I'm sure you've all heard the doom sayers stating that the world will end on Saturday May 21 2011. What is the basis behind this belief that the world will end on this day, what sets this apart from all the other doomsday theories, and where do you stand on this forecast of oblivion.
Once upon a time there was a man named Harold Camping who predicted the world would end in 1994, but it didn't. So he was like "My bad, God was testing us" and everyone was like "iz kewl" and forgot about it. So he again predicted the rapture was coming on May 21, 2011 and everyone was like "OH GAWD!" and spent millions to tell everyone. But Harold made one translation mistake. It wasn't the rapture that was coming but the RAPTOR that was coming.
So on May 21, 2011 at 6pm whatever timezone, Raptor Jesus appeared.
And he was like "LOLZ RAAWW!" But thanks to a rip in the spacetime continuum The starship Enterprise showed up with the team of SG-1 from a botched Star Gate experiment. Spock was all like "This is illogical" and Teal'c was like "Indeed". After a few seconds of research it was concluded that the rip in the continuum was caused by a combination of Kirks ego and his search for fine alien booty. So Bones said "DAMMIT JIM!" and Kirk was like "HUH WHAWT?"
Detecting Raptor Jesus Kirk, Spock, Bones, Teal'c and Ensign Steve beamed down to meet him. Then Kirk got distracted for a moment by some fine alien booty.
And Raptor Jesus was like "RAAW! DIE!"
So then Kirk said "You not really a god." and Teal'c was like "Indeed" and shot Raptor Jesus with his staff weapon. Then Ensign Steve for no reason spontaneously combusted and Bones was like "He's dead Jim" but no one cared. When they checked Raptor Jesus they found he was actually a computer.
So then Kirk Ripped his shirt and yelled. But Spock was like "Illogical" and everyone ignored him because Tandy Raptor Jesus computer was already dead. So after returning to the Enterprise, Spock used the trajectory of the sun and some technobabble to return everyone home and make it look like nothing happened. Then 6 months later Kirk died from an alien STD.
And if you don't believe me, just have a little faith.
This is like the eighth time it has happened. I heard the guy who spread this said he had made a mathematical error in his formula.
Yeah Camping said that last time, and every other individual or group who predicted the end of the world or rapture have said the same and quite a few of them went on to predict again, sell load of books and have loads of followers....known as idiots.
I was reading about some of Campings 2011 rapture followers, some of these people were in med school, holding pretty good well paid jobs and so on, all gave loads of money to promote the world was coming to an end, sacrificing their job(or future careers)family and so on. Bet they feel pretty foolish right now.
Can't wait till the 22nd Dec next year when the mayans predicted the end of the world.
They didn't, it just happens to be the last date in the Mayan calender, people have misinterpreted this as a prophecy of the world ending on that date, really it's just the end of their calender and then the start of a new one. Think of it like our own calender, when it gets to the last date nobody cries out Oh My God the world is going to end, no we just start a new calender.
From what I've read, the Mayans had their knowledge in astronomy from the Olmecs. Also, the calendar apparently does NOT stop at 21th december 2012. At this date, they simply predicted the end of the Fifth sun (5th cycle), but a new one supposedly will follow, so it's not the end of the world. You must know that Mayans believed the world would go through suns/cycles, and at the end of each one at least one couple survived and repopulated earth (Warning: incest! A single couple of humans repopulating earth after a catastrophe, as can also be found in Norse mythology for example, is always a sign that it is just a tale/legend). We are currently in what they believed is the fifth sun. If you ask me, all they managed to truly predict is high solar activity ^^
How did you manage to spell that wrong...Its PWNED!
God did put in the Rapture request, but the Council of Heaven didn't approve as it would cause their Bank of Souls a lot of souls and Hell's Bank of Souls would've been Higher on the Angelic stock market. Unsatisfied God tried to cause a few natural disasters, but that request didn't go through either, it happened to be a holiday for the CED. (Center for Earthly Disasters) Satan was too busy being drunk to play Bad cop with us. (By bad cop I mean while God is going through all the trouble of putting in requests, Satan could've just did something. But because of Him being drunk his part in the rapture was skipped since he was unfit for duty) Gentleman...Ladies....Any questions?
He was up in Heaven and told God to hold off on the rapture. God was like, "you mean I shouldn't do anything, and let this Camping guy look like a complete and utter retard?" and Randy was like "OH YEAAAAAAH!!!" and God was like, "That's kewl, I won't do it. But you and Andre the Giant have to wrestle for my entertainment" and they were both like "that's kewl God", and so they wrestled instead of having God do the Rapture and 'cause of their wrestling match a volcano in Iceland erupted again...