note changes:
Name: Norbert Jonathan Filbert Dilbert Xztchznivct Xanadu Jonathan
Ezechial James Rapiliel Doggie Doggie Junior Zoom Chilzascheck
Johnnyboy Bookreader Calvin Wobbly Stubs Jonathan Michael Mike Mickey
Mic Mack Mice Mouse Moose Goose Duck Cluck Chicken Yellow Mellow
Mountain Dew Me Jonathan Squirrel Shorty Jonathan Something Jonathan
Jonathan This Took Me Half An Hour Jonathan
Lvl 1
Race:Forest Gnome
Small size. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus
on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying
limits 3/4 those of Medium characters.
Age: 275 (Middle Aged)
Looks: 2' tall, pointy hat, vest, well groomed beard, big blue eyes
Wizard (Illusionist) 1
Hit Points: 7
Str: 5
Con: 10
Dex: 10
Int: 20
Wis: 17
Cha: 19
Languages: Common, Gnome, Elven, Sylvan, Dwarf, Draconic, Goblin,
Giant, Basic Animal
Attributes: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds,
goblinoids, orcs, and reptilian humanoids, +4 racial bonus on Hide
checks, +8 in a wooded area, Pass Without Trace, Low light Vision, +2
racial bonus on saving throws against illusions, +1 Illusion DC, +4
dodge bonus to Armor Class against giants, +2 racial bonus on Listen
checks, +2 racial bonus on Alchemy checks, Dancing Lights 1/day, Ghost
Sounds 1/day, Prestidigitation 1/day.
Features: Summon Familiar, School Specialization (Illusionist, lose
Conjuration and Necromancy), Familiar (Weasel)
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Illusions)
Damage: Club (1d4), Light Crossbow (1d6)
AC: 11
Equipment: Spellbook, Gnome Clothes, Club, Light Crossbow, Spell
Component Pouch, 300 gp, Adventurer's Kit, Alchemist's Kit
Skills: Concentration (4), Craft (Alchemy) (4), Spellcraft (4),
Knowledge (Arcana) (4), Knowledge (Nature) (4), Knowledge (Geography)
(4), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (4)
Lvl 1: 8/day+1, All known
Lvl 2: 6/day+1, Sleep, Floating Disk, Magic Missile, Color Spray,
Disguise Self, Silent Image, ventriloquism, Erase
Name: Belrose Swordhand
Player: Holladay15
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Look: clean shave beard, medium- spiky hair, scars in various parts of
the body except
for face, Green-eyes.
Alignment:Neutral Good?
Race: Human
Class: Druid variant
Level: 1
Str- 12(+1)
Dex: 14(+2)
Con- 12(+1)
Int- 14(+2)
Wis- 17(+3)
Cha- 15(+2)
Damage: 1-8+1(x3 crit)
Feat: Ride-by attack, Mounted combat, track
Skills: Handle Animal [4], Knowledge (Nature)[4], Ride [4], Survival
[4], Swim [4]
Listen[4] and Spot[4],3 lvl 0 spells/day, 1 lvl 1 and 3 bonus
Abilities: Nature sense, Animal Companion (light warhorse), Wild
Equipment: Holly, mistletoe, spell component pouch, longspear,
Language: common, druidic, sylvan, elvish