[quote]Do you know how many Taliban with actual RPGs aim at US soldiers?
Not an argument in this case. Since it's a war on terror, by killing civilians, not only war we contributing to the terror but we are helping in the making of terrorists. Fun stuff.
For leaving the West Bank and Gaza, why do people leave Mexico? Why do people leave Algeria? Economic considerations usually. Plus, Gaza is on its way to be a only city area like Singapore.
No, people leave Mexico at a steady rate. There are 12 Million Mexican immigrants in the USA, there are 150 Million Mexicans. It's not as if they are all slamming at the border. Some live there because they have personal autonomy and a smaller, yet still existing chance of opportunity, something that Gazans do not have.
Also, I see no proof of Gaza ever turning into a Singapore.
If Israel would let Gaza freely trade with the world it could get more advanced Russian and Iranian missiles they always wanted, more AA weapons, more Anti ship weapons, etc.
Right. So instead, restrict their rights and their freedoms [Even though Israel is such a shining beacon of democracy] and lock them away because a few of the people in the region are part of Hamas, a group that threatens Israel. For that, landlock a possibly prosperous community and restrict their freedoms all out of fear that Israel may be harmed. No evil in that, right?
Listen to netanyaho's speech to the congress if you don't believe me. Israel wants to keep around 5-6% of the West bank that includes the strategic places and major settlements.
5-6% of the West Bank. An area that has been listed as 'Militarily occupied' for years, never part of Israel, but he still wants more of it. Also, I read somewhere that the piece he wants is part of the river. -- This further cuts Palestinians from valuable farmland, trade, and prosperity. Israel already gained so much land after 1973, and made sure it kept it. All it looks like is that Israel wants to grow, grow, and grow. Why does Netanyahu feel that Israel deserves any percent of the West Bank?
Just read a bit of their constant anti Israel propaganda at schools to understand why. The main objective is to negotiate with the leaders, not the people.
Propoganda is everywhere. Americans schools shove down a lot of pro-Israeli proganda, and back in the day they had a lot of anti-communist propoganda.
Most countries today where made of war...
Israel wasn't created out of war. It was created because of a war.
For peace afferts you are brainwashed if you don't know them. Israel proposed the 1967 boarders a long time ago and the Palestinians refused, last PM Israel had also offered the Palestinians around 96% of the West bank and making up for it with Israeli land in return to help connect Gaza and the West Bank - Palestinians refused. Israel gave all of Sini to Egypt that included control of the Suetz, lots of oil and the Tiran pass to Israel's southern port - all for peace with Egypt. Lots of other stuff but this should be enough.
I understand they did this, but none of this seemed fair. My chronology looks at it differently. It starts with Palestinians unfairly losing land because of some war [that seemed, to them] that randomly took place in Europe. After them trying to defend their land [and, eventfully losing] they were asked to accept borders.
Also, as to the signing of Egypt and Israel, Egypt also made an oath never to attack Israel ever again. To me, this seemed more as a defensive military maneuver to help better control it's possible enemies in the east without having to worry about a southern attack from a hardly naviatable desert.
Also, I'm addressing this part of your comment for last since it had some
major factual errors:As for friends, Israel has a lot of allies around the world, more then the US media would probably tell you.
The US Media always tells you. Just last week Obama told the people that Israel is our closest ally, in hopes of getting Jewish votes and safety from Jewish lobbying in the upcoming election after a few not so well talks with Benjamin. Also, the media usually says that most Americans support Israel. Also, most American media is Jewish owned, and usually pro-Israel.
For the Muslim world if you look a little at recent events you will see Saudi Arabia,
A quote, from Wikipedia: [I'm using wiki because this is so age old there is no real news/article I can get for you]. Link:
Saudi Arabia does not have diplomatic relations with Israel. The country participates in an active economic boycott of Israel. However, Saudi Arabia recognizes that its ally, the United States, has a strong and supportive relationship of Israel.
^ From Wikipedia. If you read more on it, you'll see that SA and Israel aren't even close to being buddies and Saudi Arabia is not only very pro Palestinian but rejected the Camp David Accords [and that's still current info considering the same ruling family is still in power today in Saudi Arabia]
Oh yeah, great buddies.
So, the UAE does not recognize Israel as a nation.
They denied Tennis Player Shahar Pe'er.
And in Jan 19,2010, the UAE, following an assassination, called for the arrest of Meir Dagan, the Mossad director. Israel has not responded to the connection.
Also, the UAE will not let anyone that may be possibly Israeli from entering the country, even if they have foreign passports.
Good friends indeed...
Sort of. Yemen was a little Jewish friendly before 1947, [until the partition plan]. Overall in recent history, though, Yemen is a radicalized nation that is dependent on American goodwill. It's government is just trying to get more cash out of the USA by exporting more oil to the west than east, and co transitively also making working relations with Israel. But overall, they're still in bad taste.
Yemen's treatment of its Jewish community reflected its negative attitude towards the Jewish State. In 1946, there were about 50,000 Jews in Yemen, 6,000 of whom lived in San'a, the capital, with the rest in British-controlled Aden and in rural areas. They were considered indispensable to the economy and did not suffer systematic persecution. However, their status remained inferior to that of the Muslim population.
A bit from wiki.
Also, Yemen is not on America's to be friendly list anyway, I'm sure.
So after all of that.
To answer this.
what do you think is the best and cheapest way of making friends in the Middle East? But that's me.
Idk about you, but clearly not Israel...
As for Turkey, they are a nation of great pride. Not only a rising regional power but one that needs western connection to develop. For that reason, they are becoming friendly with Israel, but they don't have any influence in that area on other countries within the area. They were and always have been American friends, Israel isn't doing much to change that. [A good example is in the cold war cuban missile crisis, we gave turkey some perks and we put our bombs in there]. Turkey's also wanted in on the European Union, and for that, they have to show better international peace effort. And, to most of the West, that means being nicer to Israel.
So overall, Yes, I'm extremely sure that Israel isn't doing well in making any friends, and the international dislike America receives in the Muslim world is, in part, due to it's support for Israel.