ForumsWEPRMake A Religion For A Cause

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1,255 posts

My friends and I had a great idea. To make gays impervious to any threat by people in the US or anywhere where freedom of religion is held, why not make Gays into a religion?

***itism- The belief in a homosexual god that wants you to worship him and be free in your ***it ways.

You could do the same thing for womens rights, just have all women worship a god that is a woman and wants all women to be free and empowered.

Since it is our first amendment right to be able to worship any religion we (as in American citizens) want and that Congress can't make any law regarding it, we are home free.

Plus, Religion isn't taxed, so really, Gays should embrace the idea of ***itism wholeheartedly and really think about creating such a religion.

On a side note, I realize I spelled ***ot incorrectly. I did that so it wouldn't become a line of blinked out letters.

  • 32 Replies
1,255 posts

Offending people more by being more racist changes nothing right?

Not really, not until you start lynching black people does it become a real issue.
My point is, why not? Why shouldn't they. If it doesn't work out because the other religions get so pissed off they go to either the Senate or start a war, America wins. We need a change, and that would bring it rapidly and easily.
4,104 posts

Not really, not until you start lynching black people does it become a real issue.

The religious will start killing again if they are pushed.
608 posts

The religious will start killing again if they are pushed.

Religious people already do kill. In the middle east the followers of Islam have been fighting between themselves for a long time.
185 posts

[quoteMy friends and I had a great idea. To make gays impervious to any threat by people in the US or anywhere where freedom of religion is held, why not make Gays into a religion?[/quote]

No. That's horrible. Forcing gays to believe in a deity just to get political rights is a horrible idea.

Also, who in their right mind would believe that if they know it was just made up?

608 posts

No. That's horrible. Forcing gays to believe in a deity just to get political rights is a horrible idea.

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. It was just an idea.
Also, who in their right mind would believe that if they know it was just made up?

This is going to bring some interesting responses.
185 posts

Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. It was just an idea.

I apologize, forcing was too strong a word.

What I meant was that it is not a good idea to make a deity just for the purpose of political rights.
608 posts

I apologize, forcing was too strong a word.

No need to apologize.
3,139 posts

Mmm, i don't think the idea would be appropriate. People are already separated by religion and sexual orientation. A combination would be cult-like. I think it's more important for us to be accepted within our own religion.

Knowing that in a faith i've grew up in, i can't marry my girlfriend is horrible, but as much as i hate the church organisation, i still believe in the God, so i wouldn't want to change actual religion, just a lax in the rules would be nice.

1,255 posts

Also, who in their right mind would believe that if they know it was just made up?

What about Mormonism? Right, that religion where a guy just randomly said "GOD TOLD ME THIS!" stuck it in a book and now it is a widely spread belief around the world. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Same thing with Islam, Hinduism, Deism (which I believe), Christianity, Judaism, and basically every other religion. Don't say that "well, based on this book that a bunch of people wrote a long long time ago, what you just said was false", because, really, that's my point.

You are believing whatever your parents have told you and not questioning it one iota. Same thing happens with political views. If your parents are Republican, you probably will be as well, and vice-versa.
608 posts
Nomad i wouldn't want to change actual religion, just a lax in the rules would be nice.

Can't you just choose a religion that isn't so strict?
1,322 posts

there are gays that practice religion now that say that kind of stuff from the op... it doesn't matter what they say they believe... its what the ones who don't like you are gonna say... take the WBBC... some of the atheists here have ardently defended their right to say "God Hates Troops"... and "God Hates Gays"... b/c its in their right of free speech to do so. making a religious faith saying GOD loves me isn't going to change what their faith says. making your "make a religion" idea not much of an idea at all.

doing anything to hurt the troops and gays outside of saying something in protest is already punishable and does get punished.

as per the mormon faith... true there have been parts that were disproven... but then again there is the fact of what the book/plates actually looked like. I don't know if there have been any with gold found... but I have heard of stories and seen a few pics (maybe faked) that told/showed of other metal plates found around the world that fit the description. ...which would make his fake (unless they had discovered some of those a long time ago when I'm not sure archeology had done so and patterned it after that then it leaves an odd twitch in your eye for the sole fact that you wonder... "wtf... who woulda figured that something like that actually existed...?" as per a reference... check the mormon thread where I supplied one a month or so ago.

5,043 posts

lol, smart idea. except for the fact that if something like that happens, the republican party will be on that like white on rice.

Not all republicans are against gay marriage.

Anyway, homosexuality itself can't be a religion. You can, however, have a religion that revolves around homosexuality. I believe an English King changed the rules of his religion so that he could separate from his wife...

You're also under the impression that the first amendment prohibits the government from getting involved with any practices involving religion. This isn't necessarily true. Government can not support religion, nor can government discriminate against religion. However, you can't create a religion as a loop hole to do something that would normally be against the law.

So really, starting a religion for homosexual rights is pointless because religion must still abide by laws.
1,255 posts

starting a religion for homosexual rights is pointless because religion must still abide by laws.

Is it illegal for gays to get married at all? In most of America, that is...

If it is, than by making a religion that allows for gay marriage and gay sex, you could then claim that the government is discriminating against your religion, since it is in your religion to get married to a person of your same sex. If they aren't allowed to discriminate against religion, they would be forced to change their policies accordingly.
9,462 posts

If it is, than by making a religion that allows for gay marriage and gay sex, you could then claim that the government is discriminating against your religion

There are a number of religions that would allow gay marriage, even among some Christian denominations.
5,043 posts

Is it illegal for gays to get married at all? In most of America, that is...

If it is, than by making a religion that allows for gay marriage and gay sex, you could then claim that the government is discriminating against your religion, since it is in your religion to get married to a person of your same sex. If they aren't allowed to discriminate against religion, they would be forced to change their policies accordingly.

You're misinterpreting the first amendment. The government does not have to respect certain religious practices just because they are, in of themselves, religious. The government is now allowed to stop a certain religious practice because of religion, but they can stop a religious practice for any other reason.

What you're proposing, in fact, would actually be unconstitutional! It's illegal for homosexuals to get married. If this remained the case, yet the government made an exception for religious groups, then they would be respecting the establishment of a particular religion. This is the opposite of separation of church and state.

This is why it would be pointless if homosexuals created their own religion. The government can not give religious groups special treatments above others.
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