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Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

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1,973 posts

Aroused: brought to a state of great tension. Taken from {url][/url]

Anyone can masturbate. It has nothing to do with your sexual orientation. Now what you might think as a "non-sexualist," would be someone who is neither attracted to men or women, which is unheard of by me, but certainly possible, I presume.

Now that next part is messed up. Humans aren't humansexuals. We either like one sex or the other, or both! Now what you stated, would probably somene with a serious mental disorder...

To be honest, I don't really know what could make a gay man aroused in a way for him to have sex with a woman, UNLESS, he is a bit bisexual.

Now I might possible have to go to little kid terms. Do you like boys or girls? If you're a boy, and you like girls, then you're straight, if you like boys, you're gay. Pretty simplistic.

3,880 posts

"Now that next part is messed up. Humans aren't humansexuals. We either like one sex or the other, or both! Now what you stated, would probably somene with a serious mental disorder...

No No.

My point is, you can have sex with anything. Male or female...
Its just what you choose to have sex with is it.

Your horny, your horny. Both males and females are get horny the same way and its the same thing.

What in your body makes you bisexual???
Gay, ok something can happen but bisexual?
What you have high level of both hormones?

Aroused: brought to a state of great tension.

Thats being horny? You have to be horny to have sex with girls.
Weemans friend.
1,416 posts

I bet someone who listens to rock has a different brain then someone who listens to country. And music taste is acquired through life experience, just as homosexuality, or so I believe.

Yes, you can just disregard all scientific evidence as well. Music has nothing to do with genes. Sex and everything about it is all about genes.
1,973 posts

I was saying that it's possible for a gay man to have sex with a woman. I don't know how he got that "feeling," you should ask him or WeeMan.

YES, you can have sex with either gender, but it's whether you like that gender. Sexual feelings and personal feelings are different. A straight man might have sex with another man just for the pleasure of the actual act of sex. He doesn't exactly "like," him, but he'll do it JUST for the sex.

Bisexuality is just another hormone thing. Maybe not a high level, but some of both.

3,880 posts

You can have sex with someone but not "like" them?

Is this some sort of imaginary thing your talking about. Sex is sex. And your emotions are not controlled by genes.

1,416 posts


Actually, our emotions are in our genes.

3,880 posts

Emotions come from personal experiences.
Sure we are born to have emotions, but your genes can't control having different emotions for males and females.

3,722 posts

Actually, our emotions are in our genes

I am not saying you are wrong or anything. I am asking, how are they. Because i thought genes were qualities you have like Blue eyes and ark hair, short or tall, all that stuff. I did not know that if a mother was angry here whole life, her daughter would be angry her whole life.

If what you say is true, then my dad should be a pissy person. His dad was a drunk and angry his whole life, and my dad is actually happy 95% of the time.

So really, i don't think emotions can be passed through genes. That would also mean that a bi-polar person's kids would be bi-polar. My cousin is bi-polar, and her mom is not, and her son is not.

So overall my point is, how are emotions passed through genes, i just want a simple explanation, thats all...
6,823 posts

Sure we are born to have emotions, but your genes can't control having different emotions for males and females.

In a way, yes they can. Think about menstruation, it is programmed in the female body to happen, and often times it affects emotions. And what about the mood swings that come with menopause? Certain emotional effects can be caused by what your genes are programmed to make your body do.
3,880 posts

Well yes Carlie but I don't think it can differentiate emotions between males and females.

Lets say you are born a homosexual. Your brain does not yet know what a male or female is since you never seen them. So how do your genes regulate the rules of your emotions?

There was no real sex until people discovered touching their thingies made them feel good. Sex is no big mystery. Those thingies just give you pleasure, and whether male or female, dog or cat, its the same feeling.

1,973 posts

Your hormones do not start activating until you hit puberty.....

6,823 posts

There was no real sex until people discovered touching their thingies made them feel good. Sex is no big mystery. Those thingies just give you pleasure, and whether male or female, dog or cat, its the same feeling.

Lol... there are some Native American fairy tales about this that you might find amusing.

I am just saying that because of genetic processes, they can bring forth emotions in people depending on their gender. I am not saying they are different emotions from one gender to another. Just that different things may cause them to occur.

And when you talk about homosexuality, I don't think it is fair to just say that people just do it because it feels good. That is not what attracts people to each other. I am not sure I entirely understand your homosexual/sex reasoning.
372 posts

true cause like most kids dont like girls cause they have cuties or something like that when we were young.but no since we are at the age of puberty we start to likes girls and we get in a older age we start to do things that adults do

3,826 posts

There was no real sex until people discovered touching their thingies made them feel good. Sex is no big mystery. Those thingies just give you pleasure, and whether male or female, dog or cat, its the same feeling.

Well, humans have been having sex since well... before they evolved into humans - otherwise we wouldn't be here. While it's true that sex is pleasurable to us, we can't really experientially relate to other animals as far as how it "feels." Male cats, for instance, have barbs on their hoohoos that hook into the female's haha until the moment of coitus. That yowling you hear from cats could very likely be screams of agony.

Genes determine a great number of things in a person, I mean your DNA is your basic coding. Depression, Alcoholism, Schizophrenia have all been demonstrated as being able to be inherited simply through a parent's genes. I personally believe that a person's biochemical makeup almost entirely controls their emotions, but few people I have met agree with me.
3,880 posts

Ahh one little thing I miscalculated lol.

But emotions are thoughts. Thoughts are created through life experience.

But my third thing still makes sense.
Gays having sex with other gays will give them the same feelings as if they were to go with females.

Only thing is, unlike heterosexuals, they think that they can only have sex with males because they are homosexuals, because of life experiences. Like Wee's friend, he discovered he can have sex with females...

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