ForumsWEPRWhat is the world's BIGGEST PROBLEM?

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9,439 posts

Drug abuse? Violence? Racism? Disease? Starvation? War? Something else? Support your reasoning.

  • 187 Replies
132 posts

Religion. It has been the source of many wars and murders. The Crusades, Inquisition, jihad, and many other events are caused by this.
Want a good example? Look how violent and low MOST of the middle east is. Not all of them are like that though

1,482 posts


I know people love to contribute their atheist views on nearly every thread, but that's a terrible example.

Religion, and, I don't argue it's trueness since that's not what this thread is for, but, possibly due to people liking it in history, has done some good on this planet people just occasionally tend to forget.

Other problems, though, such as poverty, war itself, lack of tolerance, etc, have done nothing but good at all.

If you want counter examples -- then you should know that one core argument that Atheism uses to contradict Christianity is their belief in the Old Testament or respect of it, which they say is flooded with offensive suggestions/warlike ones. At the same time, you chose to say the Middle East is low and violent. Why is your view not the same for the Christian World? Furthermore, Islam in itself isn't as Middle Eastern as everyone thinks, culture has embedded itself much more like a rock than the religion itself has, and that being said, the middle east is low and violent due to it's lack of unity following the disbandment of the Ottoman Empire and lack of control over their own governments and national resources.
Furthermore, the Crusades bought about an end to the European dark ages and helped spread knowledge across into Europe, which eventually lead to some remarkable inventions for mankind.
The inquisition, though obviously lacking tolerance, did help to re-unite Europe as a 'Christian' Nation, which, I think in a way, helped to begin the trend of creating nation states. Though it was a terrible act, the idea of still having empires and territorial possessions over war sounds much worse to me.
Furthermore, in feudal Europe, Churches were a place to find education, not to kill people. Albeit, it is understandable that all that you learned within the church wasn't all tolerated at the same level, that still does not disprove their significance in actually helping people.

Now it's possible to argue that if religion weren't around history would have fun different courses, but that is simply not the case, nor is it the case today. So it doesn't make sense to call it the world's biggest problem that we have to get rid of. Just my thoughts.

Personally, I still think poverty wins. It's the root source of many issues. Also, sometimes, the end result of many others.
132 posts

I know people love to contribute their atheist views on nearly every thread, but that's a terrible example.

Religion, and, I don't argue it's trueness since that's not what this thread is for, but, possibly due to people liking it in history, has done some good on this planet people just occasionally tend to forget.

Other problems, though, such as poverty, war itself, lack of tolerance, etc, have done nothing but good at all.

Are you Baptist? Lol jk but I guess I have to agree with you on some of that. To me the second biggest problem would be the thirst for power. That doesn't necessarily mean having money but just control. Oh and uhh I think maybe ( I'm not sure on this so don't quote me ) the movie Bowling for Columbine can explain the problems here in America
42 posts


If everything on the earth was infinite there would be no wars, racism, drug abuse , violence , every disease is able to be solved with engough money and people working on it ( just look at the progression made by medical researchers on cures or remedy's for a lot of forms of cancer ) .

189 posts

I've read through alot of these posts and something is in common with all of them no matter how large small or different. The worlds biggest problem in my eyes is the simple fact that we cant fix a problem to begin with and that results in the biggest problem of all.

255 posts


2,911 posts

Religion. It has been the source of many wars and murders. The Crusades, Inquisition, jihad, and many other events are caused by this.

It's not religion that caused the violence, it's the people of the religion that caused the violence. I'm athiest as well, but I find the whole "Religion has caused all the wars in this world. Your arguement is invalid." to only apply to those cases. Jihad isn't even a war it's saying it's ok to go to war in the name of Allah if I remember my world history correctly. And look at Buddhists. The only reason a Buddhist monk can beat the **** out anyone is because they had to learn how to defend themselves from multiple enemies. They're generally peaceful people.

But I feel the biggest problem in the world is stupid people. They are the ones who don't have a single clue as to what's going and still reserve the right to vote? It drives me crazy when people say who they voted for because they said something the voter liked. Talk is cheap, to actually know what they'll do, look up their records of what they've done while in office. Which would include: spending within means, actually listening to the people (they voted him/her into office, it's the least they could do), no empty promises, no stupid laws imposed (apparantly, it's illegal to have a turtle where I live), etc. It's not that hard, it can be easily looked up.

Stupid people are also the least tolerant ones. They usually think Middle East=everyone there's a terrorist and a bomb goes off every five seconds. Leading them to hate the religion as a whole.

A world without stupid people would make shorter, more efficient and productive conversations. Power hungry liars wouldn't be in office. USA wouldn't have invaded Iraq if stupid people didn't have a say. Gay marriage would be legal throughout the world by now. Bullying would be dealt with more effectively. Holocaust wouldn't have happened. Africa probably wouldn't be an endless bloodbath without stupid people.
846 posts

Lackacomensus, Also known as lack of common sense. It is at the root of everything. A lack of common sense caused the mindless killings of the holocaust, it causes wars over pointless things, and causes people to develop ridiculous stereotypes. Some say that it is "stupidity" but I think it is just a lack of common sense, that is becoming less and less common by the day...
(Lackacomensus is a word I made up)

349 posts

My **** is tacking up too much room.

132 posts

But I feel the biggest problem in the world is stupid people. They are the ones who don't have a single clue as to what's going and still reserve the right to vote? It drives me crazy when people say who they voted for because they said something the voter liked. Talk is cheap, to actually know what they'll do, look up their records of what they've done while in office. Which would include: spending within means, actually listening to the people (they voted him/her into office, it's the least they could do), no empty promises, no stupid laws imposed (apparantly, it's illegal to have a turtle where I live), etc. It's not that hard, it can be easily looked up.

You wouldn't believe the answers I've heard from people when I asked them why they were voting for that person. I go to a Christian private school and we always have these debates every week. One day were discussing which form of government is better: Democracy VS Republic. We happened to get on the topic of Bush ( the debate was going to end up there either way ) and I asked a fellow peer why he voted for him. He said " Because he's against abortion and gay marriage" and asked him if that was it and if that was the only reason why he voted for him and he said "yup". I stopped debating with him because I knew it would be pointless if he went on that logic so everyone thought I loss because of that answer he gave. He voted based on the philosophical views of the president. He didn't care where our economy went or how things were dealt with just as long as there no homosexuals or abortions.
159 posts

I'd say that the worlds biggest problem is greed

I strongly agree!!!!!
100 posts


100 posts

Sry, double-post. I want to explain: Mankind is like a virus for the planet. We are only taking all we need from the nature, but giving nearly nothing back. If you see it over longer times, we going to kill our own race, plus all the other ones living on earth. (Sry for my bad english)

2,911 posts

We are only taking all we need from the nature, but giving nearly nothing back

We are working on this, though. Just look at all of the wildlife protection programs. And although it's going to be some years before this is universal, but we're working as fast as we can to establish clean, renewable fuels for all of our energy sources. 75% of the energy that's used where I live comes from the TVA Power Plant, and nuclear energy burns a lot cleaner than coal considering the fumes coming out of those giant stacks is only steam.
9,439 posts

nuclear energy burns a lot cleaner than coal considering the fumes coming out of those giant stacks is only steam.

But after what happened to the plants in Japan, people are more reluctant to build new ones and consider demolishing old ones.
Showing 61-75 of 187