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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
9,434 posts

Probably true. It's also rather possible that the reason for it varies.

750 posts

Anyone know why a lot of guys think of lesbians (interacting with other lesbians) as being oh so very sexy?

It's probably due to a couple of reasons:
-Male porn stars are chosen for large c**ks, it probably makes guys feel insecure to watch hetero porn.
-Insecurity in being a male.
-Two hot girls are better than one.
1,101 posts

lol all i can say is that ppl who are extreme in there religion (such as not allowing gays to get married due to church saying its not proper) are exactly the same as hitler.... Now most of you out there are gonna be like bull $hit... But seriously, hitler hated jews and homos, and killed them. You hate homos, and therefore ruin there hearts by not allowing them to get married... So next time you extremist catholic fanatics say you hate Hitler, mussolini, Stalin, any of those guys... Your also saying you hate yourself. Plus if you check on the political spectrum Religion is right next to facism.... Sooo technically your fairly close when you become extremist... I beleive that homos have the right for marriage... As marriage is defined as the union of a couple who love each other very much and want to stay together for eternity...

1,463 posts

I don't care if ppl are gay or not. let them be themselves.

3,880 posts

You cant compare Hitler to someone who denies homosexuals rights. This does not take in the whole picture but only the small part of it. They are only similar to Hitler in a single sense, which is no where alone comparable to the rest of Hitler's actions. We think of Hitler as bad for starting WW2, Nazi, and killing a whole bunch. If he were just to be another person who hated Jews and homosexuals, it would be nothing.

Plus if you check on the political spectrum Religion is right next to facism

What do you mean by this? Religion is not a political system o.O.
Fascism, btw.

Christians deny homosexuals because thats what the bible says. Do not attack Christians but the "Word of God".

As of me, I don't care for what a homosexual does, but I do believe it is not something of which you are born to.
1,101 posts

Well actually Drace, Religion is on the political Spectrum. Many Conservatives use this as a tactic, not to mention the Catholic church uses many guidelines similar to society in there own rules and guidelines... Even back in the 1800's and early 1900's when the Church was actually part of the government. THey were very conservative, if not facsist to all those who weren't Christians. It was actually pretty bad. You should learn about it some time soon. Anyways i do believe that you are born to do it. Your whole life is based on all these chemical reactions happening through your body. Your basic huan thought is based on simple atoms moving in and out of membranes in your body. For homosexuals there is a mix up sumwhere in your brain causing you to have these feelings towards other men/ women. All in all how can we force someone who has an attraction toward men not to marry??? And yes im sry but extreme Chrisitans are alot like hitler due to some of the stuff they have, and will pull to stop people from doing stuff.
EX: Grey hound insident, ppl from the states were going to come up to Canada and spit, throw food, and laugh at the funeral session because they are mad at Canada for allowing gays to have marrital rights. Now thats not that bad but pretty soon its gonna be worse.. Not cool

3,880 posts

Hmm, about them chemicals...

How is that chemicals can attract us toward a certain sex? Do we have have a recognizition of the two sexes before we are born? (since apparently this were this "mixup" happens.

Also, what is sexual attraction other them having that feel? This feeling is the same feelings as always and is caused by them chemicals. But to say that we have chemicals different for having an attraction for a different sex...? How would chemicals even affect such thought?

This would mean ever animal has different chemicals for its own species, which I think is a major contradiction with evolution. Say a male cat has
chemicals for a female cat. A male dog has different chemicals then any species since its attracted to a female dog...

If you want, let's take this to the "The Debates Crusades". This will be my opening statement.

9,434 posts

Where are my references when I need them!
The chemicals in your brain has a whole lot to say about what kind of people you become attracted to. Including what your preferred gender will be. Dang, I can't remember where to find the stuff I wanna quote here...

But oh dear. To argue my own statement:
Then what about the bisexuals? That's a pretty bad mixup we have in our heads then, isn't it?

3,880 posts

Bisexuals can easily explained by social means, and are actually great for getting across my point. Like I said, sexual pleasures are nothing but sexual pleasures. Everyone is bisexual, we can all have the same pleasures from both sexes, if we accept it. That is, we don't think its not normal and not nasty.

9,434 posts

Yep, friend of mine agreeing to that point of view (everyone being bi)... It would make things a heck of a lot easier for all the lonely ones, but heterosexuality is a more common fetish than homosexuality and bisexuality... (Sorry for calling heterosexuality a fetish, it technically isn't, but I hope you get my point.)

Btw, Drace, what's your stand on this subject as a whole? I can't remember if I've read it...

3,880 posts

Im not sure what you mean by "heterosexuality is a more common fetish". Hell, I really don't know what fetish means.

My stand on the topic? Hmm, well I generally don't care about homosexuals at all. Let them do whatever they want...
But I have to disagree about it being genetic. The whole thing seems loony to me.

Although, I would rather work against it. I don't like seeing so many differences in people.

141 posts

You know what "gay" rymes with?
Just sayin'.

9,434 posts

Never mind the fetish part then.

I don't think it's really genetic, but it's not a choice either. At least not in most people (a few actually choose to be flamingly gay to stand out - it's really just stupid). It's not a decision you take, it's just - the way you've turned out. Honestly I don't understand true homosexuals. Too bi over here, sorry.

Aww, you don't like differences? As long as there's no hate involved, I think it's the differences that makes the world worth paying attention to. There's so much to explore, so many subcultures, beliefs, opinions, etc~

3,880 posts

The differenences involve no opinions or anything to explore (I would love that). Each set of group doesn't have their own philosophy. There just humans dressed differently. And the difference does lead to hate.

About choosing it, well of course not. No one chooses to be gay...but they turn out that way. An example is that someone in the teenage years who fears that they may be gay. So they start exploring so much that they end of convincing themselves. Or some can't let go of the fact that they get horny to girls, so they settle for bisexual. I think this is something everyone goes through.

9,434 posts

Could argue everyone should just be the same gender then?
I wasn't talking about that difference in particular, though, was more a response to your statement "I don't like seeing so many differences in people."
Sexual orientation involves a heck of a lot more differences than just hetero/homo/bi, but I don't think it would be appropriate of me if I started listing more such differences... Though I think some of them would be a lot better to get rid of than the same sex attractions.
Probably not gonna happen anyway, but a pointless discussion has never hurt anyone as long as it remain friendly.

And could be something everyone goes through, but quite possibly subconsciously for a lot of people.

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