both male and female climax releases endorphins, so can we suppose by fact of evolution climaxing should be meant to produce a feeling of well being?
I don't think we can just look at one aspect of the process and say "That's all the process is for." Would could say "that's just one use."
endorphins make you happy... and happy people just don't kill their husbands
XD... so I liked legally blond... wanna fight about it?
endorphins are drugs... endorphins are addictive (to an extent)... I personally would feel like crap some days until I went for my daily minimum of 6 mile run back in the day of my not being hurt period.... then after the run I might hurt or be sore... but I'd be refreshed and happy. ...sometimes you just crave exercise... if endorphins are addictive then we could possibly say that endorphins are an evolutionary survivor b/c they make us repeat whatever process our body pumps them out for... it makes us crave the replication of whatever the process is. the endorphins are there to make us want to have sex and to repeat the process by my postulation. and then the morphology still in my minds eye is supposed to fit like a puzzle piece... (don't think about that too much... i didn't mean for it to be as humorously vulgar as it came out (>_> ditto)
and as for the female part of the story... the female sex organ produces its on lubrication amirite? it also elongates/stretches to adjust for the specifics of the particular partner there at the time. that tells me... it has developed via evolution to have something go there and stimulate it. the rolling cycle of producing eggs and placing them on the other side of that opening tells me that something that provides the reproductive material is supposed to go through there.
I don't see school education incorporating education on homosexual activity being successful. I mean maybe it would stop some of the soft hate and misunderstanding... but the bulk of the problem stems from those most vocal and belligerent with their attacks (imo)... the hate crimes against any potential group are still going to happen regardless of what teachers say in the class room... most problem racist kids I know just get agitated at having to sit through a sermon on the issues like that and then use bits and pieces of it as ammo.
a separate thing here... what would you teach in these lectures on gay acceptance? definitions of words like frottage? or that they're people too and you shouldn't make fun of them? I know not all education experiences are the same... but as I said before... I wasn't even really taught heterosexual intercourse... "this is the penis, this is the testes, sperm are produced in the testes, (mirror the female anatomy for this)... when the two meet they form a zygote. yadda yadda yadda... ~9months later you have a baby... next chapter.
pop culture (tv, radio, or just social experience) will have these kids already having been taught and imprinted with their stance on the issue at the point that they teach biological sex ed in ~7th grade. I know several of the people in my class that had already been around the block several times before that happened.
they also teach abstinence and don't drink underaged in the class room or during school wide auditorium lectures... and neither as already discussed have done much of a job either. (don't think the drinking part has... but kaboodles of people do it anyway)
as I see it.. the only real way to thoroughly deal with the problem... albeit its not a 100% fix (and might not work at all)... would be to, for lack of a better immediate term, indoctrinate them from very early on. ...but that would be stepping on the parents' toes so to speak. what if they want to be the one to give them the sex talk? what if they don't want them being taught anything about sex in the early years (~3rd grade or under)... that infringes on their apparent rights as a parent amirite? ..and if the gov't can take the parent's right to teach their kids what they want away, then what else would that open the door for them to take away?...would you be willing to open that pandora's box?
I don't see schools teaching homosexual education killing the root of the problem... if doing much of anything.
inb4 kill religion... i see homosexual acceptance happening before (that is if) religion dies.
when the homosexuals who are allowed to adopt or keep kids at their house start rolling out kids who are straight and w/ that destroy any heart wrenching tension the super straights have against gays having babies and that's publicized a lot then eventually people will quit caring... I think they talked about Ellen's lady friend.../wife (are they married?) who had a son that was in a heterosexual relationship w/ someone else... I just remember something like that once on tv. (wasn't really embellished or anything... and may not've been that particular couple.)
I for one don't really see a point in forcing a gay person to go straight... unless you re-wire them chemically then unless they're already bisexual then they may never be really attracted to me(or anyone of the opposite sex)... forcing someone to go against what they're programmed to do is only going to lead to resentment and bad feelings and I'm not sure if "love" can be attained in a relationship like that... I know I don't want to be with someone who resents our relationship.
I've known a few ladies that went different directions at different times in their lives... one's ~22... she went to juco after high school (hit on in class by a lesbian all the time... I was there... I heard all the " "well why not (insert name here)".... "I don't like girls silly" " conversations there in person.... I was sitting right by them... anywho... in juco she all of a sudden had a girlfriend for some reason... and now she's engaged to a 45 year old guy (ikr...wth) so... I'm a little foggy on it being solely chemical makeup and there being no choice in the matter. ...women are confusing.
in school you might could say... a lot of homosexuals... if not all... are homosexuals b/c of genetic make up and its natural/normal. that and anything else is still up in the air for how effective it would be...
sorry for my scattered thoughts... back and forth w/ different conversations.. and these posts don't just get typed out in 5 minutes so I forget things i wanted to say... and have them show up later... so when i thought about it is when i wrote it... so things may be out of order (for those of you who aren't very familiar w/ my style and history)