This is the second installment of the Questions From an X Jew. I want to know that if Christians are monotheistic, and they believe in God, then how can they believe in Jesus being the Son of God. If that were true, than they would either be worshipping two gods or one and a half gods. Please understand that I am not trying to offend anyone. It is just that this question has been nagging me for a while and I wanted to see what the Christians on AG have to say. Thanks!
^^because the bible is a pack of lies. Jesus also says that whatever you pray for shall come true and prayer can move mountains.
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Mat 17:20)
@qwerty1011 That was a metaphor telling the deciples that they did not have any true faith. The deciples were not exactly a model bunch. If anything they were some of the worst people he could have picked. I figure he chose them to basically say, "I can turn this bunch of sinners away from bad." They still loved money and worldly things over God.
He didn't say:
whatever you pray for shall come true and prayer can move mountains.
He said faith could.
Faith causes people to feel empowered and to do great things. Since there's not much reason to move a real mountain people move metaphorical ones:
Look at what Gandhi did. Even though he wasn't Christian, his faith still drove him. Look at what MLKJ did. His faith drove him almost completely.
well i am a muslim and i am only saying what is in our quran (koran)
god dosnt have any son and father god and thats why i am saying jesus isnt gods son jesus christ is a prophet of a god he is one of the best men and prophets of god and his name in quran thousends of time
[quote]This is clearly a lie Knowledge passes through experience,testing their way to the end and having no fruits problem? Talk is cheap without doing only critisize.A lot of people have claims and i lived my ways of supernatural activities too.We all know some shaolin monks fly and there is this guy egyptian hulk in youtube etc.Seeing theese things didnt restrained or changed my judgement thus i tell you,our soul does not care a bit about it at all.You will see that.
Experince with bare eyes whats important. We all read miracles in holy verses or in articles.At this point,a video of a flying man would be considered fake obviously.There is a saying as 'God cannot be found by searching but founders were searchers'.
Ok, but in this case please don't go around saying "flying monks" like it's a universal fact. It is not. At least post a link talking about this phenomen, we'll do the work of judging it's credibility on our own.
ive seen a lot of questions about the trinity the only way i know how to explain it is its like trying to explain to a square what a cube looks like. the square sees multiple squares but theyre really all different faces of the same thing. as to why he had to die god could simply say youre all forgiven but because he is a just god he created the universe with rules, and he does not violate those rules even though its technically within his ability because he is a just God.
The holy trinity is the father, the son, and the holy ghost. when you worship those thing thats three, that seems polytheistic to me. and a simple question, in john 3:16 part of it says "that He (as in god) gave his only begotten son" i also hear many christians say we are all gods children and we live in a 7 billion population so it seems like more than one son. will someone clear this misunder standing for me
"that He (as in god) gave his only begotten son" i also hear many christians say we are all gods children and we live in a 7 billion population so it seems like more than one son. will someone clear this misunder standing for me
This came up in another similar thread once and we jokingly concluded that must mean we are God's daughters.
While we are on the holy ghost thing there apparently were 7 of those. Revelation 3:1 (NIV) "To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.