After several of requests I've decided to open this. I have no idea how the clans played it so I'll leave it up to the players to form the rules. But, form the rules the way you played the original version. Ask JohnGarell for questions I suppose.
yay! the ceberus head licks u and then it continues to attack the castle, which is not much anymore, it has been under attack for a few pages now... SD
i'd also like to state that i have missed my own birthday... armorgames birthday that is! :P lol. anyways, i create a tornado in the sea, creating a whirlpool, which i then swim in.
Sorry bu you can't feed him to Cerberus because he is in the safe and you can't attack or harm players while they are in the safe. GC (safe) dark wizard
omg this officially SUCKS. id rather be playing minecraft. everyone just go play minecraft. its fun. troll troll. we need more games like everybody edits were your with a bunch of people online. go post stuff like that on places. in the new site. there is literally "nonelikejoshua". go on youtube and type nonlikejoshua. he's awesome.
I force mars closer to Storm so she'll shut up and gimme cookies. I also put a summoned apple in BM's mouth, and roast 'em like eh piggie-wiggie :P Then! I shank calvin with his own jaw bone :P