Even the most religious/anti-choice people must admit that, in some circumstances, abortion is the 'lesser of two evils' - surely?
I've stated that if it is going to do significant damage to the mother or even kill her then by all means rip it out. I cannot accept two deaths when only one was needed.
zomgawd... it went wild since I left. I guess I'll have to catch back up a little.
I've stated that if it is going to do significant damage to the mother or even kill her then by all means rip it out. I cannot accept two deaths when only one was needed.
But where do you draw the line on significant damage? Moreover, which of the lives is more important, the developed/adult one or the potential/foetal one?
there are instances where the fetus can cause sickness and toxicity that can damage/cripple/kill the mother. a dead/crippled/damaged mother will have difficulty providing for herself let alone a child or more... and especially if she already has children she has to take care of. ...by forcing debilitation on her you increase the death risk of all she oversees... especially if she's a single mother (divorced/widowed/never wed)
if the mother dies and the baby hasn't come to anywhere near to term then it will cause 2 deaths. in that instance, only the mother can be saved... unless they have incubators that can grow humans from their earliest stages nowadays (sounds like another research charity > ). I don't see it as weighing which is more important... only which that can be saved and which that cannot be saved
but if the woman does find it too much of an inconvenience and that she will abort then I still say it should be her money.
500 dollars is ~6.6 hours a day at minimum wage for a 2 full work weeks. and I'm sure like any bill you could make payments on it. Its not like its $2,000. If they want that life style then they should foot the bill. can't they plug your tubes now? ...or do those things cause horrible disorders like the acutane (which I took >________>...crones disease here I come)
Since this is a very religious topic, I will give the Jewish side of the debate.
A fetus is allowed to be aborted full term if it is going to damage/kill the mother upon birth. It can be aborted unless half of the body is out of the vagina, or if the head is out, since one life does not have importance over another.
By definition, murder is killing that's against the law.
An Abortion is actully very simple
I disagree; there are many situations to consider. I am generally pro-life myself but I fully support a few exceptions and understand and respect many more.
If your to stupid then you deserve who you elect and all politicians in every country are dumb ***** any way so its no different form any other country.
We have an overpopulation crisis? There is still enough room for all of us humans
There is going to be too many people for the planet to support by the year 2100
Good. I dont want to pay for abortions.
Ok. So do you want to pay for expensive treatment for birth defects on a baby that could have been aborted, and has a slim chance of survival either way? If you don't pay for someone else's treatment, no one should care about paying for yours.
My overall view: If your stupid sixteen year old girl got pregnant with her idiot boyfriend, you or her pay. If a **** victim doesn't wan to give birth to her assaulter's baby, it should be covered.
On the other hand, this isn't helping our overpopulation crisis.
You don't know anything about overpopulation. It isn't about the U.S. We aren't overpopulated. So U.S. Laws are worthless. The places where abortions could be used are pretty much all of Africa, Bangladesh and some other Asian countries. The governments should fund abortions there.
I support abortion it should be the woman's right to have one. I don't think there should be a public vote for this because so many people are against it.