ForumsWEPRBorder Security

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Do you believe the US government is doing enough to defend the border to Mexico? Support your reasoning. What should be done? What shouldn't be done?

  • 70 Replies
4,689 posts

Well then why did we buy it from Spain?

To stretch from sea to shining sea. Also known as Manifest Destiny
888 posts

Ok but then we need Utah and then California. Still no need to buy Arizona.

4,689 posts

Probably so there are no chunks of mexico sticking up into the US.

9,439 posts

Sorry, I should have researched a bit more, we bought a lot of western land in the Louisiana Purchase that really belonged to Spain, but most of it wasn't that far south. Some was in parts of what became NM.

We got most of the Southwest and Texas in the Mexican American war in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Some in the Gadsden Purchase. It was all for expansion. Mostly to just make the US bigger. Like how the top half of Russia is mostly a frozen wasteland, the Southwest has the opposite in temperature and is mostly just for territory.

9,439 posts

Here's Wiki on Border Patrol

The Border Patrol has suffered more in the line of duty deaths than any other federal law enforcement agency since the patrolling of the border began in 1904. On a daily basis Patrol Agents work in wilderness areas along the United States international border in areas notorious for alien smuggling, narcotics smuggling, and banditry.

The majority of deaths were caused by gunfire.

383 posts

We need to have an absolutely impenetrable border except at designated cross points.

That'd be expensive. I understand your terrorist point, but immigrants help put more money into the country than they give. (At least, according to a documentary)

I personally don't mind them doing the jobs I'd rather not. Then again I'm also unemployed so it's a bit rough.

Doubled edged sword, this. For me personally. But I also live on the east coast, not a big immigration problem here.
1,482 posts

I personally don't mind them doing the jobs I'd rather not. Then again I'm also unemployed so it's a bit rough.

These people wont' always want to do the jobs you'd rather not. Imagine all of those McDonalds scouring the country, you know that the closer you get to the border -- the more packed they are of immigrants. With an economy like this, I'm sure I could find some white/black people who'd hop in there, no joke.

Also, people like to move up the ladder, immigrants or not, I'm sure that if some found some opportunities, they would take them. It wouldn't be fair for others who came here legally or had ancestors that did so.

Not to mention, what about their children? Most immigrants that come here try to have kids, so that they'll be American [thus making their residency pretty much permanent] -- I know it's not fair to deny them citizenship, but these kids will grow up with a sense of distrust in their own government, a feeling of unamericanism, and possibly supporting illegal immigration.

Also, It's quite obvious to say this, but unrestricted immigration is never a good idea. Our country is democratic, and there are 150 million Mexicans in Mexico. A ton of them being allowed to just flop in would lower our education standards [while also putting a strain on them], create nasty competetiveness in the lower end of the job market [It's not as if 'jobs that others won't do' are unlimited], and pull down our per capita GDP. If you can't employ them, Immigrants become an issue. [Such as post 50-60's de-industrialization in America, where we started to look for more 'higher end' immigrants seeing as uneducated factory workers weren't going to find work in the country.

And, this might not sound fair, but they do cause a language barrier. I mean, I see immigrants from all sorts of the world, talking to each other, any immigrant can speak to another in English it seems. Yet, when a Spanish speaker comes, I feel they haven't received that level of education in the English language to make a fluid conversation. [This of course stems from the issue that those who speak better English came to America by legal means, whereas those who merely crossed a border did not].

Also, they seem to like drugs and they seem to not like education. [Just a big generalization, but statistics prove most of them usually have kids that don't go too far in the professional ladder]

Overall, I'd like some security. Best ideas, for me, I would say, is putting the National Guard down there, and some state-funded efforts as well, all combined with surveying the areas that are most likely to be crossed. It seems to be a necessary precaution. I'm not racist or anything, but I feel Americans are already lacking common sense and to flood the country with people that barely have a high school education sets a bad precedent.

Overall, though it might seem like a double edged sword, it doesn't look like one at its heart. Especially considering that some of these people live in extreme poverty, I feel just letting them hop into our country does no good to combat the issue of poverty itself.
9,439 posts

It'll be funny when America goes completely to hell (we're about 1/4 of the way) and Canada is having this discussion!

383 posts

That'd be expensive. I understand your terrorist point, but immigrants help put more money into the country than they give. (At least, according to a documentary)

I meant "Than they take", there. AG really needs a new forum system so we can edit crap.
9,439 posts

The goods they create are made cheaper and sold at inflated costs. The owners of the companies get richer and they save money on paying minimum salaries, workers compensation, taxes...

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