The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules." 1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS 2. Please back up your reasoning with facts 3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!
I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.
Unfortunately, the arab countries could not stand for 2% of their land being given away, so they launched an invasion.
2%? You realize that it's the second picture that shows the situation after Israel had been given land, right? The one labelled "Partition Plan". That's at least 50%.
I also think it's unnecessary for Israel to have all the weapons and try to intimidate their enemies.
If they didn't then they're enemies would take them over tomorrow.
They used to control the entire Sinai Peninsula, but they gave it to Egypt.
Yea, no one mentioned that. They gave away plenty of land but someone is going to argue that it wasn't theirs in the first place...
I believe Israel should exist because They were there first and it is the home of Jesus and if Israel isn't there, then the book of Revalation will never happen. So yes, Israel should and always will, until the end of time, exist.
Any jew, christian, or muslim can argue that israel should exist for them.
do you guys realize that it's the same story for USA. this land was stolen from native americans and yet you would refuse point blank any kind of negotiation with the tribes to give their land back and here you are moving arabs from their home and taking away their land based on claims like: "it was home for the jews for centuries".
i am baffled how you think the fact that an acient desert tribe moved away from their homeland centuries ago spread out across the world with thier relihgion, now gives the followers of that realigion most of whom have no claim of heritage to those people now can swarm in steal the people land, andthen opresss sadi inhabitanats (who by the way were also there when the israelites left spread out whatever). there were there centureies and centureis ago
take the celtic tribe, of which a small proportion of british people are desended from, they were forced out of brittany in france, now my entire nation couldnt just say hey we used to live there years and years ago (even though most arent of celtic ancestory) lets just take brittany! this is exactly what the jews did, but somehow the fact that its in the name of religion makes ok, the fact that the jews had suffered made it ok
the british are to blame for handling it badly, they could have given the jews an area about the size of the gaza strip in their holy land (preferably near jerusalem, they could have given them a quarter in jerusalem, they could have built new homes and fully compensated any arabs who were displaced by the move, or even offer them the right to stay and become a citizen of israel, then make the state a british protetorate and provide military support to protect it from arab agression
this would have worked in the long term, people saying the israelis act in self defense today are WRONG! how is shooting children and then locking their children in their own homes self defense, how is systematically demolishing the homes of civillians self deffense, how is firing rockets and shells in and around schools self defense, israel never acted in self defense the arabs acted in defense of their land, like any one of you would do
oh and if you really think the world supports you, your ignorant, there are many powerful jews in america coupled with politicians fear of being labelled anti semite supresses any anti israel journalism in america, obviuosly the arab world hates you, and europes government may have at one time, no longer, people can see the crimes israel commit, and they dont like it, the only reason european goverments are quite on the matter is because there scared of america
and israel never gave away land, as it was never teres, it had even been given to them or taken by their military
Of course Israel should exist, there's no reason to ignore a whole country because some guys think it should not exist. But looking at Israel's aggressive colonization/settling activity, I think not only should the palestinians accept Israel as a country, but Israel should accept Palestina as a country and stop taking them more land away by building on it. Most important thing is to get rid of the extremists in both sides.
I know there's a reason why people think it should not exist. I know a bit of Israel's history too. I'm just saying, it exists now, so I personally don't see why it shouldn't exist anymore. Like you said, it's not because other people were living there ages ago that we should redo the land borders today. There are people living there, what happens to those people if their land all of the sudden doesn't exist anymore, and they live now in another country?
thats exactly what happened to the palestinians, anyway my opinion is that its should exist but that its borders should be severely reduced, it should be forced to put a cap on its military, destroy the segregation wall, stop and missile or artillery attcks on palestinians and to agree to no more expansion and no more building or settling on palestinian soil
oh and they can stop using british passports to conduct assassinantions while there at it
thats exactly what happened to the palestinians, anyway my opinion is that its should exist but that its borders should be severely reduced, it should be forced to put a cap on its military, destroy the segregation wall, stop and missile or artillery attcks on palestinians and to agree to no more expansion and no more building or settling on palestinian soil
Actually that makes rather sense, if the military restrictions are also applied on Palestina, or at least the Hamas; I don't think Israel should stop existing, but Palestina must exist too, and they must have some land of their own.. fair redistribution of land is ok imo, if both parties come to an agreement (which is why we have to get rid of extremists), what I don't want to see is reconquest of lost land.
no reconquest, the palestinians need to be given abck the land they have lost since the partition in 1947, and yes hamas needs to agree to a similar agreement, i accept israelis who have made their home there shouldnt pay for the mistakes of my government, but neither should the palestinians, also forgot to say there needs to be a dimilitarised zone around jerusalem
@john garell i dont know if your jewish or not but dont base your arguments on a theistic base here because it makes no snese, the argument you just gave is stupid and fairly ridiculous, so look some stuff up, maybe read the thread before you add something asanine, ignorant and stupid to the thread
Conclusion: As the great regulators of the free world and the rights of democracy I strongly believe that Israel has a right to exist.
Who exactly are you refering to? America? If so get off the high horse. America has NO right to police and regulate the world as they deem fit. They are NOT the UN. Furhtermore pushing American beliefs upon the world is wrong, and if someone were to do that to your country you would be in an uproar because Americans live in a double standard existence.
However, I digress. As the OP stated the existence of Isreal is a controversial subject to discuss. Personally I do not look at who was there first, because, let's be honest, it hardly relevant anymore, or in the current circumstances at least. The problem isn't so much that the country of Isreal exists, it's the problem of how it came to be. The British were wrong to simply allow the Jewish populace into what once was their historical homeland. However, the rest of the blame must then fall upon the shoulders of the people of Isreal. Both the Arabic and Jewish populations are to blame for their conflict. Yes, foreign powers interfered, however, is it those powers fault that the two will not agree to exist together?
Both peoples have committed crimes, in this I will not take a side because to do so is morally unjustified in my eyes. Yet, the question remains. Should Isreal exist? Well how do we define existence in this debate? Much of the conflict has sprung from displacement, but also religious biases. If we're speaking should it exist as a stable political entity, then yes, however, if that government was founded on the basis of religious faith, and that alone, then no. To clarify, the land will be there, however, if the Jewish people are hiding behind politics for religious means then the sovereign right should be ceded to the Palistine, and thus vice versa.
As I stated before, it is not the duty of America to police the world for their own interests, regardless of how "well meaning".