I'm sure you've all heard the doom sayers stating that the world will end on Saturday May 21 2011. What is the basis behind this belief that the world will end on this day, what sets this apart from all the other doomsday theories, and where do you stand on this forecast of oblivion.
well tommorrow when there is a surprising lack of the world ending i think that they'll feel a bit stupid. Although this is the 7th or 8th time this has happened and they ares till at it.
Just in case the world does end tomorrow, and you Christians get raptured, I'm offering a comprehensive post-rapture pet care service for the low price of a one-off $300 payment - me and my fellow Atheists will ensure that your pets are taken care of after you've gone ^^
Anyway, doesn't predicting the date of the rapture/end automatically rule out the date you predict in a way, seeing as how only God is supposed to know when the world'll end?
Apparently it has something to do with some fundamentalist old man who predicted it would end in 94' but was wrong, apparently it has something to do with some mathematical equation he found in Revelation and gay people destroying the world.
Yeah they actually had a reference to this on an episode of House, it was actually pretty funny, but at least I know I'm not going to hell, cause they won't let me back in they got a restraining order.
The guy who has a radio show ho has been promoting this event, should be careful. He is putting religion at the forefront behind his claims fo the end of the world tmrw. This could cause a ruckus!
I think I read somewhere , I think during a science class, that the sun has about another 4.5 billion years before it engulf the first three planets of the universe when it becomes a red giant
That's about the closest estimate we have. However in roughly 1 billion years the sun will have expanded and heated to such a point that life as we understand it on earth would no longer be able to survive, barring of course evolutionary advances which allow it to thrive in a hotter oxygen depleted environment.
Alright, so I did some research on this subject, and this man is saying that in one verse, God says to Noah that he will have seven days until the flood comes. Then, in the New Testament, one of the gospels says that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and this man is assuming that the world would end 7,000 years from the time of Noah, and using the Bible, which this website states is the ultimate source of truth (I almost died laughing at that part), so the world will end tomorrow, conveniently starting at the International Date Line at 6pm.
No one believed this in the people I know irl, even if they have a strong faith...Well except for this one girl that got all paranoid and started drawing crosses on her notebook.
No. The world will not end. Every prediction has and will fail because they are based on arbitrary data, idiotic interpretation or misinterpretation of facts, scare tactics, etc. None of this garbage is based in science or observable fact.
We'll all be laughing at these lunatics on Sunday.
You're kidding, right? I mean, at least 2 times a year we are confronted with some lunatic saying the world will end. It's completely biblical, and I'm Catholic, and I still am very skeptical.
For all you religious people, it specifically says that no man knoweth the hour of when redemption shall come. Straight from the bible. So any large scale world ending thing, such as this, will always be false.
All I know is that the Velocirapture may indeed occur on this day, May 21, 2011. Should that occur I shall not be here, for Raptor Jesus shall have devoured my liver in order to save me from the Flamingo. May the Almighty Platypus guide and watch over you all.
if we're still alive as a species even a million years from now i doubt we'll still be here on earth... I don't know for fact... but i just feel that w/ advancements in science that if there's a way to get off this rock... we'll have done it.