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ForumsGamesExit Path 2 Tournament

342 64727
430 posts

Okay, well as we all know, Exit Path 2 is going to be released. Since we now have confirmation from John that there will be private rooms, I think that a tournament is in order since so many people have been wanting to do that.

This tournament will be set 3 days after the official game(not the beta) is released. That way we can get to know the stages a little first. So expect this to happen around the July-August area.

Number of participants will depend on how many people apply. I plan for this not to be more than about 64 or 128 people, so if more than that apply(unlikely), I will simply do a first come first served basis.

Here are the rules to enter:

1. You must have played at last 1,000 matches on the original Exit Path.
2. You must sign up on here by simply stating you want to enter.
3. When you sign up, post your stats (meaning matches,wins, etc.) so I know that you have at least 1,000 matches
, and your win %from Exit Path(original) will determine your seeding, much like in a professional sports league.

As for racing rules, I can't post many right now because we don't really know the gameplay yet.
The only rules right now is that the rooms will be 4 people each.
Also, those who were given access to the beta will be put into the same 1st round mtaches whenever possible because those who playd the beta will have an unfair advantage over those who did not.

How to advance to next round:
Each room will play 25 races, with the 2 plyers with the most wins will advance to the next round.
This will continue until we are down to only 2 players remaining, where the 2 will play 1 final round of 15 races.

Also, Epicness raised a point to me that might be interesting that if maybe a mod. or admin. agrees, maybe the winner of the tournament will get a merit. Keep in mind this is not for sure, just a thought.

Thank you for reading all this(if you were crazy enough to read all this), and please enter.

  • 342 Replies
17 posts

this is gonna be awesome! i'm definetely gonna enter! for sure!

17 posts

my stats: 508 wins, 1654 matches, (508/1654)= about 31%.

566 posts

I actually have 33 people on my list as of this post.

And while that's a good idea, wouldn't that mean you end up with a 4-man final? It'd be a good way to spread out the seeds though.
And with your system, the tournament would be over after 3 big rounds (assuming we don't get that many more participants).

Of course, this is your tournament, but here's my suggestion: Instead of having 4-man race groups, I suggest we have 1v1 races instead. So Malk vs. Est, Zero vs. Soy, etc.

After the first round is done, we sort all the remaining people by seed and do the whole thing all over again, until we arrive at the finals. This way also makes sure the highest seeds don't meet until the last rounds of the tournament.

One additional side-effect would be that it's easier to set up a race time, since you only have 2 people as opposed to 4 people.

And the tournament would last longer, which is more suspenseful and gathers more interest :3

But let me tell you right now: If the number of participants is a power of 2, setting up rounds will be much more convenient ;P

17 posts

If this tournament is gonna be held late june/early july(around that time), are the people entering going to get a notice of where to go, when the actual date is, and when it's their time to play?? Or something like that?

452 posts

Wait, am I not in this tournament?

7 posts

Hey Kenty

Nice post. My percentage of wins is exactly 63.1%. I noticed an estimate so thought I would post the actual win ratio.

Loving the fun facts.

Secondly - wtf is a merit? I'm an Exit Path die hard but am totally new to online flash game communities.

Much love


7 posts

P.S - I can vouch for Dragon....

The guy probably wont remember me, but he made that elevator trick famous and was a formidable opponent - beat me to the line in most games.

452 posts

Ok, I'll sign up all over again I now got 4587 matches and 2009 wins, that's about 61%. I play on AngelOfJack btw. If it were Jackoo8080, I would have 3616 matches and 1695 wins. That's about 47%.

366 posts

I saw Orphee and Duhbers lately maybe somebody can invite them to the tournament

4 posts

Still time to sign up? Done well over 1000 matches but account stats got reset somehow =[ I'm sure some people here could vouch for me? Win ratio probably 70 odd %?! No idea.....

7 posts

I haven't read all this chat but was just speaking to some people in the GhostOf Clans chat and they said it was unfair if as the beta testers will have an advantage.

Whilst this is inherently true, I'm not bothered and will use chemical substances to my advantage to knock other players Chloroform.

On a serious note - you should wait about a week or two (from launch) to run this tournament. 3 days is somewhat flawed.

Peace, love and bingo dabbers

7 posts


I can vouch for you on the basis that I'm talking drunken shiiiite to you in some online GhostOf chat thing...... must mean you're a legend.

OK - I'm going to bed before I get banned.

566 posts

Ok, I'll sign up all over again I now got 4587 matches and 2009 wins, that's about 61%. I play on AngelOfJack btw.

Alright I added you. Not sure how you got that funky percentage though, since 2009/4587 = 43.8%

Nice post. My percentage of wins is exactly 63.1%. I noticed an estimate so thought I would post the actual win ratio.

Alrighty, I changed it on the list.

As for Merits, they really only exist for the bragging rights as far as I know :S

P.S - I can vouch for Dragon....

The guy probably wont remember me, but he made that elevator trick famous and was a formidable opponent - beat me to the line in most games.

I'm fine with adding Dragon, but again I need atleast an estimate % to properly place him.

Still time to sign up?

Added ;D

I haven't read all this chat but was just speaking to some people in the GhostOf Clans chat and they said it was unfair if as the beta testers will have an advantage.

Actually the idea of having a split Beta/Non-Beta tournament already came up, but it obviously depends on who gets an invite ;P

3 days is somewhat flawed.

I admit it's a rather short time frame, but I think since all of us come from the original, it shouldn't take as long to be decently good at the game.

And that brings us up to 36 participants

Also, if you have any questions regarding the list, feel free to ask me (and remember the updated list can be found on my profile).
1 posts


694 posts

id like to sign up if i still can (not really, all ma peoples at the ghost chat wanted me to so its whatever). i have 1600 matches but my ratio sucks because i like to race better people so i can learn better routes and i like to do tricks. however there are people where who can testify for me that i am a solid EP player (at least i hope they will, these guys are crazy now a days)

ShadowRatchet95 a.k.a. GhostOfMetal

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