Nope. Actually, this has never happened. Care to scientifically test this?
There is absolutely no reason it would do any actual physical healing. If you went in with a scratch, the scratch would stay. There is, however, two reasons I can immediately think of that would remove any mild pain you have. One would be the placebo effect, if you went in and said "Maybe this will help my pain" then you may think the pain was dulled. Same as if you took a sugar pill. The second would be the fact that you simply didn't notice the pain do to distractions. This would be like me not noticing my sunburns while I am working, the mild pain "Goes away" when you are focusing on something else. Otherwise, no, it wouldn't heal.
Standing in a church doesnt make you a christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. if churches could heal, why do so many christians die of illness?
That is true, but this is science. You must be unbiased in science. And would you like to test this claim? We could test this pathetic hypothesis with a few unbiased volunteers and a scientific way of testing, like a few guys with scratches. If they go in their Church, Religious building, and Masque and come out without the scratches, you are right. If not, I am right. Go ahead. Try it.
Nahh, churches don't heal and neither do prayers, the only reason you might feel better while you're in a church is that the atmosphere (Whether it be a community/social atmosphere or a more 'rofessional' or sombre one) that some churches have distracts you from any small illnesses and pain you're having because you're too busy talking to other people/listening to some dude preach/whatever happens in a church (I have no idea - sacrificing goats?).
And so? You made (or asked) a claim that can be scientifically proven or disproven. You don't need to be religious for that. And btw: Why should God heal people in churches? And why should he heal you from a soar throught while there are millions of people starving and dying from AIDS, malaria, etc. ?
(I think he meant sore: illness/scrape, instead of soar: to fly.)
The reason it happened is because you were distracted from the discomfort. Like when a kid gets a shot or a splinter removed and the doctor tells them to focus on squeezing his hand.
I think it's a case of letting your mind believe that the spirituality surrounding the church can heal you. When perhaps you just needed to get away from things.
I can't see the church actually healing a physical ailment. I could see someone with problems find comfort from the church and heal any mental suffering they might have. For example, if a family member had died a person could be comforted by the belief that God was there with them and also find comfort in being with other people.