An already born child and the early stages of development are two entirely different things.
just because the entity isn't outside of the womb doesn't mean that it isn't alive. check its dna... if and when you do you'll find that it is in fact human. therefore, it is an alive human. "It hasn't done anything in the world yet and therefore acceptable" is a variation of an argument I see most often. There are people in this world that have done all kinds of horrible things and they only get jail time. If its a neutral force lets kill it?... and if its a negative force that actively strives to harm humanity lets put it in jail b/c he/she's alive and has taken its first breath outside the womb already? I'm having trouble viewing that with any consistency.
i find it pretty funny that people say abortion should be illegal. but take these questions into account if you think it should be illegal: what about ****? what about the stupid kids my age? if you were put in one of those situations, what would you rather do? get the kid adopted and he/she suddenly has the urge to find his/her bilogical parent, asks why he/she was put up for an adoption, only to find out that he/she was a product of **** or stupidity? sure abortion is wrong, but only in some cases. like if the mom just doesn't want another kid, then, abortion is wrong. i can't really think of another case where it'd be wrong, but feel free to give more where it'd be wrong because i'm drawing a blank at this. i know there are more, i just can't seem to think of them.
Is it? Or up to a certain point is it just a collection of cells that have the potential to form a human?
No, as soon as the sperm makes contact with the egg cell, it's human life. When they make contact, the human development begins. Cells that have potential to be humans would be the sperm cells, egg cells.
No, as soon as the sperm makes contact with the egg cell, it's human life. When they make contact, the human development begins. Cells that have potential to be humans would be the sperm cells, egg cells.
Ever heard of a miscarriage? The chance of it being a miscarriage means there is only a potential for human life. Human life also doesn't start when the egg and sperm connect, in fact it doesn't start till sometime after that(something like 18 weeks I think).
unless it was ****, then it didn't happen on accident.
I hope that you realize that alcohol and drugs are many reasons why people decide to have unprotected sex. These drugs affect the area of the brain that controls decision making skills, therefore making it harder for these teenagers who go to the parties, and the adults who go clubbing to say no/have protected sex. It is possible to have a baby on accident without being *****, is what I guess I am trying to say.
So? Everyone dies. Does the fact that someone was murdered mean that they aren't fully human?
How does that even make sense. If human life starts part way into a pregnancy then an early miscarriage would mean there was never human life there, while if someone is murdered that means they were alive at some point.
Prove it.
I've seen links on this forum supporting that, but I don't remember what they were and I'm horrible at such research.
If human life starts part way into a pregnancy then an early miscarriage would mean there was never human life there, while if someone is murdered that means they were alive at some point.
That argument is only valid if you can prove that life starts part way into pregnancy, (which it does not), and because of your apparent weakness with Google Fu, you are unable to prove thus. When the sperm and the egg come together, a completely unique organism conceives, with a genetic pattern that has never been made, not ever will be again.
I'm rather against abortion. Sure, there are sob story cases and it isn't fair to some of the mothers, but I'm a female, so I think I have room to say I would be grateful to bring another life into this world. Sure not all females think the same way, but if you are stupid enough to do it without a condom/birth control, I mean, not even try in the least to not get knocked up, then you shouldn't have the option of killing a baby just because it isn't the right time for you. In life you will never have things go exactly the way you want them and having a baby at the wrong time in your life might be one of them. Yes, there are chances that even if you use a condom or birth control you will still get pregnant, but if you do get pregnant while using one or the other, then it obviously means this kid defied the chances of being made, and that should count for something. You can have the baby, and give it to someone who wants it and is willing to take care of it. Sure the kid might want to know who its real parents are, but once it realizes it is alive and should be grateful for not being aborted in the first place should be enough to not care as much.
I'm on my phone, so sorry if any of this seems rushed or is misspelled.
the mother that gave the child up for adoption cannot pursue that child... even once its grown. they are legally bound... at least in the case of my friend who just got pregnant her freshman year of college, had the baby, and gave it to people who couldn't have their own...
she cannot look for her daughter. she cannot contact her daughter once she reaches 18. The girl is not allowed to do so either. She has to wait till she turns 18 and then has to have the desire to search for her biological mother before she can do so at that point.
and I made no stance on forced intercourse without consent.
if we all asked our parents (if they're still around) about the time when they think we were conceived then more than one of us might find that we weren't expected or planned for at the time. I bet if you brought up the subject of the person being a product of forced intercourse (rap) and that you'd gladly take them out of the world if they wanted you to that they'd most likely decline. If there were a loop hole to my abortion stance then it would be rap.
one of my high school friend's gf's from a different school was quite the traveler... and I mean she got around. Of course there's always the possibility of her being a liar instead of a floozy... (the guy was on my soccer team and we the team got to know her through a haunted trail fund raiser we used to do every year to help fund our trips to Colorado for the national tournament they hold in Colorado Springs every 2 years. yea... we got to know her... and she didn't mind divulging all kinds of crazy stuff about her... one being that she's had somewhere around 5 abortions (18 year old here). so forgive me if I have second thoughts about these studies that show people are less likely to get pregnant again if allowed to have an abortion.
If you tell people "hey, we'll pay for your abortions regardless of conception"... then there is no reason for them to not keep on keeping on. If they have to foot the bill every time they conceive then they might think twice about their life style. There are so many more problems that I'd rather my tax dollar go towards fixing than sending it to abortion clinics. It was said that they could grow up and join gangs... instead of aborting the little buggers with my money, I'd rather it be used to develop after school programs... sports, bands, choirs, field trips... that would keep them out of trouble. abortions in this regard do nothing for the kids that join gangs from families who wanted them. my plan won't fix all of the issue, but it'd take out members from both the wanted and unwanted.... and it'd make people a little more cautious of making babies. (some people... some are just baby factories that don't care... but that's another story.)
That argument is only valid if you can prove that life starts part way into pregnancy, (which it does not), and because of your apparent weakness with Google Fu, you are unable to prove thus.
When the sperm and the egg come together, a completely unique organism conceives, with a genetic pattern that has never been made, not ever will be again.