The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules." 1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS 2. Please back up your reasoning with facts 3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!
I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.
paarfam it was abit of both, you get what i meant?
i agree imogwai it has the right to exist, there are plenty of otherplaces it could exist, places with less people and places where ist not surrounded by hostile neighbours, even if you are dtermined to have that part of the world it doesnt need to beas big as that
actually its been proven that nearly all jews are not semitic
You can't prove something thats an obvious fact (not that their current religious state should really matter)
you think you can take people land just because your ancient book told you some deity said you could have it, thats not how the modern world works
Jews took it from a couple of nations, then people took it from the jews (multiple times), then jews took it back. If this world doesn't work by solving all your problems with war, where have you been living for the past 10000 years?
Besides for that, Israel has made plenty of huge developments in science and medican. The fact that they have to be scared that they could be attacked by terrorist to the point that they need to call in a bomb squad for a bag someone left in a public place, doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. Maybe the countries that make it so violent shouldn't exist...
Maybe the countries that make it so violent shouldn't exist...
If you're talking about Palestine, then let me remind you that the reason some of them are violent is because Israel was given a part of their country. And not by those who lived there either.
If having lived there a long, long time ago is enough to justify stealing someone's current home, then would Sweden have the right to just occupy Finland all of a sudden? Or maybe Germany could have most of Europe, at least that one was recent.
It's the location that is key. Regardless of whether you believe in the religion or not, the historical claim for their religion is still founded in Jerusalem.
Not only that, but iMogwai READ what the two-state solution is before trying to negate it. It's a solution that will work for both sides. Obviously the Israeli people are not going to be moved because they are supported too strongly by the rest of the world. The Palestinians being violent is not the way to go about it. They can object all they want but a solution can be met they simply must recognize Israel as a country as it clearly is. This will give Palestinians their use of the land and still keep an ethnic cultural population for the Israeli's. Read the history of the Jewish people and you will find they have been oppressed a 1000x over what anything the Palestinians are dealing with now. They were going to have to be placed somewhere and it makes the most since to put them where they belong.
If you're talking about Palestine, then let me remind you that the reason some of them are violent is because Israel was given a part of their country. And not by those who lived there either.
I'm talking about most the middle east.
Two wrongs don't make a right, so what they're doing is still a crime against human rights.
What do you mean "how"? You're saying because Jews have been treated bad in the past, they have the right to do whatever they want to do to anyone? How can you even ask that question?
I watched a documentary in my world geo class about the arab-Israeli conflict called A death in Gaza. It was biased, but only because the journalist was killed by an Israeli soldier. Israel was originally controlled by the Jewish people, but the Palestinians have had it for centuries after. I think that this: is just a bit unfair. I also think it's unnecessary for Israel to have all the weapons and try to intimidate their enemies.
Joe96, Israel would have been happy to exist with the small specks of land they had in the 1946 map. They were even happier when the UN game them the territory defined by the 1947 map. They were content to keep it that way. Unfortunately, the arab countries could not stand for 2% of their land being given away, so they launched an invasion. Then, when the Egyptian president closed the Suez Canal, and Israel launched the 6 Day War, their borders expanded yet again. However, what the maps don't show is how much of the land Israel has given away. They used to control the entire Sinai Peninsula, but they gave it to Egypt.
I believe Israel should exist because They were there first and it is the home of Jesus and if Israel isn't there, then the book of Revalation will never happen. So yes, Israel should and always will, until the end of time, exist.
What do you mean "how"? You're saying because Jews have been treated bad in the past, they have the right to do whatever they want to do to anyone? How can you even ask that question?