...you're kidding, right? The G18 is nothing but a high-cap automatic pistol. The recoil ruins it. It kicks so much that you miss targets any farther than 10 feet away. As far as those go, the Raffica tops a G18 for extreme accuracy, fast kills, and low recoil.
A G18 Akimbo with Steady Aim is very volatile - you don't need to maintain aim for long.
The UMP45 is a VERY slow gun, with VERY little power.
For MW2 weapons, maybe. Three shots, and just because you can easily count the audio doesn't mean you're shooting three bullets in four seconds. ^^
It's easily topped by almost every assault rifle.
Mobility is a huge buff for the UMP, as well as its aim from the hip.
How long have you been playing MW2 that you would prefer those?
I prefer the G18 Akimbo since I can handle it easily and its range when shooting 64 bullets a second doesn't make a difference if you've Steady Aim.
I use the Intervention, since professional play in CoD4 only used Bolt-action it kind of grew on me, makes sense.
But maybe a fast, CQB FPS game with small maps but with lots of rooms so you dont get a shipment thing.
So what? Killhouse?
... Crash?
Aside from the map "Shipment" the majority of maps in Call of Duty 4 were fine, and they fit your criteria - they're CQC and small maps fitting this FPS game, the map Vacant has a lot of rooms, as does Karachi. The dimensions change per map.
Don't anyone noticed that you pay 60$ for a game who just copied things from previous games and other games and uses a upgraded version from the CoD 2 engine.
They can just as easily look at the 30 pages of debate about it, right now you're being thunder in a group of clouds.
Let's take the weapons. if u see this list there are a lot MW and MW2 weapons in it. But a lot weapons from other games. And the killstreaks. Anyone seen that cool helicopter or tank. Just copy pasted from Homefront.
Either your point is too stupid for me to understand, or I didn't get what you said.
But of course I'm wrong since CoD is UUBEr P0wnAgE And The BEsT GaMe EvUUR. But I hope everyone makes IW happy and buy it so in two years they can release the same game with different maps again and everyone will spoil 60$ on it.
Why do you consistently rip into the game?
Yeah, because other games haven't copied ANYTHING from any other game.
I know right! *Nudges World of Warcraft*
It's how the business is done, you take ideas, your incorporate them with your own / others that weren't blended before, you can refine them, whatever - you just take a successful trait and use it. Same with RIFT, it's not too bad overall, but it's very comfortable to a former WoW player because it's familiar - the main addition lies in a live world, but Combo Points for agile classes remain, as well as Mana (which isn't really all that surprising).
So all other FPS games are copied off other FPS games because they have the same/similar weapons and things. Got it.
I'm not saying you care or anything but I don't understand why people make a such big a deal of weapons in a game - I'm sure it will boil down to one or two in each class section being used the most, such as the UMP and the Barrett.
Or if you're a little more futuristic, a nuke launcher or an assault rifle with a chainsaw stapled to the front of it.
Nano Suits?If you make it too futuristic to achieve originality, it's not a good FPS anymore,
... And why do people care about the time it's set in?
they have a habit of making some clever ones. CoD4, you get nuked and DIE. MW2, oh snap the AMERICAN is the bad guy, so leave Russia alone for a second
The MW2 one was absurd. It was guns blazing for no reason, and Makarov is the most rediculous character I've met as a villain.
CoD4 being nuked... Ouch - I remember that, was pretty awesome.
The new elements of MW3 mean nothing, because they cannot do it effectively. They haven't even got the core game (which I would say CoD4 is) balanced properly, and they removed the possibility of Modders doing that when IW gave the middle finger to the PC Community by not including Dedicated Servers.
Please palm yourself in the face.
I'm tired but not that tired yet ^^
MW3 is undoubtedly going to push the borders of realism and get a facefull of flak for it, but if they stick to the basics, they're going to get a facefull of minigun fire.
Sticking with the basics is good if you do it right, basics can easily be very complex, and it often goes that way if your game is good enough to approach a higher skillset of players.
Approaching realism would make them imitate Battlefield, and it would be bad for their company to even attempt that.
but at least they're going off something they know we LIKED,
Hi Last Stand.
Hi Noob Tubes.
Hi Claymores.
CoD is the only FPS of it's kind which has a storyline that's always kept me interested. Love it.
FPS' are generally guns blazing, but a FPRPG like Deus Ex: Human Revolution may change your stance on a good storyline soon enough.
Or Mass Effect, though that is a Third Person RPG :P
Well a noob is someone who calls other people noobs because they cant stand the fact of dying.And a pro really isnt a pro if they plant C4 and wait behind corners the whole match.Does that answer the question???????
I would say ish. ^^
A noob is someone who stops themselves getting better and has a poor attitude against negative things happening to them ingame. If I die in League of Legends by three people, I don't call them dishonourable *******s and continue to play as before, I say to my allies "It's time to stick together" and we co-ordinate much more.
It's HORRENDOUSLY obvious but people don't realize that learning to adapt is one of the most important things.
And a pro who plays for money uses whatever means necessary in the game to win - if that's effective, then yes.
It's not the most skillful, but that's the developers fault for having it in there. Making the game be able to have that form of complexity has its backdrops if you don't do it right.
But of course, if you use marty, GL and spoil the game well yes, then you are noob..
The game spoils you ^^
I think noob is someone who don't care about the game and the action.
I can only assume that means criminals, someone who doens't care about the game wouldn't respect the laws behind them. Unless you're talking about the community or what some would call "the way it's meant to be played", I really have no idea what you meant :P
If you did mean it in one of those ways then I can safely say you're wrong. It's when a player has poor etiquette for others it is absurd, but using whatever is in the game to achieve your goals is more than acceptable, and I despise how players frown upon it for simply being easier to do. It is the
And also someone who is camping, like real camping for the entire match.
If it works, don't fix it.
Camping is one of the most strategically effective ways of playing, it lets you hold positions, cut off flank routes and hold chokes against enemies, giving you a huge positional advantage.
What? It doesn't take as much skill? Pfshh! Get the game balanced then.
Battlefields example of balancing this was teamplay and the ability to destroy each corner a "camper" could hide behind ^^
- H