I dont know why people believe in them, there wasn't a miracle NEVER the history about jesus is only a story we dont know if the miracles are real and, has he ever done nothing for you? no I'm Atheist and nothing happened to me in my life.
My parent injected me the religion, but when i grew up i became an atheist because i thought at that, i never went more to the church and nothing happened to me besides the fact that i dont need more to go to the church on sunday morning (Muahhauahh)
In general people believe in religion (we'll keep it general for now) for one of three reasons. One: All religions provide or attempt to provide an answer to where we came from and what we should be doing with our lives. While we value our independence, for many people, following a set path is easier than not knowing what your future might hold. Two: If you believe in a religion and it turns out that there is no god, what have you lost other than some pointless prayers? Either way your life would have ended. However, pick the right religion and you are rewarded in an eternal afterlife (assuming you followed it). This reason is more like a gamble, but it tends to be a common ground for religion at the very least. Three: Religious texts can often speak to people. No matter what we believe we can't deny that there is some wisdom in some religious texts (no need to find sexist quotes to mock what I'm saying, those are not what I'm referring to). Even if they are things that anyone else could have told you, discovering the wisdom in a religious text holds a certain sentimental value to some people.
Any person that feels comfortable with their religion probably has a combination of the three.
I see this thread is starting to become a Christianity vs Atheism thread, so I'd like to point out that I was trying to answer the main question of the thread, and these don't necessarily have anything to do with what or why I believe. These are just the typical reasons many religious persons hold for believing in religion.
I agree with part one. Part two is Pascal's wager which has been discussed in another thread. You should read it. Part three... meh, doesn't seem like a reason to me, but I might be wrong. And you forgot number 4: childhood indoctrination.
The answer to this is simple....Love we all have a love inside us that is unexplainable except through the words of God. God gave us the gift of free will so that we may believe as we choose so that we may come to him of our own valition not rather that we be forced because that is not love that is hate.To the responce above christindom has lost nothing to science brainwashing from liberal media for the past several centuries has just escalated the willingness to not believe in God specificaly for example creationism the story of how God created the universe and its inhabitents in 7 days this paticular selection is the most often singled out from the bible to be disproven when from our concept of time this is impossible but thats exactly what it is "Our concept of time" a day to god could be several hundred million years seeing as he has no concept of time as time is a man made construct.all arguments asside who to say God didnt creat us all through evolution matters like these are beyond our comprehension and those to dane such knowledge are just plain arrogent. another thing christianity is 99% of the time is the only religion mentioned by self proclaimed athiests. In our world today christianity is almost ssystematicaly targeted to be disproven very seldomly will you here anything about Islam or Judaeism ect....If you take a good look at what the bible says this is exactly what the objective of Satan is.our scociety is just conforming to not athieism but anti chistianity and any upright red blooded christian can see this making their beliefe all the more stronger. one last thing to you conformists out there asking questions like if God is real then why does he let catastophies happen where countless people die needlessly again this answer is simple we go when we are meant to go. our lives are finite if our lives were Infinite then we ourselves would be God.
and remember one thing not beliving in god is popular but why be popular when it meens you cant be yourself
I don't post here often. but you just contradicted yourself. You say god gave humans free will and I agree with you being a Muslim. But then you say this.
and remember one thing not beliving in god is popular but why be popular when it meens you cant be yourself
Maybe it's the atheist choice of being an atheist. If God gave all of us free will then there's obviously people who won't believe in Him. It's they're choice. A person usually become atheist after a long period of pondering on religion and this world in general. Not just because some of his friends are atheist and he wants to be "cool" and follow the herd.
The answer to this is simple....Love we all have a love inside us that is unexplainable except through the words of God. God gave us the gift of free will so that we may believe as we choose so that we may come to him of our own valition not rather that we be forced because that is not love that is hate.To the responce above christindom has lost nothing to science brainwashing from liberal media for the past several centuries has just escalated the willingness to not believe in God specificaly for example creationism the story of how God created the universe and its inhabitents in 7 days this paticular selection is the most often singled out from the bible to be disproven when from our concept of time this is impossible but thats exactly what it is "Our concept of time" a day to god could be several hundred million years seeing as he has no concept of time as time is a man made construct.all arguments asside who to say God didnt creat us all through evolution matters like these are beyond our comprehension and those to dane such knowledge are just plain arrogent. another thing christianity is 99% of the time is the only religion mentioned by self proclaimed athiests. In our world today christianity is almost ssystematicaly targeted to be disproven very seldomly will you here anything about Islam or Judaeism ect....If you take a good look at what the bible says this is exactly what the objective of Satan is.our scociety is just conforming to not athieism but anti chistianity and any upright red blooded christian can see this making their beliefe all the more stronger. one last thing to you conformists out there asking questions like if God is real then why does he let catastophies happen where countless people die needlessly again this answer is simple we go when we are meant to go. our lives are finite if our lives were Infinite then we ourselves would be God.
You know what I saw when I read this? Another ignorant Christian making massive and false assumptions and showing their lack of knowledge relating to atheism while at the same time making vague cries of persecution by the 'liberal media' - perhaps you'd fit in better at Rapture Ready?
and remember one thing not beliving in god is popular but why be popular when it meens you cant be yourself
I have never, at any point in my life, believed in a higher power or deities - all humans are born not believing in any higher power or deities, sadly some people end up turning to religion, we're all born without religion though. Sure, I examined a lot of religions for myself and looked to see if any made sense to me, none of them withstood a critical dissection though and most of the holy books were suitable for listing the morals I'd come to by my own conclusion without/before reading those books.
The answer to this is simple....Love we all have a love inside us that is unexplainable except through the words of God.
Love is an interaction of different emotional states that are the result of various chemical processes in the brain. The specifics can be difficult to pin down but it's far from unexplainable and has nothing to do with magic words.
God gave us the gift of free will so that we may believe as we choose so that we may come to him of our own valition not rather that we be forced because that is not love that is hate.
When you throw in punishments for not going to him you forfeit any claim of it being loving.
To the responce above christindom has lost nothing to science brainwashing from liberal media for the past several centuries has just escalated the willingness to not believe in God specificaly for example creationism the story of how God created the universe and its inhabitents in 7 days this paticular selection is the most often singled out from the bible to be disproven when from our concept of time this is impossible but thats exactly what it is "Our concept of time" a day to god could be several hundred million years seeing as he has no concept of time as time is a man made construct.
That's just a made up excuse to try and fit a discredited Biblical claim. Yes creationism has been disproven, it never had a leg to stand on. It would be completely pointless for God to use a term day in reference to a time frame we don't understand. Even if this was the case it doesn't matter as all observation does not fit with this account. The Earth wasn't created before the sun, plants weren't created before the sun and humans aren't some separate from of life from animals. Just to name a few.
all arguments asside who to say God didnt creat us all through evolution matters like these are beyond our comprehension and those to dane such knowledge are just plain arrogent.
Evolution is guided by natural selection not a magic man in the sky. We can say he doesn't because there is no indication of such influences and we have explanations of what does influence the process.
another thing christianity is 99% of the time is the only religion mentioned by self proclaimed athiests.
It being the largest one it's the one most atheists are familiar with. Also it's one that quite often tries to shove it's self down everyone throat whether they want it or not. So yeah it's going to get cover a lot. You'll notice as Islam has been growing and opening it's mouth more it to has been getting "targeted" more as well.
one last thing to you conformists out there asking questions like if God is real then why does he let catastophies happen where countless people die needlessly again this answer is simple we go when we are meant to go. our lives are finite if our lives were Infinite then we ourselves would be God.
That doesn't answer why the methods used have to be so cruel and many time violent resulting in undue suffering all around. A God using or at least allowing such methods can hardly take claim to being a benevolent one.
and remember one thing not beliving in god is popular but why be popular when it meens you cant be yourself
there are people who do it to seem like "the cool rebel" I would call them tools. Many however are atheists because of the evidence and acceptance of reality over a self deluding fantasy.
To deathopper I appologise for being vague about how i worded that I didnt meen hey lets just jump on the bandwaggon again thats my badill be sure to chose my words more carefuly next time thank you for bringing that point up
To Avorne.....dude do your self a favor go cut your wrists seriously your stupid I was an athiest for many years myself I know what it is to live that life. instead of looking at what i said and seeing it as what it is a responce to the thread why do people belive. you hop on it as a personal a attack on yourself your hostilty is pointless and your just making *** of yourself
To Avorne.....dude do your self a favor go cut your wrists seriously your stupid I was an athiest for many years myself I know what it is to live that life. instead of looking at what i said and seeing it as what it is a responce to the thread why do people belive. you hop on it as a personal a attack on yourself your hostilty is pointless and your just making *** of yourself
I stopped self-harming a long time ago and I don't plan on going back to that if it's all the same to you. Also - "seriously your stupid"? Really? You're going to insult my intelligence by not even using proper spelling or punctuation? Just because you have personal experiences of atheism doesn't mean that they are the same as mine and you shouldn't stereotype all atheists as being X or Y because the only thing that Atheists have in common is that they don't believe in deities. Also, you say that I'm making personal attacks and being hostile and then respond with a personal attack and hostility, if you're going to hold me to account for something then don't start doing that thing yourself.
It's a matter of opinion... no one has the right answer...why do you keep arguing about it? (rhetorical)
It's like every now and then someone wants to sound smart and so he/she makes a pro/anti-religion thread, then everyone else jumps in to outsmart the OP and make themselves feel good, often dissing others once they run out of sensible arguments (and that always happens in a pointless discussion). I'm not saying I'm a smart one, I just weep every time I see this sort of thing.
It's a matter of opinion... no one has the right answer...why do you keep arguing about it? (rhetorical)
No, this is a matter of science. This is not opinion. There are scientific reasons why people believe in a god, most are sociological and psychological. Science says there probably is no god. Reality isn't just "A matter of opinion".
It's like every now and then someone wants to sound smart and so he/she makes a pro/anti-religion thread, then everyone else jumps in to outsmart the OP and make themselves feel good, often dissing others once they run out of sensible arguments (and that always happens in a pointless discussion).
And I like how someone comes along and whines about it without contributing anything to the conversation. It doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look annoying. So now that we have that out of the way, if you don't like them, don't go on them.
I'm not saying I'm a smart one, I just weep every time I see this sort of thing.
Wimp. And yes, you seem to be the one who thinks they are more intelligent then anyone else on the thread. Why else would you post without anything to say rather than stating your own insane philosophy?
Hmm. Indoctrination, very good word. I never thought of that for this context. I grew up christian myself, but became agnostic/atheist in high school as I developed more critical thinking. Mother is saddened by this, father really isn't in the picture anymore to judge.