ForumsWEPRMake It Legal

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This is why we should allow and regulate drug use in America. So stuff like this doesn't happen any more.

Plus the fact that it is way more expensive to keep it illegal than it is to make it legal.

  • 23 Replies
3,139 posts

it's still going to cause addictions and side effects

You can argue that about prescription meds.
2,027 posts

He has the right to bear arms and to protect his home. Taking a gun with you to see who breaks into your house is not illegal.

I never said it was. I was just saying the shooting wasn't really related to drugs, and therefore wasn't a very good argument for legalizing drugs. I didn't say what happened was right, or that it was wrong, nor did I say I disagreed or agreed with the OP. I just said the shooting itself wasn't drug related.
8,256 posts

Let's put it like this, Drugs are bad mkay?

So what? Everything you can ingest is potentially unhealthy/has potential negative effects, depending one dose and concentration.
Anyway, would you be willing to support a law prohibiting alcohol and certain drugs?

Let's put it like this, Drugs are bad mkay?

Veeeeery blurry statement. Sure they're not so good, but I think there are a few things to take into consideration.

1. Drug addicts don't just stop or vanish by making drugs illegal. Drug cartels take advantage of the situation because drug consumers are criminalized. We might as well legally keep an eye on addicts instead of hunting them down and shoo-ing them into the drug bosses open arms.

2. Home-made drugs are a lot more dangerous than "commercial" drugs; you don't know what certain people put into their stuff. It's the case with alcohol, and surely applies also on other drugs. By making drugs legal and overviewing the production and selling of drugs, you assure that no deadly stuff goes around.

I don't get what points you are trying to make in the rest of your post, care to explain further?
8,256 posts

prohibiting alcohol and certain drugs?

Sorry, that should mean medicaments instead of drugs.
5,043 posts

I never said it was. I was just saying the shooting wasn't really related to drugs, and therefore wasn't a very good argument for legalizing drugs. I didn't say what happened was right, or that it was wrong, nor did I say I disagreed or agreed with the OP. I just said the shooting itself wasn't drug related.

Well, it was related to drugs. SWAT teams break into people's homes all the time looking for drugs. Often innocent people are harmed during these raids. It is about drugs, because that's the reason his house was raided.

Drug raids harm innocent people. If the people truly are offenders, they are often non violent offenders who are harmed. Even those who aren't harmed go through a lot. The last thing a child should ever see is a SWAT team arresting daddy because he smoked some harmless dope.

Putting that great line aside, even if you legalize marijuana, it's still going to cause addictions and side effects.

Marijuana is barely addicting by any means. It's less addicting than caffeine. As for side effects, most drugs come with them! The idea behind legalizing marijuana isn't that every problem that is had will be fixed, there will always be problems, but that a majority of problems will be fixed. Please don't skew the goal, we know marijuana can be abused, like anything, but that isn't grounds to keep it illegal.

Let's consider the pros and cons of keeping marijuana illegal and legal.

Marijuana is Illegal

+ (I HONESTLY can't think of one)

- Marijuana is sold in a black market
*- In some areas, gangs profit off marijuana. To sell marijuana, you need to cover the right areas, which leads to turf wars.
*- Drug dealers are often low profile, making it harder to track them if you find a problem with your marijuana (such as marijuana laced with LSD).
*- Problems resulting from bad marijuana are less likely to be reported due to the fact marijuana is illegal.

- Non violent drug offenders are thrown in jail and/or have their homes raided.

- Time, effort, and resources are wasted in tracking a harmless drug.

Marijuana is legalizd

+ Marijuana will often be used as a substitute for drinking alcohol, which is worse in every single way imaginable.

+ Legal private jobs will be created from legalization of marijuana
*+ Any problems with drugs from these jobs can be tracked and reported!

+ Lower taxes!
*+ The gov. will hire less people to focus on marijuana. That's less people the gov. will have to pay with our tax dollars.
*+ Resources payed to track drug offenders and tools used to arrest drug offenders will drop drastically

- More people will smoke marijuana, but... it's better than drinking... so maybe that's a good thing? You decide.
2,027 posts

Veeeeery blurry statement.

He quoted the principal in South Park. I guess he was opening with a small joke before he presented his real arguments. Or something.
Mkay, Mr. Mackey, mkay.

Anyways, my opinion is that, while it might have some advantages to legalize the minor drugs such as marijuana, it may encourage people to do heavier drugs. A line has to be drawn somewhere, and the further you move it, the more severe will the consequences of a small overstep be. Still, I don't have any strong feelings for or against this issue. My only problem with marijuana is that, if it's legalized, people may be much more casual about it, and maybe even smoke in public, or around their children. That way, even those around the drug users will be affected by the second hand smoke, similar to how it is with cigarettes today, only with more severe consequences. SEVERE CONSEQUENCES, MAN!

Anyways, I wouldn't complain if it was legalized, but I don't really support the idea, either.
9,504 posts

+ (I HONESTLY can't think of one)

Lumber stocks are up! (except this backfires)

if it's legalized, people may be much more casual about it, and maybe even smoke in public, or around their children. That way, even those around the drug users will be affected by the second hand smoke, similar to how it is with cigarettes today, only with more severe consequences. SEVERE CONSEQUENCES, MAN!

...Or they could just not allow smoking in public areas and place them twixt cigarette smokers, even though the fumes from marijuana isn't nearly as harmful as people believe them to be. Cigarette smoking is worse, yet we have continued to allow this to be legal but left marijuana in the dark.
5,043 posts

Anyways, my opinion is that, while it might have some advantages to legalize the minor drugs such as marijuana, it may encourage people to do heavier drugs

Marijuana is no more a gateway drug than alcohol. People who try harder drugs are obviously going to work their way up, and it doesn't matter if marijuana is in the list or not, they will climb the ladder.

It's like saying pocket knives are a gateway tool to murders.

Let's make illegal activities illegal, rather than acts that supposedly lead to illegal activities. Here, if you work at a restaurant with a bar, you can't go behind the bar unless you're over 21. It's already illegal to drink under 21, why have the unnecessary law that makes it impossible to go behind the bar?! Maybe an 18 year old employee just wants to chill back there, get out of people's way, or get a soda. Who knows, who cares, as long as they don't drink (which is already illegal), then why is it a crime for them to be behind the bar?!
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