After several of requests I've decided to open this. I have no idea how the clans played it so I'll leave it up to the players to form the rules. But, form the rules the way you played the original version. Ask JohnGarell for questions I suppose.
Well, I know it's not starwars but i really did not feel like saying I "shot lighting from my hands" cauz it's too long so just humor me I make a giant Cerberus and it attacks the castle SD
I melt the lightening rod on top of the castle. Then I radiate intense heat of thousands of degrees off my body while hovering above the ground. I also cause vipers, black widows, and scorpions to appear over Calvin.
Yeah my bad I fly on stormwalker to the castle hop onto the Cerberus and smash through a wall. Then I use it to keep the wall open so people can get in and take it over
Since the scorpions,black widows etc. we're just above me I throw them into the oceon and I teleport to the safe to recover GC (safe) dark wizard PS I don't get the point of IWA & SD having an alliance because then they are basically the same? Then what's the point because they don't ever attack anyone else except GC. that ruins the point of having more than 2 clans because the two of you have the same targets.
oh yeah. what is up with the squid and how does it relate to ur armatar? and ways i get one of the three heads of ceberus to eat crazyape and chew him up and he is dead-dead!! and the other two heads continue to attack the castle SD