinking of running for president or for the GOPs top spot! All in all, just about every GOP candidate has said something stupid this year.
In this crazy 30-minute speech, Trump said several profanities in his speech, singling out political leaders and foreign policies for the most part. Therefore, making the entire world absolutely hate him, even though it's clear the press hates him.
Whilst saying that all his things are made in China, he also said that he is going to tax China through he roof, at %25! Does he have any idea how much that will make his products cost?! There is already enough inequality in China, does he want to make it worse by making Chinese companies compensate for that? Or is he just trying to shove China off completely, the USA can not survive without China as a trading partner.
"There is a really good chance that I wonât win because of one of these blood-sucking politicians."
Right you are. And I hope you don't win because your absolutely crazy!
This one has a video so you can listen to that and read!
David Letterman is my second favorite TV personality, second to Jon Stewart.
This was actually when Dr. Phil was on the show, the talks happened like this.
Letterman asked Dr. Phil, point-blank, "Do you consider him to be a racist?"
"I do not," he replied.
"Well how can you say things like that if you're not a racist?"
"I don't think he always thinks everything through," Dr. Phil said in a bit of an understatement. "I think sometimes he's a little from the hip. I don't think he has a racist bone in this body."
Now I have some respect for Dr. Phil, but I think he's being a bit of a favoritism because he's friends with Donald. As you can see, Letterman called Trump racist, which is correct, which white man has been called into question so deeply much like Obama has? McCain is less american than Obama, as far as I know McCain was born on a US Virgin Island, where Obama was actually born on a US State.
Trump is so racist he called his grandma black 'cause she's liberal. (Not true, but he would.)
It was obviously awkward for Phil, being a friend of Trump, as he tried to laugh it off as change the subject.
What I think is that trump is a whack job who would ruin the country if he ever came close to being president. And that the USA is getting mentally stupid by the minute.
Most educated people that aren't hermits know that Fox News is a joke and will skew any news story to make it sound as if "liberals are destroying gods gift to us!"
I don't even know why Fox was even brought up at all. Is the hate towards Fox supposed to justify hating Donald Trump? Is it supposed to justify the dislike of conservatives.
If you dislike conservatives because you don't agree with them, fair enough. If you dislike conservatives because of Fox, you're just being petty.
I personally believe Trump is the kind of man we need as president now and I plan on voting for him. He is not nearly as imbecilic or vain as he is generally made out to be.
Is this going to be a calmer, more sophisticated version of TTICA?
Neither would America, but ever since the 40's Americans seem to feel a sense of entitlement to the entire world. America doesn't always need to stick its nose into every situation that crops up. Military might or not, it isn't needed. Sometimes it's just time to say, "No".
Wait wait. Lets retrack. Ever since the 1940's, we've HAD to be entitled to the world. We've had mistakes in our old quest of controlling the universe, but more good has come out of it than bad. we made a Panamanian Canal, Stopped Latin American socialism (though cruel of not letting them determine their own government through whatever means -- we get trade and corporate deals) -- heck, businesses like Chevron and Shell got oil contracts in Kuwait after the gulf war! Our agenda has always been tied to economics, always.
Canada is also very diverse in culture. Not only in our population, but our provinces and territories. Every single province and territory has its own problems and differences it has certain demands that the federal government needs to keep in check as well. So, if the nation is that diverse a generalization will not do.
I'm not trying to say bad stuff about Canada. But it still is a tenth of the population, and it's better connected in terms of nearby resources, and it has the examples of other countries in which to manage the entire area, large as it may be. It's just a little harder that managing 50 states with 10 times the Canadian population requires a little more 'generalization' at the federal scale. It won't work otherwise.
You're relying on the people to fix themselves. Most people are sheep. Sheep will simply follow the leader. This solves nothing. Saying that democracy will sort itself out because deomcracy will sort itself out isn't getting you anywhere.
I'm not relying on people to fix things. People are stupid. But I wouldn't advocate dictatorship on that premise. If the right man does step up, I hope that we will chose him. It's not as if the same men will go into Congress forever. Democracy changes because people change. So democracy can sort itself out because it does, but only because it will sort itself out differently each time. i just hope that as the world changes America is in a fit position to adapt -- doing nothing won't help but I don't think we require a reformatting of our government.
So America is a stagnated pool of the same old crap? How do you guys not have a lot to talk about? For Christ's sakes your country still gets all offended over the idea of same sex marriage. I'm not saying some Canadians aren't the same, but it's legal nationwide here.
Well, sort of. We don't really fix our problems they just come back later And I'm happy that your supportive of something that your country legalizes, but that doesn't fix a lot. Currently, America [on a federal basis] has been a stagnated pool of crap for a while. I could give you a few pieces of the crap in the pool. The smelliest is the 'war on terror'. Then we have a younger, fresher turd named 'Recession!'. We have an old decomposed thing in the back that says 'Racism + Civil Rights'.
Maybe we will talk about gay marriage, but as for now, it's not top on the list and I'm sorry that Americans don't have it yet, but that isn't an issue threatening the longevity of the country.
to everyone else
I personally believe Trump is the kind of man we need as president now and I plan on voting for him. He is not nearly as imbecilic or vain as he is generally made out to be.
Can I ask why? He's already shown he'd have aggressive foreign policy in an area where being aggressive hasn't helped, and though he may be a good 'business man' he clearly has bros in the top he'd like to support. I think more rich people in office is kind of scary.
Most educated people that aren't hermits know that Fox News is a joke and will skew any news story to make it sound as if "liberals are destroying gods gift to us!"
So why are you telling us? Everyone skews the news. If Liberals watch my show, I will tell them straight, clean, existing, happening news. I might not use mean words on one half and not the other, but if I'm an uneducated non-hermit human being I should know what is being skewed or not and have the ability to understand what is being presented to me in an unbiased manner. If not, I am stupid and unfit as a voting member of our gentry.
and as bad as Fox is [to me ] I don't see why we have to argue about it a lot. Fox likes D-trump. Okay.
Obama has trippled the national debt during his term, socialized healthcare too quickly with too large a law using way too much pork and refused to leave the war he said would be ended within a year (might be longer) of him taking office. I doubt Obama really knows how to use moderation as he practices by switching extremes instead of finding a middleground. By trying to please everybody, he has pleased nobody.
Trump would likely only try fixing the country and getting stuff done because he obviously doesn't give a **** what people think of him.
Obama has trippled the national debt during his term
Yes... Because the debt has gone from 13 trillion to 39 trillion in a matter of 3 years... That is such a stupid thing to say.
war he said would be ended within a year (might be longer) of him taking office
I dunno... Iraq? Ever heard of that place? Yeah, were pretty much out of their and on to a bigger threat in afghanistan.
Trump would likely only try fixing the country and getting stuff done because he obviously doesn't give a **** what people think of him.
You heard about how every one of his businesses fail? To him, the USA is just another business to ruin.
I doubt Obama really knows how to use moderation as he practices by switching extremes instead of finding a middleground.
He is on the middle ground right now, sadly. He was much farther left but since people are irrational and don't know anything about the virtue of patience...
By trying to please everybody, he has pleased nobody.
He has pleased plenty of people that have a hard time showing their appreciation because their down on their luck. Obama has card more about quality of life than making huge businesses more money.
Please... Someone tell me how it makes sense for the rich to get richer and the poor poorer.
Nope, I'm actually a racist, greedy, homophobic, white old man.
Well I'm glad you admitted it. (Whilst stating what many very, very extreme conservatives are).
What he said wasn't racist. In fact, he said Obama's "misery index" should be hanged in the same way Reagan hanged Jimmy Carter's "misery index", which resulted in Jimmy Carter's losing (not dying).
I never knew the 'misery index' existed. I'm not saying what he said was meant to be racist, or that he is racist. I merely stated that what he said can easily be coined as racist, therefore painting the picture that he is racist and greatly hurting his presidential bid.
He wasn't being racist because his comment was not remotely racist.
I was not talking about Romney, I was talking about anybody.
What? Now we have to be more careful around blacks because we might offend them? We can talk about hanging white people, but we can't talk about hanging black people?
I would think we could respect simple boundaries because of how the lynchings and slavery happened not too long ago.
It's a bit hypocritical to discriminate against the old by saying old people are discriminatory.
We all know old people that are open-minded enough to consider voting liberal. And with the republicans cutting social security, I think old people will become much more open minded because what they value is at stake. In the past, older people voted because they didn't want money spent on something that doesn't effect them, and now that it has, and republicans are a direct cause of that, they will want to retaliate.
It doesn't matter who it is, many people are scared by a minority with power but will not admit it, generally speaking people that join these tea party movements, which is seen as an extreme right group.
The smelliest is the 'war on terror'. Then we have a younger, fresher turd named 'Recession!'. We have an old decomposed thing in the back that says 'Racism + Civil Rights'.
Don't even get me started on the "war on terror". Fighting an idea is as pointless as it is dangerously obssessive. I'm glad we share that view though.
and refused to leave the war he said would be ended within a year (might be longer) of him taking office.
Yeah...see he figured he could, until he realized how screwed up things are over there. You, the Americans, went into Iraq (for no reason I might add) and started claiming WMD were everywhere. Turns out there were none. Unfortunately by the time anyone with any sense realized this the people who ordered you in there AKA goverment, had f'ed things up so much you were stuck there.
Obama has trippled the national debt during his term,
socialized healthcare too quickly with too large a law using way too much pork
No see what happened was the Republicans forgot they're not in the Cold War and started screaming "Communism!" while proceeding to use fearmongering to rile up the population. It worked, sadly.
I doubt Obama really knows how to use moderation as he practices by switching extremes instead of finding a middleground. By trying to please everybody, he has pleased nobody.
Hmmm who does that sound like? Sounds like 99% of politicians to me. Just wait when a republican gets into office you'll be whining about that too.
Yeah...see he figured he could, until he realized how screwed up things are over there. You, the Americans, went into Iraq (for no reason I might add) and started claiming WMD were everywhere. Turns out there were none. Unfortunately by the time anyone with any sense realized this the people who ordered you in there AKA goverment, had f'ed things up so much you were stuck there.
Full agreement, we suck at middle eastern foreign policy.
Obama sat on a middleground for a while. He kept saying bipartisanship as if he were a pre-teen who learned how to accurately drop the F-bomb Guess what -- no legislation. Presidents have to be aggressive, they are one influencing Congress. It's easy for Congress to eat them. Best case could be our first impeached president, Andrew Johnson.
Obama has trippled the national debt during his term,
According to this, the start of '08 was a 9 trillion dollar debt. 9 x 3 = 27. 27 != 14.
K done.
On a further note: Most of Obama's new debt is re-enacting or strengthening programs Bush cut. He's a democrat, wtf did you expect him to do. It's not his fault if he can pass some of his legislation and the part about raising revenue isn't working due to a fat republican congress.
I would think we could respect simple boundaries because of how the lynchings and slavery happened not too long ago.
Bull. Black kids I know don't give a 2#$@#%. Nobody is going to respect it expect those who honestly care. It's a terrible thing to think about, it's downright evil. But to say that society should morally uplift itself when faced with the offspring of those who experienced it 'not too long ago' is fail. Blacks have come a long way, and to those who still hate them -- they are an old, stupid, dying group. And to those who love them or are them -- you can't ask for anything more than equality, even if history doesn't prove it fair. And i'm not white and I'm saying that, I can't change the past but I can look towards the future without hoping for any retribution or payback.
No see what happened was the Republicans forgot they're not in the Cold War and started screaming "Communism!" while proceeding to use fearmongering to rile up the population. It worked, sadly.
Oh true! I think the old ppl in Florida that still have Joe McCarthy in their heads are really pulling this vote.
It doesn't matter who it is, many people are scared by a minority with power but will not admit it, generally speaking people that join these tea party movements, which is seen as an extreme right group.
This is not true.
Why do people, such as myself, dislike the ideas behind liberals? Liberals try to incorporate systems that are incredibly expensive. Yes, I know they are supposed to help people stay healthy, but all it does it help people remain poor because the systems cost so much.
Liberals are not anti-big business. They believe in government run business, which is a monopoly Microsoft couldn't even dream of. However, many people trust that the government, being non-profit, will not try to rip people off. People such as myself, however, feel that competition is what keeps prices down and products, for the most part, safe. When businesses compete, they try to undercut each other. This often means a business must find a cheaper way of making quality products, which means the government isn't always the cheapest solution, even if they are "nonprofit".
I don't want to debate whether the above is true or not, I'm merely explaining the TRUE reason people aren't liberal. It has nothing to do with fearing the minority at all. The whole "they fear the minority" is just an insult that's been thrown around so much people believe it to be true.