ForumsWEPRHell don't under estimate it.

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159 posts

Hell those of you think it will be just a big party with all your friends... BEWARE!!! For it is not a party but a punishment.the worst place to ever be for an eternity a punishment for those who have rejected Christ.[url=]

  • 73 Replies
3,025 posts

Yes but in the end it's what comes across better - what you said was right, but nonetheless it's not the best way to approach things, that's what I'm saying.

- H

1,627 posts

I'm Jewish, and the Torah doesn't mention a Hell, so I'm set! :P

13,344 posts

I'm Jewish, and the Torah doesn't mention a Hell, so I'm set!

There was no hell until Jesus came along. I think it was just a scam he created for people to worship him.

He would go very far in marketing, or perhaps in pop music.

"Listen to Justin Bieber or you will go to hell. This is proven in this new book written by these four guys without last names."
1,627 posts

"Listen to Justin Bieber or you will go to hell. This is proven in this new book written by these four guys without last names."

So true, lol.

Sort of off topic, but some of the Gospel has been proven counterfeit...

What does THAT do to the topic of Hell?
955 posts

There was no hell until Jesus came along. I think it was just a scam he created for people to worship him.
hehe, there was ALL Hell until Jesus came. There's the difference.
Does the Catholic church believe that you go to hell if you don't follow them? Yes.
"Them" is wrong. If you don't follow Jesus, you're likely to end up in Hell since you have nowhere to go and the route there is wide and easy.
5,552 posts

an eternity a punishment for those who have rejected Christ.[

Them" is wrong. If you don't follow Jesus, you're likely to end up in Hell since you have nowhere to go and the route there is wide and easy.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, by "them" I meant their teachings, and their teachings say that you must follow Jesus. Above quote is what I was referencing in what you quoted from me.

hehe, there was ALL Hell until Jesus came. There's the difference

Yes yes, we know, all loving, omnipotent god sentences everyone to hell until a few thousand years after we supposedly come about. What a loving god indeed.
9,462 posts

hehe, there was ALL Hell until Jesus came. There's the difference.

That's interesting considering the OT only actually mentions sheol (grave, pit, or abyss) not hell as later version have it translated as. The idea of a place to go for eternal suffering was an invention of the NT which was likely based on the Greek concept of Hades.
8,256 posts

which was likely based on the Greek concept of Hades.

..and got the name of the norse Helheim. But I'm sure you meant Tartarus and not Hades? Hades is the gray neutral place, right?
5,340 posts

lol? i could warn you you will go to hell because you dont believe in..... A GIANT BLUE RABBIT... it will have the same weight as your warning you know XP if you have no proof then your warning is just another trolling comment

554 posts

The FSM is deeply saddened by your betrayal

5,340 posts

also? did you notice the one who made this thread stopped posting on the first page already? im guessing trolling was exactly why he made it.

3,025 posts

"Them" is wrong. If you don't follow Jesus, you're likely to end up in Hell since you have nowhere to go and the route there is wide and easy.

Yes but we run into the constant argument of "is Hell a place to go?". I'm talking about any way - physically? Spiritually? It needs to be proven.

Yes yes, we know, all loving, omnipotent god sentences everyone to hell until a few thousand years after we supposedly come about. What a loving god indeed.

Yeah one of my arguments I thought of immediately was: "Yes, but Gods a ****** so I'd rather go to hell then bow to his rule."

I've already pointed out way on other threads and quite frankly I've yet to find a reliable argument against it.

likely based on the Greek concept of Hades.

Except Odysseus' story is actually interesting.

I know Hades is the greek god of the underworld, bro with Poseidon and Zeus - the question is, who iced who? :P

But I'm sure you meant Tartarus and not Hades? Hades is the gray neutral place, right?

He's what I said he was, a greek mythological god <3

Tartarus is the deepest part of the underworld and Helheim is probably the Norse name for "their" part of the underworld. If I'm correct some mythologies state it as a physical place - that's the way I've heard it.

if you have no proof then your warning is just another trolling comment

I wouldn't be surprised if that's his intention.

also? did you notice the one who made this thread stopped posting on the first page already? im guessing trolling was exactly why he made it.

You beat me to it <3

Also, yes, have faith in the Blue Rabbit, or the green grass will dim and the blue sky will turn red with the blood of Bunnies.

- H
955 posts

did you notice the one who made this thread stopped posting on the first page already? im guessing trolling was exactly why he made it.
Well, he got trolled himself. Those who talked there don't want to listen to this, and literally told the kid to GTFO. He did.
That's interesting considering the OT only actually mentions sheol (grave, pit, or abyss) not hell as later version have it translated as.
We have a translation that specifies "sheol" as &quotreispodnyaya", the word with the closer association with abyss than other meanings you provide. However, the text reads "Hell" indeed. Still, NT says Jesus went to "sheol" and released all who did good and died prior to Him coming, and released them and led them into Heaven. All who remained, remained. According to medieval beliefs (Dante as a source), "sheol" equals Limbo, and Limbo equals first circle of Hell. Currently the structure of Hell isn't described with such detail but the common belief is that everyone receives appropriate punishment for his sins here, and Hell is no exclusion. So whether that's sheol or Hell, it's still a place (and state) of suffering.
The idea of a place to go for eternal suffering was an invention of the NT which was likely based on the Greek concept of Hades.
This needs proof.
Sorry if I wasn't clear, by "them" I meant their teachings, and their teachings say that you must follow Jesus. Above quote is what I was referencing in what you quoted from me.
Okay, then, but Catholic Church never said "you will go to Hell for certain" in any case. Jesus said "What's impossible for men is possible for God", this means God *might* grant salvation to anyone who will have a choice of accepting this or not.
Yes but we run into the constant argument of "is Hell a place to go?". I'm talking about any way - physically? Spiritually? It needs to be proven.
I expect Hell to be both place and state, purely spiritual. Hell is where is no God, and Hell is when a soul rejects God, which appears after the body dies, or sometimes before. We have God's words for what is Hell, so we can only provide evidence. After all, Hell is described as irreversible, like "no one been there and returned". I accept Fatima's depiction of sufferings in there.
I've already pointed out way on other threads and quite frankly I've yet to find a reliable argument against it.
IIRC I have provided you with one, namely "God cannot be measured by human categories", and IIRC it was dodged.
3,025 posts

This needs proof.

Sorry but I didn't see a speck of proof coming from the paragraph you made above that statement... ?

We have God's words for what is Hell, so we can only provide evidence

Can you prove or otherwise justify that "God's words" are indeed a real thing happening or just part of biblical texts or something?

After all, Hell is described as irreversible, like "no one been there and returned".

Yeah, because no ones been there in the first place ? <3

IIRC I have provided you with one, namely "God cannot be measured by human categories", and IIRC it was dodged.

God can't be measured by human categories? That's bull imo. I mean, what is there NOT to understand? He is everything, and it's that simple, he created evil, he created good, and he is the person allowing the killing all over the planet. He created "free will", but even then subtle changes in our brain make us think less rationally than we'd like to admit, much more naturally than graciously. It's not NT, it's TNT.

- H
955 posts

This needs proof.

Sorry but I didn't see a speck of proof coming from the paragraph you made above that statement... ?
Okay, "the derivation of the concept of Hell from Greek" needs proof.
Can you prove or otherwise justify that "God's words" are indeed a real thing happening or just part of biblical texts or something?
I have tried for the whole "Christianity FTW" topic to provide positive evidence for this. I can only say "Christ resurrected from the dead" as the last word. No one was able to counter this.
Yeah, because no ones been there in the first place ? <3
How do you know?
He is everything, and it's that simple, he created evil, he created good
Evil is only the absense of good, and is created by rejecting good, thus by free will. Also God did not "create" free will, as it's not a creation but God's own attribute, He just granted humans free will. So, whoever has free will has responsibility. If someone made an evil deed, HE created evil, not God. If you sin, you create evil.
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