I am a Pastafarian and live by the rules of the Flying Spaghetti Monster who tells us not to be dogmatic, to love each other, and practice piracy. However, here is something a dogmatic Christian can understand, The Bible; Romans 2:1 "If you judge someone else you have no excuse for it. When you judge another person you are judging yourself. You do the same things you blame others for doing." redbedhead please do not bash homosexuals it looks negatively on your character and flawed cause. I say live and let live.
Sometimes you must expose yourself so you can mount a better defense. Suppressing oneself is destructive.
@redbedhead and like posters:
Such hatred. You waste your breath spewing such drivel.
For the rest:
As times change, so must we redefine ourselves. Beliefs need not change with the times; we must stand ready to accommodate many other views, many other sets of beliefs.
"wow listman your the reason people use the words "f.a.g.""
Wow, you are the reason people hate Christians. "F.a.g." should not be a word used against gays ever. Just like the N-Word or any racial slur. Intolerant and homophobic oppressors like you are the reason why people use the word "f.a.g."
I've noticed as traveling across from one side to the other of the U.S. that most "tree hugging" liberal people... no offense... but you people like the gays...
i myself have a gay teacher but hes a nice guy and what makes him a good guy he just doesn't go around telling people what he did with his whatever he likes to do with his buddies...
I myself hate gays that are flamers. If your going to be gay just don't tell people what you did the "other" day.
Homosexuals have and should have the same rights as "straight", people. I myself am not homosexual nor do I know any homosexuals so I am not on my side since I have any contacts with homosexuals. Just because immaturity kicks in people don't have the right to diminish the fact they are still people. They have different "tastes" or what not and have the rights. But thats just opinionated on my moral. But if you have any maturity and understanding then you would probably agree with me. Just because you find it "icky" or "gross", its what they like. Many states still do not allow gay marriage and is still under look. The officials that are on the side of not allowing gay marriage use the claim that it's "unnatural". I say medicine, smoking, alcohol, and most other things are unnatural to us but it is allowed. Just, nauseating to see a group of people "outed" for being different. Also, I want to note that not all homosexuals have sexual desires. Homo"sexual" means they are attracted to the opposite sex. Not that they want to fornicate with the opposite sex. "Flaming" homosexuals usually do so because many people look down on their behaviours and I would probably be irritated to be outed out like some sort of creature.
no listman the n.i.g.g.e.r orginally ment "ignorant" and thats what whites used to call anyone even whites, but when slaves came along they used it on blacks because they incorporated it with it. f.a.g.g.o.t used to mean evil or vile which was incorporated with homos. Gay means happy and it shouldn't be used for homsexuals because the word f.a.g should because of its meaning
Hahah, okay, you go ahead and start calling homosexuals that and see how long your teeth stay in your skull... That's a horrendously offensive word and is meant as such. If you treat any of your fellow humans like that, then I'm quite sure your god would shake his magical finger at you in anger.
Say that around anyone and you may get your teeth knocked out... if someone said that around me, I would not be happy about it. Granted, I wouldn't punch someone in the face... but they might deserve it.