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ForumsGamesExit Path 2 Tournament

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430 posts

Okay, well as we all know, Exit Path 2 is going to be released. Since we now have confirmation from John that there will be private rooms, I think that a tournament is in order since so many people have been wanting to do that.

This tournament will be set 3 days after the official game(not the beta) is released. That way we can get to know the stages a little first. So expect this to happen around the July-August area.

Number of participants will depend on how many people apply. I plan for this not to be more than about 64 or 128 people, so if more than that apply(unlikely), I will simply do a first come first served basis.

Here are the rules to enter:

1. You must have played at last 1,000 matches on the original Exit Path.
2. You must sign up on here by simply stating you want to enter.
3. When you sign up, post your stats (meaning matches,wins, etc.) so I know that you have at least 1,000 matches
, and your win %from Exit Path(original) will determine your seeding, much like in a professional sports league.

As for racing rules, I can't post many right now because we don't really know the gameplay yet.
The only rules right now is that the rooms will be 4 people each.
Also, those who were given access to the beta will be put into the same 1st round mtaches whenever possible because those who playd the beta will have an unfair advantage over those who did not.

How to advance to next round:
Each room will play 25 races, with the 2 plyers with the most wins will advance to the next round.
This will continue until we are down to only 2 players remaining, where the 2 will play 1 final round of 15 races.

Also, Epicness raised a point to me that might be interesting that if maybe a mod. or admin. agrees, maybe the winner of the tournament will get a merit. Keep in mind this is not for sure, just a thought.

Thank you for reading all this(if you were crazy enough to read all this), and please enter.

  • 342 Replies
156 posts
Nomad your exit path IDEAS in the EP Discussion Thread. Not here in the Tournament Thread....

3 posts

i apply too
i have 2.5k matches and 950 wins
my percentage isnt very big cuy i practise and fool around more than i win
i know all of the shortcuts too so i'm like a pro :P

15,595 posts

As Malkoir said it's best to put ideas in the GEPD. It's one of the first threads in this sub-forum so it shouldn't be difficult to find.

will he make a more versus mode-like mode in EP2 because i would really love to kill someone with very expertly placed traps.

I doubt it. That would require more work and that isn't what Exit Path is about.
15,595 posts

and that isn't what Exit Path is about.

and fighting isn't what Exit Path is about.
Thought I'd fix that so people don't get confused then rage at me.
452 posts

my percentage isnt very big cuy i practise and fool around more than i win
Ya, that's what mostly people do like me :P.
6 posts

I'm a little bit offended here. I don't play that much because I already know every level. That's why I would like to compete in EP2, which would be completely NEW
I don't need to 'still learn everything'. That said, I don't think I can play 2 hours a day (that's what I call 'addicted'. But I'm still available if you need someone (AND I'LL BEAT YOU ALL )
Anyways, I'll see how far I can get, but with exams coming up I have something better to do

156 posts

Ha; beat zero, faithpath, me, matrix, and KentyBK? Not happening.

6 posts

Not all of you
I'll admit that yes, it's not going to happen.
But I'm working very hard to get to the 1000, so we'll see...

349 posts

lol malk i raced u like...a year ago when the game came out XD and it was only like...once...on your R0Y account :P...ahh i miss those good ol' days

133 posts

I think stats in not important because everything is gonna be new in ep2 and there's no point for matching up people by their experience because everyone starts as a newbie in ep2 unless we have a couple days to recognize the levels and we go from there...

566 posts

I think stats in not important because everything is gonna be new in ep2 and there's no point for matching up people by their experience because everyone starts as a newbie in ep2 unless we have a couple days to recognize the levels and we go from there...

That's not 100% correct since the game will be essentially the same at it's core. Sure, people will need some time to adjust to the new things, but they won't suddenly start from square one again. Think of it like this: The good players will remain to be good, but now the others can fight on a more even ground (since the whole timing djs is removed).

I suspect the winner will be:
- Someone that played beta (if we let the two tourny winners fight)
- Is very creative about his shortcuts

Keeping this in mind, there's no other reliable way to make matchings without being 100% random. Feel free to correct me if anyone has ideas.
10 posts

oh and KentyBK what do i do next. If im in the tournament what do i have to do before i can be in it.

133 posts

- Is very creative about his shortcuts

we won't know any shortcuts if we haven't played it fora while...
24 posts

I suspect that the winner will be someone who played the beta or someone who played all day the three days before the tourney (And is that still how we're doing it?). And I don't think that creativity has that much to do with finding shortcuts. I think that most of the shortcuts in ep were the product of simply trying things out and logic. While creativity has its part in what different things have been tried, I think that most people have the sufficient creativity to take the idea of the double jump and see what they can do with it in relation to shortcuts. Even in ep2 with all these new features, I don't think there's going to be the possibility of hundreds of shortcuts in a single level. Time is the more important factor here. Some will probably have better shortcuts than others, but I think that many will be racing in similar ways. It's gonna be a close tournament. And excuse me, I need more coffee...

I don't think there's any reliable way to make matchings at all. Random matchings could result in the worst playing the worst and the best playing the best in the first rounds (extremely unlikely though). I think that the best way would be to subjectively test everyone's performance by seeing watching them race against others before the tourney. That's ridiculous though, so I think that random might be the best way. Stats usually have no relevance to someone's actual skill and are less than useless imho.

On a side note, I am having trouble accessing my stats. My computer is blocking exit path for hacking, and I'm unsure if my parents will allow me to enter. And if I can't play enough to actual be somewhat decent at the game, then I'm not going to let you guys see me fail. and Waring!!!: (This is the only useful thing in my post): I think that we should record the tournament. If I enter and can find a screen recorder that doesn't cause my computer to lag too much, then I'll record my matches (but that may not be past the first round), so I think that we should have the watcher people record the matches. Just an idea.

Also, with the new gameplay and the new levels, I think we're gonna be pushed back pretty far. I think it's less about being "good" and more about having more experience. You can play three levels all you want, but you're not going to get too much better at the other ones until you practice them. Maybe it will only take three days to readjust, but I don't think many people are going to be able to perform as perfectly as the did in the original game with so little practice. I hope it's not that much different, and with the old djs removed it may just be a lot easier, but I'm not counting on it.

You guys have fun.

Now that I have ranted about nothing in particular for no other particular reason than that I have nothing else productive to do and I can't think of something else to turn into another paragraph atm (I take that back... this isn't productive, and I do have things I should be doing), I think that I am going to go drink yet another coffee. And now you know almost just how crazy I am.


24 posts

Sorry for double posting... but I want to say it would be an absolute waste of your time to read what I previously wrote. I don't exactly remember what all of it says, and I don't want to read it all. I do think that we should record the matches though.

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