I'm sure you've all heard the doom sayers stating that the world will end on Saturday May 21 2011. What is the basis behind this belief that the world will end on this day, what sets this apart from all the other doomsday theories, and where do you stand on this forecast of oblivion.
aprentley it going to be a world (goimg to effected all countrys) earthquac sorry cant spell flowed by a big wave that going to kill us all now think that crazy
You all are idiots. The world will end today, and here is how:
Bloody apathetic planet, I have no sympathy at all."
The Vogon ships charged their demolition beams. There was a terribly ghastly silence. There was a terribly ghastly noise. There was a terribly ghastly silence. The Vogon Constructor Fleet passed through the void.
Uh, let me point out that that's all supposed to happen on a Thursday. Never really got the hang of Thursdays. This is Sunday, so we're in the clear from the Vogons for now.
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that none of us have had our homes scheduled to be demolished and had the papers in a basement without stairs or lights, in a locked file cabinet inside an out of use lavatory with a sign on it saying "Beware of Leopard."
So therefor your Thursday theory is useless! HAHAHAHA. Now to read some poetry by Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings.