46 chromosomes? So you're saying someone with Downs syndrome isn't human?
I personally don't view them as helpful to society and therefore waste that should be put out with the trash. AKA, shot in the head and left in a junkyard.
The two aren't really comparable. It's more like a person who has every bodily function on a life support systems, entirely dependent on those systems with little or no brain function.
You're right; the disabled are even more helpless, for the unborn are simply depending upon their mothers until they are born, as far as system support goes.
did anyone else just take his name and associate it w/ the movie about Project Valkery... which was about Hitler... (even tho the protagonists were against him it was still about hitler)... and thus synonymous w/ them thar Nat-z's.
special people can sometimes have amazingly artistic minds... if artists aren't helpful at all then we'd lose lots of people... but if they can be equivalent or even surpass regular 46'ers then effectively they're not different in what they bring to the table... they're just more childish.
See, it isn't the people that have access to money and high standards of living that are having abortions, it is the people that can't raise a child with the salaries that they are currently making. Another thing that I would like to point out is: Poor people are likely to raise poor people, and not functioning members of society. With those two points of evidence (poor people have abortions, and they raise poor adults) what is to say that allowing them to deny society of one more stone on it's ankle is a bad thing
The argumentation cannot be made. When adoption is a clearly safer and more suitable alternative then there is no need for an abortion in the first place.
When adoption is a clearly safer and more suitable alternative then there is no need for an abortion in the first place.
The foster system is filled with children who are ready to be adopted. These children have an average age of 7 years old. They generally have some sort of special needs.
There were 51,000 kids waiting in CO alone in 2005
Sadly, the same argument can be made against me, because I want people to be funded and to know how to make proper abortions, rather than botch the procedure and kill both the mother and the child.
That makes me a socialist, because I dictate where your money is going.