ForumsWEPRShould Israel Exist

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The question is simple. Should Israel exist. I know that this subject is very controversial so I am setting some "ground rules."
1. Because Israel is so tied into Judaism, NO ANTI-SEMETIC COMMENTS
2. Please back up your reasoning with facts
3. Respect other's opinions. I cannot tell you how many times I have been on CNN and seen people flinging mud at each other. BE RESPECTFUL!

I am looking forward to seeing the posts and logic behind the opinions.

For the record, I think it should exist.

  • 339 Replies
8,257 posts

The army of Israel has been instructed to not let the goods convoy flotilla get through to Gaza, because Israel accuses the flotilla to carry chemicals in sacks. This has been strongly disclaimed by the organisators, and some even talk of a sabotage to prevent the flotilla to bring goods to Gaza to support people there with food and otheruseful goods.

What the heck is going wrong with Israel? Last time they killed nine activists on those flotillas, are they gonna put up the same thing again??

322 posts

You got the news wrong. Israel doesn't let any flotillas go in unchecked and this one in praticular is also suspected of carrying some chemicals.
A few weeks ago a different flotilla come, was checked by Egypt and the goods went through to Gaza. This already happened before too. The thing here is the "activists" don't want to bring the goods to Gaza, they want to end the blockade on Gaza and that's why they refuse to get their cargo checked. Israel can't allow that for the obvious reasons...

1,482 posts

Saying because of war would be wrong, Israel would have happened even if that war would not have happened and Arabs except the UN plan for a Jewish state.

Wrong war. If there was no WWI, and there was no holocaust, Israel would either be non-existant or much smaller than it is today.

For Singapore, look at how its dense, its almost just one big city. I would say in around 50 years it will be.

Primarily, it has access to water, furthermore, it has a harbor, furthermore, they have the means to stress education, and a relatively small issue with international politics. Sorry, no Singapore.

Gaza has an even worst economy then Mexico so why wouldn't they try to go to Europe were the economy is around what USA has?

No, you see, people aren't monkeys drived by their desire of greed to always get money. Some people have an attachment to their homeland, an attachment to the people that live near them, or other reasons as to why they would like to say. So you're argument that 'Oh it's chill if Israel makes the place inhabitable, they'll all just end up happily in Europe free of persecution with jobs and readily available lives to go onward with'. Also, 1 million mexicans do not hop over the border every year, if that were so then there wouldn't only be 12 million illegals, so your numbers are wrong. Furthermore, those that do come to the US, they don't instantly find prosperity, most of them are stuck poor or work bad jobs. I'm sure even they would prefer to be in Mexico if their government would denationalize their oil and give the people opportunities.

Don't use wiki...

No offense, but wtf do you mean don't use wiki? None of the countries you listed have any diplomatic relations with Israel, I can't find an article about that. Also, you haven't given me anything better than wiki but your own word, so don't just go with the 'wiki isn't reliable' saying.

Saudi Arabia for example allowed Israel to build an air base in it's territory,

Wrong again, Saudi Arabia allowed Israel to put air armaments in an air base.

Saudis denying allegations
Saudis Closing down runways

for a cultural example a UAE country allowed Israeli participation in a swimming competition she had recently.

This isn't an Israeli tie. When they did this to the tennis player, their tournament was nearly canceled. This doesn't prove that Israel's making friends for everyone, they just have some good athletes.

Yemen has a lot of radicals like you say and ironically that makes Yemen even more of an ally because it makes more common enemies, Yemen is running a war in its south right now if you heard of it, with radical Shia Muslims.

Yemen isn't a standup topic to begin with. It's some weird monarchy, which Americans already have an issue with. Furthermore, this common enemy is an enemy of an enemy, it's not as if norther Yemenis aren't Muslims.

For international politics they work with Israel very often against Iran and radical Islam.

I have no idea where you pulled that from, but okay.

From what I've seen and personally shown, Israel is in no way helping America make friends.. You say America is disliked because of their work in Iraq in Afghanistan, that just makes me rofllmroflmfao because Iraq and Afghanistan are issues that are 2000 and onward, America has had stakes in the Iran Iraq War, in all of Iraq's government, and even then, Kuwait cannot seem to find ways to be friends with Israel, they have had their own lawmakers protest against Israeli actions.

I'm not saying Israel is full of evil maniacs, but there is no proof whatsoever that shows that Israel is helping anyone make friends in the Middle East, and it is quite obvious that most dislike for America stems from dislike of Israel. For that reason, it isn't a good argument to say 'Oh, Israel is our shining beacon of democratic ideals in the Middle East we should love them at all costs'.

As for you saying Israel has other buddies 'around the world'. Europe and America practically count as 'The West' because those are it's allies. Of course they are allies, they don't have much between them. The question is whether they are contributing to world peace or going against it, and their relations with the Middle East aren't too hot, and that is making the West's relations just as bad. --> Not a good thing.

For Muslims not liking USA, you can blame that on Iraq and Afghanistan because USA's support to Israel came only around 1967 but ask yourself what got them so hateful of America before that?

Well, not much, really, the 60's were pretty much the start of anti-Americanism in the Muslim World. It's quite funny, because that's also the start of most Israeli support. After 1973, it was obvious America was on the Middle East's nasty list.

In history people who want it all often lose it all, they were so exusted from their war with Israel by the time Arab countries arrived with their armies that the Arab countries just occupied them themselves. Fair? War isn't fair but it was their initiative.

Haha, no.
In history, people who want it all usually get it. I mean, really, most of recorded history is based on the idea of an empire, a multicultural unit of power. --> Wanting it all.
Also, it wasn't their initative, it was their neighbors initiative, which is obvious. After being lied to after WWI and WWIII about the right of autonomy from Europe, Europeans then just give your holiest patch of land away because they can. Quit saying 'Oh they coulda gotten the 1967 borders because Israel was so nice'. Those propositions were open when Israel had the weakest international support. The question of this thread is basically whether if it was correct for Israel to have been established in the area in the first place, and whether its establishment is having positive effects.

Hamas was actually elected by them

Except there are no numbers for how many Gazans voted, nor was their really any other party that was actually peaceful with some sort of negotiating power. I mean, really, if hamas didn't have rockets, would anyone really know their name?

And btw, I know some American media. CNN doesn't exactly have a nice view about Israel and especially not BBC or English El-Jasira.

Al-Jazeera is based on a Yemeni Island, of course it doesn't. Then again, nobody looks to that as much as they do CNN or BBC.
And since when is BBC or CNN not Israeli-supportive? From all the media that I've seen [and I'm sure I've seen more than you], they favor Israel by a longshot.

with what the media told you can you name 5 others fast

Five other whats?

In fact, they had a strong alliance with Israel until the Marmara thing.

Who is they? and what Marmara thing? all I got from the net that Marmara is Turkey's densely populated region [also the connecting landmass to Greek and has a bunch of history and whatnot].

Also, I don't see much evidence of any strong alliances with Israel around the area.

The only 'kind of' regional alliance I see that Israel has been able to make is with Greece, and that is obviously another military objective, after all, Greece and Turkey have bad history.

Lastly, your not making any sense with the 6% thing. Israel, after 1973, militarily occupied Gaza, the Heights, and the West Bank. Now they want to keep some of it?
Why is that fair? Just saying 'Oh its settlement and 'strategic area'' doesn't make it any better, that just makes it sound cheesy as if Israel would make better use of the place than the people that live there.

All I see in the future is that Israel will become more Jewish and less Arab, and as that happens, it will become less friendly with not only the Middle East, but with America.
1,143 posts

not BBC

what is your stigma with the BBC? Its renowned as one of the best and independant news agencies in the world, its funded and therefore largely controlled by our goverment, and since our government is largely supportive of Israel is fail to see how its biased, show me one report or article that is biased, I can show you many by Israeli news corporations that are shamefuly biased

I would also like to now raise the question of Israels blase attitude towards it supposed allies such as my country, for example mosad using British passports to carry out an assassination of a senior member of Hamas, which I find highly insulting.

disgraceful, is the only word
322 posts

armed I'll answer that later i dont have the time right now.

BBC is one of (if not The) most controversial medias concerning the middle east. Show me how bias is Israeli medias and I will show you examples in the British media. Like I said, every article is not hidden and can be found in any of Israel's main medias.

For passports, you've got to be joking. Using fake passports is basic espionage, like a few months after the Israeli case was relieved, a similar Russian story was also reviled and very little was done about it. And Britain is far from being Israel's ally. But that doesn't mean there aren't certain trade and political relations. Did you know for example Britain has the most largest amount of anti Semitic attacks in the Western world? (with also an increasing number every year). Or how Britain sent soldiers, generals and weapons to fight Israel in its war of independence? Cold war forced us to corporate a bit but like I said - far from allies (like Israel aided India when Britain aided Pakistan in their wars).

322 posts

Wrong war. If there was no WWI, and there was no holocaust, Israel would either be non-existant or much smaller than it is today.

You can't tell that. Without ww1 this area could have stayed ottoman empire, without ww1 for all we know today Israel could have been a japanese colony and the space colonised by communist France.
Israels war of independance was directly because Arabs wanted it all to themselves. People who want it all usually get nothing. And btw, smaller... lol look at Israel's size on the map (if you can find it that is).

For Gaza I was talking about density, not economy. Ofc having spare ground is always a good thing for the economy but hey, Sudan is much better at that and still sucks economically.

For Mexico// you can see on the 3rd page the amount every year. I was wrong, it was 600,000 per year at its pick. Today for reasons I said (less radical economic differences) there are a lot less. But why do they go to USA? Many people, maybe even most, care more about their family and job then living in their country. Immigration is not only in Mexico, its from all North Africa, East Europe, Black Africa, Philippines, etc. Yes when the economy is bad and there is war around people tend to want to go someplace better. Especially if its close and they are a major minority in anyway (->Europe).

For wiki, again, its a bad source and its often filled with stuff worst then crap.
For the Saudi denial, ofc they would deny it. But ask you'reself this: If it was true, would they still deny it? And, do they have interest in letting Israel make a base next to Iran?
For swimming, the level of the athletes doesn't really matter. What matters is that for the first time Israeli athletes were given the option of participating. I'd like to believe that does show something.
For Yemen, Israel doesn't have a war against Islam. The situation in Yemen makes the north fight the south when the south is backed by Iran and the North by Saudi Arabia. Seeing the alliance list its simple to understand the north has interest of corporating with Israel for stuff like intelligence on the enemy.
Saudi Arabia and the Sunni world in general doesn't really like Iran if you noticed. Its the historic sunni-shia thing.
For US friendship, do you think allying Israel will make USA have more friends? Its all for US strategic reasons at first, making less needed friends second. USA already has its influence on the oil parts of the middle east except for Iran, making the general Arab public like USA is minor compared to what USA wants. What I was talking about was Israel's ability to make friends, here's a short list: Georgia, Mexico, Canada, Serbia, Holland, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, India, etc. This is the kind of stuff you will rarely see on US media, especially stuff like improving Israeli-Russian/Chinese relations sense Obama. The hatered for USA today is mostly thx to Afghanistan and Iraq, yes there was before but today its mostly that. USA was before that hated (and still is) as the big demon and Israel as the little demon. The fact USA stands for democracy, modernization and freedom is completely against the radical Islamic ideology. Also, why didn't the Muslim world hate USSR after assisting Israel so much during its first days (yes they did hate USSR but not like USA, and again there was Afghanistan involved).
People who want it all "often" lose it all - Japan, germany for examples. I didn't say most of the times.
For lies about the land, Britain lied both to Jews and Arabs about the land. In the end they just wanted to keep their influence around and because they could not keep it for themselves they just left and let everyone fight each other while Britain sits back, against its promises to both sides. In 1947 before the Arab neighbors invaded Israel there was a war with the Palestinians and Israel won it. When the Arab armies arived they pushed Israel back for awhile then lost themselves. The UN forced Israel to leave Gaza and the West bank along (while gaza was outflaked), Israel also occupied southern Lebanon in that war and later gave it back in return for a siezefire. That was was defenetly a Palestinian initiative and nothing else.
For Hamas, you refuse to belive Gaza is so radical. The voting process was observed and assisted by the international community. Bush at the time was very pro Gazan democracy until he found out what they elected.
For CNN and BBC you really made me rofl. I mean really? Did you ever compare them to other medias? Exept El-Jasira. I used to live in USA too for awhile, I know them too. CNN refused to call suicide terrorists as "terrorists" for example, they called them "militants", "freedom fighters" or "arabs".

Five other whats?

Countries that are allied to Israel. But I already gave a possible answer above.

Who is they? and what Marmara thing?

Turkey, Marmara raid.

For the 6%, it includes Israel main settlments, religous sites and stratigic places. Durign Jordanian occupation Jewish religious sites were used as landfills... The stratigic places are extremly critical if you know anything about who's threatning Israel with what and from were. btw, those 6% include areas unsettled by Arabs at all.
Also, Israel occupied those areas in 1967, in 1973 Israel got nada in return for victory on the face of almost complete destruction.

You say winners should get nothing but tell me, how is Israel different then all the other wars in history winners got lands. Even more, you say Israel cant take land if she wins even when Arabs will if they win. Whats up with that?

For the future, unless Israel makes gas chambers why would there be less Arabs?
1,482 posts

Countries that are allied to Israel. But I already gave a possible answer above.

I have a question to that. It's not really related to the thread -- but what do you mean by ally? Economic trading partner? Officially military allies? What?

If you are asking for official military alliances, then the only one I know of is the United States, and I'm sure that is the only one Israel has.

As for friends, I could pretty much say 'Europe'.

For the future, unless Israel makes gas chambers why would there be less Arabs?

Because they are leaving.

You say winners should get nothing but tell me, how is Israel different then all the other wars in history winners got lands. Even more, you say Israel cant take land if she wins even when Arabs will if they win. Whats up with that?

I'm looking at it from a practical view, Arabs are taking back what they had, so it's not like their winning anything they don't deserve/new.
Israelis, rather, ... came out of no where. You and I both know it would be no where without international support. I don't mean it in a bad way, nor am I saying 'Israel fails without help'. I'm simply questioning Israel's hopes of expanding 6% into the West Bank with a land they clearly didn't have... 70 years ago?
Also, I can only see the problem worsening. It's not as if Israel doesn't have an interest in the lands.
They've occupied it for like.. 50 years! What's the point in declaring it theirs now? For what it's worth they could pretty much say 'its ours'.

Also, Israel occupied those areas in 1967, in 1973 Israel got nada in return for victory on the face of almost complete destruction.
Sorry failed on the #'s.

those 6% include areas unsettled by Arabs at all.

That's weird, I read that most West Bank settlements are in the living areas of West Bank ppl that left.

For wiki, again, its a bad source and its often filled with stuff worst then crap.

Now that isn't fair. It's a perfectly reliable resource that is often flooded with source makers. Also, I have to prove my thoughts from some where and alot of what we're talking about involves history..

The jurisdiction of the Israeli settlements and their regional councils includes 42% percent of the West Bank, although the actual buildings of the settlements cover just 1% of the West Bank, according to a study released by B'Tselem. Much of this 42% is land that was seized from Palestinian landowners in violation of an Israeli Supreme Court decision, according to the study

That is from Wiki, but wiki is directly using info from another source, the Yesha Council, which is an umbrella organization of west bank county settlements of Israel, so it sounds good. The last sentence, a part of the study, completely denies your claim that this 'strategic land that Israel needs to stay alive + settlements' is unsettled area.
I mean, really, they live in a Desert man. Don't you think that after 3,000 years people would have settled in all the habitable areas possible in the region?

You can't tell that. Without ww1 this area could have stayed ottoman empire, without ww1 for all we know today Israel could have been a japanese colony and the space colonised by communist France.
Israels war of independance was directly because Arabs wanted it all to themselves. People who want it all usually get nothing. And btw, smaller... lol look at Israel's size on the map (if you can find it that is).

... Yes I can.
The Ottoman Empire, by the time of WWI and much before it had given ruling rights to many European Neighbors, it was nearly nonexistant. The whole Japan colony stuff is nonsense. For all I do know, Palestine may have stayed a German mandate until rebellion, but by no means would the zionist movement in Europe had of flourished without WWI and WWII. That just takes a bit of deductive reasoning, you can't just pick apart a cause and effect change and say what you want by giving a 'you don't know that' comment. It's lame.

Yes when the economy is bad and there is war around people tend to want to go someplace better.

Well, duh.
But this is not that there's a kid in Gaza that's like 'oh I should go to EU it sucks here'.
It's because there's someone in Gaza that's like 'oh, I should go to EU because it sucks here and I'm practically being unfairly driven out by occupying militants'.

What you're referring to is pull factors. If some place is better, then of course people will want to go there. But what also drives people out are push factors, such as bad economy and persecution and war. If that is being caused by another nation [for example, Israel], then of course Israel is doing something wrong. It's not right for a country to do wrong things and say 'Well it doesn't matter they'll all end up in EU where it's nice anyway because we'll make it suck for them here'.

For swimming, the level of the athletes doesn't really matter. What matters is that for the first time Israeli athletes were given the option of participating. I'd like to believe that does show something.

I never said the level of athletes matter. Also, I already said this can't be really shown to mean much, because of my example with the tennis tournament. The tournament was nearly shut down as many people didn't play, clearly pushing the UAE to have to accept Israelis, so it's questionable as to whether it's an act towards peace or not. Just what I'm thinking. Who knows.

Saudi Arabia and the Sunni world in general doesn't really like Iran if you noticed. Its the historic sunni-shia thing.

This is true. I guess the real question remains is whether Saudis value Iran more or Israel. That still doesn't help the fact as to if Israel's making it any better for the world.
Also, as for the N. Vs. South in Yemen -- You do know that's already happened, right? And that the country reunited in the past? This 'War' you're talking about isn't all that extreme or happening. It's actually listed on the net as a civil conflict.

Georgia, Mexico, Canada, Serbia, Holland, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, India, etc.

These friends are downright obvious! Though I know these countries don't have military defense alliances with Israel, your list is just as normal as the rest of the world.
If you didn't know, the US is 'friends' with all of these countries along with many more, so do countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc.

The idea behind me saying Israel isn't friendly was me actually referring to the fact that they draw enemies [questioning as to why America supports them]. In a world of 150+ countries, it's easy to find buddies.

Also, why didn't the Muslim world hate USSR after assisting Israel so much during its first days (yes they did hate USSR but not like USA, and again there was Afghanistan involved).

This is because in the 30's, The USSR was not the falling-apart fail empire it was post 60's and 70's. They outplayed the USA on the foreign scale, and were not seen as people who were imposing their will upon the Muslim World.
1) The USSR recognized Israel because Stalin felt the Jews would pick a socialist government that would help kill British influence, and even gave weapons in the 1948 war.
2) After the Suez crisis, they gave a bunch of armor to Syria and Egypt, as you've already mentioned, and also threatened to attack Israel in the '56 Sinai campaign and the '73 war, but never lived up to it.
3) The Afghan war was in the 80's.

So what I can see from this is that your timetables are a little off, and your understanding of the cold war. It was always US vs USSR. That being said...
At first, USSR saw a Zionist state as a close ally against the British. Following that, they saw it's direct love for the West, so the USSR helped out the Muslim world well into the 70's, ending Egypt's reliance on Western armaments. In the Afghan war in the 80's, the USSR was practically hated everywhere, which is obvious considering many Muslim nations funded militant groups [along with the US], giving way to the Taliban, and later leading to Soviet Defeat and their demise 10 years later. Hope that helps.

Britain lied both to Jews and Arabs about the land

If memory serves right, they lied a lot more to Arabs. Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, nearly all of these countries became Mandates after WWI after giving support against the Ottoman Empire in hopes of self determination. Losing it made them even more hostile to the new Jewish state. I guess it doesn't matter that much, but it still is quite an unfair process.

For Hamas, you refuse to belive Gaza is so radical.

No, I'm speaking out of situation. Bush is a rich oil owning guy from TX, and he's a Republican. Of course he was thinking democracy would solve all the problems because the Gazans would pick a nice guy to give up the fight. But really, Gazans have no international support, are practically landlocked, and probably want to leave. So why not pick the only actual force in the country?
Now, you'd wonder why I don't think that's not a radical idea.
This is because democracies work in governments, where you elect people to make laws and leads.
Not sure if you've noticed, but Palestinians have no place to govern.

For CNN and BBC you really made me rofl. I mean really? Did you ever compare them to other medias?

Umm, Yes. CNN and BBC are respected media organisations for a reason. Me saying 'Fox News and MSNBC' should have made you rotfl. Fox would have been saying the best stuff in the world and MSNBC would have been hating on Israel all day.

They both like to eliminate a line of bias, just because they refuse to call suicide bombers terrorists [Which I've only heard like, once myself, the word terrorist is used many times. No idea where you're pulling that from the way you say it is like they do it all the time]. Furthermore, CNN focuses it's media much more on Hamas and Palestinian actions in terms of airtime much more than Israel's reactions. It's pro-Israeli, I'd say, even if only by a little.
As for BBC, I do not watch it, but I've never yet to see anything that shows they outstandingly do not like Israel.
Lastly, why would the UK not be Israel's allies? The way you put it made it look like the two hate each other or something.

If that is the case, then Israel is showing that not only can it not fix ties in the Middle East, it is doing stuff to make it lose old friends, which doesn't really help your argument in the first place.
322 posts

Listen, this is redicules. I mean I'd love to continue the debate but not like this... It took me like 20min to answer the last post. So I'll just answer the top points you brought up for now and the rest some other time.

I have a question to that. It's not really related to the thread -- but what do you mean by ally? Economic trading partner? Officially military allies? What?

In mostly all those senses. Ally enough that you actually want the fellow country's well being. Those kind of things usually need to be backed by good history and/or public opinion.

If you are asking for official military alliances, then the only one I know of is the United States, and I'm sure that is the only one Israel has.

Thats the American media I was talking about. Israel still has a military alliance with Turkey btw (although Israeli-turkey relations seem unstable for now, sense the Turkish elections were over there was a lot less hostility. That makes me think maybe all the Turkish government did against Israel lately was only for winning the upcoming election. They even stopped IHH from participating in the new flotilla). For another fast example I'll add India but there's more. And recently much more corporation with Russia and China.
Be careful from using Europe, Europe is very divided on the Israeli issue.
1,482 posts

Haha you're right, it's really long. x.x
Also, I wasn't using the American media to pull out Israel's military alliances.
And yeah, I know Turkey is allied but I always think if a war starts it's a questionable guess as to who's side they are going to [Given the fact that Turkey's gone extremely nice-status in hopes of joining the EU, I have no idea what they really want]
Also, Russia and China co-operate with everyone , and honestly I didn't know about India but the net shows their navies like each other.
Also, Europe is quite divided but I'm sure Israel can find friends within.

Overall, on the allies issue, I'm not talking about how many friends it makes I'm talking about how many enemies it seems to bring about.

1,143 posts

BBC is one of (if not The) most controversial medias concerning the middle east. Show me how bias is Israeli medias and I will show you examples in the British media. Like I said, every article is not hidden and can be found in any of Israel's main medias.

don't trun this around, I asked you fro one bias article, please provide one,

For passports, you've got to be joking. Using fake passports is basic espionage, like a few months after the Israeli case was relieved, a similar Russian story was also reviled and very little was done about it.

again please back this up with a link

Did you know for example Britain has the most largest amount of anti Semitic attacks in the Western world?

not sure if thats true por not, even if it is that stil has literally no relevance

Or how Britain sent soldiers, generals and weapons to fight Israel in its war of independence?

well theri war of independance was them trying to gain a country out of nothing, the reason the British sent troops was in defense of the Arabs, The leader of the Jews at this time was nothing more than a terrorist, that is an undeniable fact

I can provide you links tommorow (when I find the scrap of paper the names are on is located :/ sorry) of a stroy of three british sargeants working in non combat roles being hung during the war when they were prisoners

I can also find a link to a story about a massacre perpetrated by this same man involving the slaughter of hundereds of Arab women and children, Britain was arguably defending itself and the Arab population, and was more in a peacekeeping role more than anything as they were the ones who decided ona state of Israle in the first place, they weren't fighting against that.
322 posts

Haha you're right, it's really long. x.x
Also, I wasn't using the American media to pull out Israel's military alliances.
And yeah, I know Turkey is allied but I always think if a war starts it's a questionable guess as to who's side they are going to [Given the fact that Turkey's gone extremely nice-status in hopes of joining the EU, I have no idea what they really want]
Also, Russia and China co-operate with everyone , and honestly I didn't know about India but the net shows their navies like each other.
Also, Europe is quite divided but I'm sure Israel can find friends within.

Overall, on the allies issue, I'm not talking about how many friends it makes I'm talking about how many enemies it seems to bring about.

yea but the American media makes most Americans thing USA is Israel's only ally that Israel cannot do without.
For other alliances, I gave India as an example for an ally outside Europe. India and Israel's friendship goes way back to British empire days and before (India never had a popular antisemitism in all its history even though it had a Jewish population already from 2500 years ago).
Turkey, noone is really sure what Turkey wants. On one hand the yseem o be going for the EU, on the other hand they keep getting closer to Iran, Russia and Syria. Now they even started renewing the relations with Israel with how they handled the next flotilla. Its a tricky game but what's sure is Turkey wants to be a regional power and if they want to do that then they need influence all around the Mediterranean sea close to them but for that they need Syria, Lebanon and Israel. Greece isn't much of an option for them.
For enemies, it would be silly to judge a country's ability to make friends by looking at her enemies. In Israel's case the very start meant having the entire Muslim world against us, having achieved peace with so many of them is quite an achievement by itself. Now all that remains is Syria and Lebanon (and gaza) to have peaceful borders. And for those peace agreements Israel did get, a lot had to be given in return for peace. It sound silly that a country needs to give something in return for peace instead of peace coming naturally but thats the case here.

don't trun this around, I asked you fro one bias article, please provide one,

I'll bring one but I'll do it later because I gtg now. Meanwhile if you blame Israel of media bias you also need to bring prof.

again please back this up with a link

More work.. fine. If you would have kept up with the news you could never have missed the big Russian espionage failure at the time were Russian spies were captured.

not sure if thats true por not, even if it is that stil has literally no relevance

It is because it displays the public opinion about Israel. It also shows how the government is taking little action to prevent such attacks when countries like Russia are doing everything they can and actually decrease it every year. I also need a source for that?

well theri war of independance was them trying to gain a country out of nothing, the reason the British sent troops was in defense of the Arabs, The leader of the Jews at this time was nothing more than a terrorist, that is an undeniable fact

How do you define "terrorist"? At the time Israel had 3 militia forces. The main one worked along with the British, and two minor ones that presented about 5% of the main one worked against Britain directly but very effeiciently. Whenever Britain did something against Jews those militias would have blown up a bridge, train, police station, etc. They operated almost only right after British actions in order to prevent Britain from doing more. Those attacks were rarely against civilians and almost always targeted military targets alone. But for any reason you think is justified or not, Britain was against Israel from the very beginning.

You really made me rofl with that last comment. Britain voted against Israel, made laws outlawing sale of land to Jews and promised the Arabs they would have it all in the white book - starting from before WW2. Look into it before bringing it up. Also look at the UN plan and who accepted it and who declined it.
I'll also be happy to hear whats this massacre you mentioned, I know about 2 that happened in Israel's war of independence. They were followed by apologizes by the Israeli government and were based on military failures, not crasy soldiers going around town shooting everyone.
349 posts

Yes there should be a Nation of Israel its the land God gave to his people (the Jewish people).

879 posts

Yes there should be a Nation of Israel its the land God gave to his people (the Jewish people).

That argument is really bad. First you have to prove that your God exists.
322 posts

Heres the link i promissed about the Russian spy using British passports:
I don't blame them I meant for spies its a must to use Some fake passports and everyone does it. The only difference is Israel is more easy to condamen for Britain then Russia.

For the link about example bias BBC article I will give later because for that I will actually need to take some time to explain the content.

879 posts

The link doesn't work. I [url=]fixed it.

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