Here is an article that factors crime rate and comes up with the same result as chitwon. New Hampshire is the safest crimewise. [url=http://]
According to the link from sheppard, the states that are safest go in this order:
1. New Hampishire 2. Vermont 3. North Dakota 4. Maine 5. Idaho 6. Wyoming 7. Montana 8. Wisconsin 9. South Dakota 10. Iowa 11. West Virginia 12. Utah 13. Virginia 14. Minnesota 15. New York
1. New Hampishire 2. Vermont 3. North Dakota 4. Maine 5. Idaho 6. Wyoming 7. Montana 8. Wisconsin 9. South Dakota 10. Iowa 11. West Virginia 12. Utah 13. Virginia 14. Minnesota 15. New York
I dont understand how Nevada isnt on there. We havent had A natural disaster in decades, the only place that is high in crime is Vegas, the only thing that would put us on the spot is Area 51 and the amount of Military equipment that is out here.
I'd say, Montana or Alaska. One of those states where everyone lives very far apart and has guns. If everyone has guns, then everyone knows not to mess with anyone. The lack of proximity to one another, tied in to the fact that they're out in no-man's-land and need each other to survive is probably a factor in low crime rates.