My friends and I had a great idea. To make gays impervious to any threat by people in the US or anywhere where freedom of religion is held, why not make Gays into a religion?
***itism- The belief in a homosexual god that wants you to worship him and be free in your ***it ways.
You could do the same thing for womens rights, just have all women worship a god that is a woman and wants all women to be free and empowered.
Since it is our first amendment right to be able to worship any religion we (as in American citizens) want and that Congress can't make any law regarding it, we are home free.
Plus, Religion isn't taxed, so really, Gays should embrace the idea of ***itism wholeheartedly and really think about creating such a religion.
On a side note, I realize I spelled ***ot incorrectly. I did that so it wouldn't become a line of blinked out letters.
"You're misinterpreting the first amendment. The government does not have to respect certain religious practices just because they are, in of themselves, religious. The government is not* allowed to stop a certain religious practice because of religion, but they can stop a religious practice for any other reason. "
This part may be hard to understand. Basically, the government is not allowed to create laws "respecting an establishment of religion". This also means the government is not allowed to allow certain religions to remain exempt from certain laws.
If a number of homosexuals created a religion where homosexuals are allowed to get married, then nothing changed. They are still not allowed to get married under the government unless the government legalizes gay marriage for everyone.
Personally, I don't think the government should be involved with any marriage what-so-ever. That's just me though.