I never said it was. I was just saying the shooting wasn't really related to drugs, and therefore wasn't a very good argument for legalizing drugs. I didn't say what happened was right, or that it was wrong, nor did I say I disagreed or agreed with the OP. I just said the shooting itself wasn't drug related.
Well, it was related to drugs. SWAT teams break into people's homes all the time looking for drugs. Often innocent people are harmed during these raids. It is about drugs, because that's the reason his house was raided.
Drug raids harm innocent people. If the people truly are offenders, they are often non violent offenders who are harmed. Even those who aren't harmed go through a lot. The last thing a child should ever see is a SWAT team arresting daddy because he smoked some harmless dope.
Putting that great line aside, even if you legalize marijuana, it's still going to cause addictions and side effects.
Marijuana is barely addicting by any means. It's less addicting than caffeine. As for side effects, most drugs come with them! The idea behind legalizing marijuana isn't that every problem that is had will be fixed, there will always be problems, but that a majority of problems will be fixed. Please don't skew the goal, we know marijuana can be abused, like anything, but that isn't grounds to keep it illegal.
Let's consider the pros and cons of keeping marijuana illegal and legal.
Marijuana is Illegal+ (I HONESTLY can't think of one)
- Marijuana is sold in a black market
*- In some areas, gangs profit off marijuana. To sell marijuana, you need to cover the right areas, which leads to turf wars.
*- Drug dealers are often low profile, making it harder to track them if you find a problem with your marijuana (such as marijuana laced with LSD).
*- Problems resulting from bad marijuana are less likely to be reported due to the fact marijuana is illegal.
- Non violent drug offenders are thrown in jail and/or have their homes raided.
- Time, effort, and resources are wasted in tracking a harmless drug.
Marijuana is legalizd+ Marijuana will often be used as a substitute for drinking alcohol, which is worse in every single way imaginable.
+ Legal private jobs will be created from legalization of marijuana
*+ Any problems with drugs from these jobs can be tracked and reported!
+ Lower taxes!
*+ The gov. will hire less people to focus on marijuana. That's less people the gov. will have to pay with our tax dollars.
*+ Resources payed to track drug offenders and tools used to arrest drug offenders will drop drastically
- More people will smoke marijuana, but... it's better than drinking... so maybe that's a good thing? You decide.