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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
372 posts

They know that sex ruins a relationship and doesn't allow for love. But its your hormones that actually make you engage in a sexual activity, not that you love them.

i think that is wrong the reson why you have sex is either cause you love her so much and you have already talked about doing it or you want have children and you are married

3,880 posts

i think that is wrong the reson why you have sex is either cause you love her so much and you have already talked about doing it or you want have children and you are married

Get more into the world. People Rape...
And if you go to a club, you can probably walk out with a women.

So are we getting to the conclusion that gays are just emotionally attracted? I think that would be through life experience.
6,823 posts

So are we getting to the conclusion that gays are just emotionally attracted? I think that would be through life experience.

I can't speak from experience, but I would think that it would be both an emotional and physical attraction, a combination of the two. I personally do not think you can have a successful and healthy relationship unless you have a good balance of emotions, intellect, and physical chemistry.
3,880 posts

Do gay couples have a successful and healthy relationship?
I'm guessing so.

I was saying that you become emotionally attached to the same sex because of life experience. I gave an example of how this can happen before.

6,823 posts

Drace, I am just curious, have you actually discussed this with a gay person before?

3,880 posts

I mean ALOT depends on your life experience. These days kids think of so badly of old music. But back then, to those people it was the greatest thing ever, and this is not something that in which we involved in. Our music is no better then the old, its just all in our head.

6,823 posts

I mean ALOT depends on your life experience. These days kids think of so badly of old music.

It all depends on your taste. Plus, I don't think you can really compare music to homosexuality.
3,880 posts

Drace, I am just curious, have you actually discussed this with a gay person before?

I want to.
372 posts

yea wat does music have to do with homosexuality

1,305 posts

What Carlie, you've never heard of Elton John lol ^_^

Sorry, i just had to do it.

6,823 posts

What Carlie, you've never heard of Elton John lol ^_^

Hey, that man has some great songs! I am still a fan of some of the older music. Elton John, The Beatles, it was good then and it is still good now! I think an appreciation of the oldie but goodies comes with age. I used to not be a fan of older music when I was younger, but I grew to appreciate some of it.
3,880 posts

Taste comes from life experience. I'm just showing how a lot has to do with life experience.

I'm saying that the old music was liked back then, because their life experience was different. Now kids like new type of music and think the old stuff was dull and boring, because of our life experience.

If these things can be decided by the difference in life experience, then I think homosexuality can too.

199 posts

If these things can be decided by the difference in life experience, then I think homosexuality can too.

Finally, you make sense. I can actually understand your train of thought...I do not agree with it, but I can understand why you would think that way. But I think I can show you how your analogy may not be good enough. Being homosexual is a "lifestyle" because if you are in a serious relationship you come home to your partner every day, you watch movies with your partner, you eat with your partner, you have sex with your partner, and you sleep with your partner at night. You music analogy revolves around the fact that music is a taste. I am versatile music listener. Sometimes I will start out listening to blue grass music because I love the sound and feeling of the music. But after a while I get tired of that and I move onto classic country because I was raised on it and really like classic country music. But then I get bored and move onto rock/alternative music to get some adrenaline going. But by the end of the night I am listening to the most hardcore gangster rap I can find. Hell sometimes I even have a mix of bluegrass and gangster rap on the same playlist. But when you are gay, it is there every second, it's something you live.
1,973 posts

See now you're giving examples again. Music is something that is just there. It isn't "in you," like your sex orientation.

Now a more appropriate example would be, "Can you change your eye color?" That is the same thing as asking, "Can you change your sex orientation?"

Drace, I am going to send you on a mission. Give me a link to a story that talks about the science of someone changing their sex orientation. Maybe a personal biography by someone else, just something, because you aren't giving facts. I'm leaving it up to you!

And I do agree with WeeMan, although I don't believe what you're saying, it reflects what is going through your mind.

Another thing to add on your music train of thought. WeeMan, I and alot of people change their musical preferences. In my early years, until about 12 years old, I was all country. From 13-14 I started to turn to rock, but now, at 17, I am all progressive metal, progressive rock, hard rock and metal. Now that is a huge change, but it had nothing to do with my genetic makeup. My mom is a country fan, my sister likes pop, and the ocassional rock, my dad is more of a modern rock, and then me.

3,880 posts

Well music a lot different then sexuality. Its just a relation.

But about homosexuals having a lifestyle...
I say it is because they practice it over time. Once you confirm that you are gay and your going to be gay, then you do become gay. From there on your gonna live like it.

I'm pretty sure homosexuals have pretty different lifestyles and relationships. Isn't there something kind of weird about that?

David Hume's theory says that you only form ideas because you see something or you form simpler ideas.

I was able to conclude that practice makes perfect from this. In anything you do...
The more ideas you have, the easier it should be to form new ones.
This goes great with humor.
You are only funny because you practice it. I don't mean you talk to yourself but rather whenever your out hanging out with friends and making jokes up. So once you make up a joke, that idea stays in your head so its easier to combine ideas so you'll get funnier and funnier. This also explains why people have different personalities.

Now once people become gay and get a partner...wait I don't think what I said up there has much to do with this :-$

But anyway, is saying that gays live it every second a supporting detail that gays are born that way?

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