This is the second installment of the Questions From an X Jew. I want to know that if Christians are monotheistic, and they believe in God, then how can they believe in Jesus being the Son of God. If that were true, than they would either be worshipping two gods or one and a half gods. Please understand that I am not trying to offend anyone. It is just that this question has been nagging me for a while and I wanted to see what the Christians on AG have to say. Thanks!
to a Christian, his death, though sad, is not a tragedy,
Surely you've seen those movies where they're all 'I'm sorry for your loss, he's in a better place now'
I mean, you can still be sad that the person is no longer with you.
They probably see it as bad to themselves, but, religiously, if you were a good person who was the best Christian evar, then you've got a ticket into Heaven. It's pretty much a no-brainer when you think about which direction Jesus went.
I've seen it put that we cannot ignore the possibility of a "antheon" of gods... my question is now... what is your definition of a God. what constitutes being a God? I'm getting caught up on my interpretation here... its like the "unstoppable force vs. immovable object" argument... if there's any such thing as a deity... then isn't it by definition (or some definitions) the only deity...? you can't have a deity by some definitions and have a second deity. the trinity would be expressing that they're all different manifestations of the same thing. ...akin to Brahma and its "deities"... or one entity playing actor playing multiple parts in a giant play.
long story short, I'm saying that maybe "one" is playing multiple roles...
The father, son, and holy spirit are all forms of God. Consider water in its liquid state, it's solid state, and its gaseous state. In each phase, the water has different properties, but it's still the same substance. But here's the problem:
All three 'incarnations' of this substance (i.e. God) are identical to God. Here the analogy breaks down because we don't equate, say, ice with some ethereal substance 'Water' that possesses all the properties of liquid water, steam, and ice. But it gets worse. The reason we don't do this with water is because that would be a logical contradiction - and we don't like those. The property of identity is transitive; in other words, if a=c and b=c then necessarily a=b. The problem with the notion of the trinity is that it defies this necessary relationship. Jesus=God and The Father=God and yet Jesus=/=The Father (Jesus is identical to God, The Father is identical to God, yet Jesus is not identical to The Father). This is precisely why some groups, like Jehovah Witnesses, reject trinitarianism.
But everyone knows that the holy ghost, god and jesus are all 3 aspects of the same magic sky fairy so god is actually his own father. This is just one of the many stupid things in christianity which show that it must have been made by an idiot or a goat herder on drugs.
Christians belive that Jesus is God, God is Jesus, as is the Holy Spirit. This is called the trinity. They belive that God actually came to Earth as Jesus, and is still here today as the Holy Spirit.
They belive that God actually came to Earth as Jesus, and is still here today as the Holy Spirit.
So basically, creation of the world as god, incarnation on earth as jesus, and after his death, remains a holy ghost? Why not getting back to it's god-form, why having to change state again?
Furthermore, since God is all omnipotent, why on earth does he have to leave behind a floating spirit that nobody can see? Technically he's wherever the spirit is sot he spirit is practically useless. I don't understand the Christian idea of the trinity because it sounds a lot less like religion and a lot more like an ongoing philosophy of fairytales.
I don't understand the Christian idea of the trinity because it sounds a lot less like religion and a lot more like an ongoing philosophy of fairytales.
I'd say that almost all Christians still view death as something bad.
I personally know a very strong Christian that sees death as a good thing. I personally do not understand it because if I posed a question to him such as "Well what if you die?" he will just shrug. From asking him, he said that they aren't supposed to cry when someone dies, but be happy that they are now in Heaven, but people still do because it is human nature to cry at the loss of someone.
Since God is all omnipotent, why on earth does he have to leave behind a floating spirit that nobody can see?
The Holy Spirit is just another part of the Trinity which has been explained. Before Jesus left to go to heaven, he left the "Holy Spirit" which gave people different gifts, comforts us, and instructs us. In some cases, it even prevents us from going to places for our well being.
Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit 15 âIf you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you foreverâ" [The Holy Spirit]
In fact, since God is everywhere, and the trinity is God, it is saying that the Holy Spirit goes with YOU everywhere, so in essence, Trinity = God, Holy Spirit is in the Trinity, Holy Spirit goes with us everywhere = God with us everywhere.
Also the Bible also gives us clues that the Holy Spirit is not just a "spirit" or "ghost" and infact that he is a person. How strange is that! But that's another story for another day.
The Holy Spirit dispenses gifts to different individuals according as He wills (see 1 Corinthians 12:8-11).
"Holy Spirit" which gave people different gifts, comforts us, and instructs us. In some cases, it even prevents us from going to places for our well being.
So much for that not messing with free will argument.
[quote]"Holy Spirit" which gave people different gifts, comforts us, and instructs us. In some cases, it even prevents us from going to places for our well being.
So much for that not messing with free will argument.[/quote]
The Holy Spirit does not block out our free will, it guides us accurately. I would much rather have something that stops me from getting killed than not. We can still turn away from it, and suffer the risks. Just like I would much rather have a policeman that stops me from walking into a bank robbery.
In fact, since God is everywhere, and the trinity is God, it is saying that the Holy Spirit goes with YOU everywhere, so in essence, Trinity = God, Holy Spirit is in the Trinity, Holy Spirit goes with us everywhere = God with us everywhere.
Also the Bible also gives us clues that the Holy Spirit is not just a "spirit" or "ghost" and infact that he is a person. How strange is that! But that's another story for another day.
So god is really 3 different gods. Since god is omnipotent can't he do all this on his own. Why does he need to make 2 other people? And today is another day so storytime.
The Holy Spirit does not block out our free will, it guides us accurately. I would much rather have something that stops me from getting killed than not. We can still turn away from it, and suffer the risks. Just like I would much rather have a policeman that stops me from walking into a bank robbery.
If by being guided our choices are manipulated our free will is removed. And if god is omnipotent how come only a few select people can feel him. Surely if all could feel him they'd all worship him.