ForumsThe TavernKids cutting themselves...

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Hello there. I do not want to say the ages of these kids or the names... So please bear with me as I tell you what has been happening in my school/life.

In my school I now know that a bunch of girls cut themselves because they feel sad. These where some of the responses I got back from asking them why did they do it.

well... the pain on the inside is to bad so i cut my slef to make me feel better

I know that others do it so that way i do it too.

well my boyfriend makes me sad so that is why I do it.

i do it because i am addicted to it

When they responded with those replies I felt a little sick to my stomach and my mind was hurting. I said that cutting themselves is no awenser to any problem. They then said that it was because it took the emotional pain away by hurting themselves. I said that is just pain x2...

So community, can you please give me any advice on how to help people stop or how to explain to them that it is not the best way to cope with pain. Also my mind hurts when i think that it makes them feel better so do you have any suggestions to help that too? Any help is good for me. And also. Please be serious.
  • 63 Replies
1,627 posts

You should get someone involved other then you, preferably an adult figure. When I was bullied because I was Jewish the entire year at school, I sometimes would bang my head against the wall, and the emotional pain went away. Thankfully, I stopped doing said treatment after I received splitting headaches, and then I was able to think clearly enough to report them to the Principal, who unfortunately, did nothing.

566 posts

I suppose it comes from the same place as an addiction, once you've started with something and you realise it makes you feel good, it can be extremely hard to stop. Some people can be persuaded to stop if it's early, some have enough willpower to stop it by themselves, some get counceling and some like it the way it is and don't want to change anything.

606 posts

I use to cut my self eleven to twelve years ago. And I drank a lot back than. That is how depressed I was. And I didn't care. Than after a few years later I realized what I was doing was stupid. And I stopped the massive drinking and the cutting. I handle it myself. No one helped me. Not a smart thing to do but I had to handle this myself. And I got through it on my own. And Now I'm a lot better and happier.

98 posts

I honestly dont understand why anyone would do this.
and this makes me think of a rucka ali song...

1,936 posts

It's like what the moderators said....sometimes the emotional pain is too great to deal with. Everyone's different, I suppose.

3,371 posts

I think it's that the physical pain distracts you from the emotional pain. And it can really hurt a lot less sometimes.

1,322 posts

your body has a mechanism for dealing with pain... and that is when you breach the skin your body releases endorphins that would normally make you happy to help take the edge off of the pain. endorphins are addictive. therefore if you cut yourself enough, then you can get addicted to cutting yourself... just like an addiction to running, working out, eating, or being social. (correct me if I'm wrong Strop) so... if someone is addicted to it then get them into something else that creates endorphins and try and keep them from cutting themselves... that way they'll get their fix from something else and in that way you can try and ween them from doing that kind of bodily harm to themselves.

105 posts

I know how it is to cut...or self harm in other ways...i used to do it and still sometimes do..been doing it since i was 13...but it's gotten a lot better lately and how i've gotten better at my self harming is because I'm using my coping skills...It takes a lot when you feel that bad to self harm to use positive coping skills...Well I'd let them know that you're there for them and that they will get help sooner and in a healthier way if they allow people in..I put my walls up almost all the time still but i found someone who i trust to let some stuff out and thats what they should do...They don't want to go to a mental hospital/psych ward... Sit with them and talk about other positive ways to'll take some getting used to, but they can do it...
Good luck to all of you!

3,152 posts

You need to tell somebody (a teacher, your parents, the police, your girlfriends parents)!
They can kill themselves by accident or on purpose (you would feel terrible if they did)! It is a very very serious problem that needs to be dealt with by somebody who knows what to do. This is to big a problem to keep to yourself, tell somebody! That is the best way you can help them.

1,502 posts

I used to cut. A lot. It started four years ago and ended a few months ago. It didnt make me feel good, per se, but it did make me feel numb. My mother and I were always fighting, and she would keep me up all night yelling at me. I was so stressed I developed ulcers, at the age of 11. I got treatment for those, but it didnt change the situation with my mom. I started cutting deeper. I always cut on my hips, because it was easier to cover up. My hips were covered in dozens of cuts. The only reason I was caught was because the last time I cut, it wouldnt stop bleeding. There were spots of blood on the carpet, my nightgown was stained. My mom found out and I got help, and now I feel better, but that could be because of my antidepressants. I'm on a strong dose of Zoloft, and I usually feel happy, but when I am sad I feel like cutting again. It is an addiction of sorts and the only way I have found to help stop is by letting someone else help. It is a serious problem and one that is very close to me. Seriously, tell a counselor or something, any adult that could help. I know I was thinking about suicide, and if those cutters were anything like me, you need to get them some help. I suggest you do it right away.

349 posts

Dont cut your self you can suffer massive blood lose or it could get infected severly and die

120 posts

I have known a couple who did tht and they say they get a rush from it. But kids... my God thts sad. I think its just another problem with social media and all media really.

3,371 posts

People get a rush from cutting themselves? I mean, I guess if they were masochistic... usally when I think of kids cutting themselves I think of it as a cope method for something they feel they can't handle.

120 posts

who knows whats going through there heads whether there masochistic or whatev... there not right n the head. Depression aside

13,657 posts

It does give a rush, whether you are masochistic or not. If someone kicked you in your face, you would feel a rush too. And pain. Lots and lots of pain. But still, a rush.
It's a normal pain response.

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